Chapter 6

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Pic of what I think Aiden looks like


Devin pushed me behind him, yeah I did roll off the other side of the bed with a load 'thud'. Devin wasn't so happy that Aiden burst into my room interrupting us, Aiden must've smelled me so I don't blame him. Aiden looked my way and mouthed "you're mine" I shuddered and pressed myself up against the wall behind me. Devin was even more pissed when I moved away. Blake ran into the room, immediately coming to my rescue, he picked me up bridal style, I moaned because the pain in my stomach was back. Devin growled at Blake, but I gave him a reassuring look telling him it was OK. Blake took me past Aiden and I didn't even look up, sure Aiden was my alpha but he had no right bursting into my room the way he did, he should know a girl needs privacy. Yeah, I was basically the only girl in the pack now because the others found their mates at school. Blake laid me down on his bed, coming to lay down beside me, I jerked back at first then I relaxed because he started doing what Devin was doing, the pain went away some but not as much as it did with Devin. I could hear yelling from my room where Aiden and Devin were. Blake kissed my forehead telling me to relax and go to sleep, everything was going to be fine. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over my body.

I had no idea how long I had been asleep, but the yelling had stopped, I hoped everything was fine. It was dark outside so it was obviously night, I could feel somebody breathing behind me, they had one arm holding my waist and the other playing with my hair. I knew it was Devin by the way my wolf was completely OK with his actions. He blew air on the back of my neck, tickling my ear. I squirmed, his hold grew tighter.

"You're awake, baby girl. I can tell." he whispered in my ear.

He started calling me baby girl since I've been back. He breathed on my neck again, I fought back a moan that wanted to come out of my mouth, covering it with a cough. Devin laughed, adjusting us to I was looking at him now.

"It's 8:38, wanna go for a walk?"

"Yeah, I think I could use that."

"Ask Aiden first, I don't want him thinking anything bad, or coming to look for us."

"OK, where is he?"

He nodded behind me, I only saw Aiden's shadow since it was dark, but I knew he was awake and breathing. I got up to sit beside him, he jerked back a little but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Aiden, can I go for a walk with Devin?"

"Where are you going?" he asked just above a whisper.

"Just down by the lake."  Devin replied for me.

"You have a curfew Haley, 12:30 on the dot, no later. I will personally rip his throat out if you are."

"Yes, Aiden, No later. I promise." I kissed his cheek, earning a growl from Devin. I smiled, walking to get my shoes from the closet. I told Blake where I was going and when I was coming back. Devin picked me up bridal style, carrying me towards the woods, oppisite the lake.


"Shh... I'm taking you to the lake just not yet, I have some business to take care of." he whispered back to me. I relaxed knowing he wouldn't hurt me or harm me in any way. He was my mate, so I had to trust him a little. My trust lingered when the exes and Mr. Alexander walked out of the woods to meet us.

"What are you doing?" I asked Devin.

"Taking you home..."

"Let me go...NOW"

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now