Chapter 22

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Devin's POV**

I laid Haley down on our bed; fluffing her pillow, bringing her some clothes to change into, a glass of water and some aspirin, and her favorite blanket I made her when we were kids. I watched her eyes clothes and heard her sigh calmly as she drifted to sleep holding my hand. I slid my hand out of her grip and kissed her cheek. I stalked out of the room turning down the stairs and into the basement.

Blood hit my nose pretty quickly as soon as I opened the door to the cells. My dad and Blake were locking the doors as I walked in behind him. They had silver chains wrapped around their wrists and ankles pinned up to the wall. My wolf stirred inside of me when he heard Amber moan out in pain from the chain wrapped around her neck.

"They should die." Blake spat out hatefully looking Amber dead in the eye with anger.

"Slowly." I looked at Eric as he tried to maneuver his body from the chains, he hissed in pain only making my wolf stir more to rip his head off. He threatened my mate, he knows the consequences for his actions when he messes with an Alpha's female; Instant Death.

Haley's scent floated to my nose masking the blood, my nose flared taking it it, savoring each distinct smell; lemon, jasmine, green apple. My eyes coated in a amber color as her heat wavered around my entire body, damn I gotta get back upstairs or I'll be a walking hard-on. I turned around heading to the door before my dad's voice stopped me.

"There is a full moon tomorrow, your wolf's needs are going to be heightened. Haley will feel it to just 10x less then you. You'll want to be with her all day in your room, I can smell she's in he-" My lips rolled back in a growl as I figured what he was gonna say before he even said it, she's my mate not his and if he thinks he can just go around smelling her he's going to have to think again.

"Watch it Boy! I put you in your place earlier I can put you in your place now. As I was saying; I can smell her heat like any Alpha could. It doesn't effect me because I only get aroused for your mothers smell, just like you can smell everything now that you're alpha. When you do get together, don't freak if you stake your claim on her again it's natural. Now you have to be careful because your wolf is the one in need not you, so he's going to take full control of your body even possibly shift if he has to."

I nodded my head in understanding before I walked out of the basement up to my room for Haley. If the full moon is tomorrow I already have some of the side effects of wanting my mate now. Her smell kept intoxicating my nose as I got closer and closer to the door.


Haley's POV**

I rolled over on the bed grabbing for Devin but I was met with air. Where is he? I looked around in the room smelling his scent lingering in the room but it was old, I smelled harder learning he was still in the house just not here. I felt my arms sticky and yuckly from Devin's saliva and the dried blood.

"I'm taking a shower; now." I spoke to my self looking at my stuffed tiger that laid on the floor by the door. I flipped off the other side of the bed creeping over to the bathroom. I fumbled around in the cabinets for a towel before I turned on the water. I took off Devin's shirt before I stepped into the tub.

The warm water hit my back making me flinch away from the sore wounds but I relaxed once the pain went away. I washed my hair and body and shaved my legs before I just let the water roll of my body for a pain reliever. I heard Devin's loud growl come from somewhere in the house but no where near here. I turned the water off stepping out for my towel.

I wrapped my body up in it walking out of the fog filled room into the closet for my clothes. I grabbed some Hollister black and white skinny sweat pants, a red Hollister shirt, and my comfy warm socks. Just as I walked out of the closet Devin was walking into the room with lust filled eyes.

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