Chapter 10

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Pic of what I think Celest looks like.


'What happened Haley?' Blake thought to me.


'You finish him?'

'Yup' I made sure to pop the P in my thoughts.

'Good' There was a shuffling from behind us, Devin walked out of the bushes with Amy (ex-mother), Alpha Alexander, Aiden, and Celest. Why was Celest here?

'Celest?' I thought to her and Aiden.

"Yeah?" She replied back.

'Ok. Why are you guys here?'

"You little bitch! You killed my mate! How dare you?" Amy spat out at me.

Blake and Liam snarled towards her, showing their teeth and standing their ground.

'Back down' I used somewhat of my Beta voice towards Blake and Liam, they both looked at me funny but did stand down to my authority, they had to it was just in there wolf to do it. I walked back to Blake, shifting behind him so Devin's group couldn't see me.

"He attacked me first! We were running, I got ahead, his friends cornered Blake, Liam, and Jock while Tod tried to kill me. He didn't try hard enough because I was seriously bored out of my mind 10 minutes into his little showing off. I didn't kill him either, I just ripped his jaw out his skull. He was alive when I left him." I yelled back at Amy, she took a step back but regained her courage towards me a little to quickly to Devin and Aiden's liking.

"He should've killed you when he had you beaten and bruised on our kitchen floor all those years ago. I should've let him end you, instead of sticking up for your sorry ass." she whisper/yelled. Devin and Aiden shook with anger, their bodies were shaking about to shift to their wolves when Alpha Alexander stepped up to speak.

"Amy? You let your husband beat your daughter?" Amy gulped down fear when Alpha Alexander spoke his words.

"Alp-" was all she got out.

"I hear-by banish you and whats left of your family from my pack. Bethany, Alexandria, Jackson, and You will spend 78 hours in the pack prison before you have to get the hell off my land. I strip your son of his Beta roll towards my son, he is now a nobody." he spat at her with so much anger I thought he was gonna shift.

"Noooooo, punish me but don't bring the children in this, they did nothing."

"Lies all Lies! You laughed as Bethany would push me down the stairs, stab me with pencils, cut my hair, slap me. Alexandria was too little to do much damage but she did try throwing her toys at my head. Jackson never laid a hand on me, he never stopped it because of fear towards Tod. Alpha Alexander don't banish my brother, he did nothing wrong."

"Haley, your brother will spend time in the jail for being apart of the family, but he will not be banished or stripped of his title."

"Thank you Alpha. I'll make sure to keep him in check."

"Good enough Haley! Devin take Haley and the boys to the pack house so they can clean up and hopefully stay for dinner?" Alpha Alexander made his statement a question.

"Yes Alpha Rick, we'll stay with you and your luna for dinner." Aiden spoke for the first time since he'd gotten here. Hmm, wonder what's up?

Devin shifted walking over towards me, motioning to follow him. I shifted back to my wolf only to hear Amy gasp at my white fur. I growled towards, showing my dominance. Devin shuved me along towards the trees to his pack house.



'Will you stay at my house tonight? So my wolf knows you're ok?'

'What's the catch?'

'No catch.'

'Blake, Liam, and Jock too?'



'Good with me, Hale!' Blake thought to me.

'Us too.' Came from Jock.

We took off running towards his house, I was in the lead for some odd reason again but I did remember to look back every once in a while to make sure they were still there. I stopped abruptly when I heard a God off noise coming from the trees, I looked up only to see the belly of a Werecat pouncing on me from the safety of the branches. It howled and scratched at my face, I was literally pinned underneath it. Struggling. Where the hell are the boys? I snapped at its legs, finally catching one in my mouth pulling it off me. I leaped up quick so I stood at least 3ft taller then the WereLion. Yeah, there is WereLions, WereCheetahs, WereLeopards, WereMountainLions, WerePanthers; all kinds of cats. Us wolves don't particularly like them either, it's on instict to provoke them.

I snapped my jaws and snarled showing my teeth towards the She-lion. She stood her ground snarling at me too. This was just gonna be too fun! I leaped on top of her, snapping at her shoulders to submit to me. She tried bucking me off, only to fail. She fell underneath me, submiting to my size and weight.


Devin's POV***

I ran behind my little mate, keeping my senses open to any danger she wasn't aware off. I let my guard down just a little, when a WereLion pounced on my mate, I let my wolf take over my body, but my body wouldn't move, it was honestly like my wolf wanted to watch my mate get hurt by this cat. Haley snapped at the cats shoulders and legs trying to sink her teeth into the cat, she finally grabbed ahold of a leg and threw the cat across the forest floor. She stood up shaking off the dust and dirt, snarling and snapping her jaws. I wanted to run up to her and congratulate my little girl for defeating the cat, but once again my body just wouldn't move. Haley pounced on top of the She-Lion biting at her so submit, after a good while she finally did allowing Haley to regain her ground.

The She-lion shifted back to her person, laying underneath my Haley who was still in wolf form.

"Mind getting off of me, mutt?" her words made me snap out of my trance and growl. Nobody calls my Haley a mutt! I will kill.

Haley growled at the girl, scratching at her back. I didn't understand, I would've killed the cat the instant I had a chance, but Haley was just standing there. She got off the girl and started walking the way to the pack house. I took off towards her, catching her instantly.

'My Mate' I thought to her, while I rubbed against her side. She flinched at first, but continued to let me rub my scent all over her. She smelled like cat.

'Watch it Big Boy.' she thought only to me, I loved it when she called me Big Boy, made me feel Big.

'Or what?'

'I'll bite you.'

'Ooo so scary.'

She nipped at my ear playfully, pulling on it with her mouth.


'Yes Hale, you got me.'

I continued to rub agaisnt her till we got to the house, where I shifted first to bring some clothes to the others.

Plus nobody needed to see My Haley naked but me. My wolf howled at the idea of Haley naked under me, kissing all over her body, letting my hands explore every little inch of her. I do hope she's still a virgin, I want to be a first and her only.

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now