🌹 REVIEWER: Kailyn [ ON HOLD ] 🌹

495 13 46

Username: Kailucy

What to know about her as a reviewer:

• has experience judging from several awards, in the following genres historical fiction, science fiction, romance, chicklit, and poetry
• prefers to read books from the above genres along with action, adventure and y/a
•prefers not to read fanfiction, lgbtq+, or smut
• will usually read up to the introduction of the main conflict, but if your story has very few weak points, she will continue reading to find any room for improvement, if any
• will read the first 5-10 chapters depending on the length

What to know about her reviews:

• reviews in 8 individual categories

Cover: 10
Title: 10
Blurb: 10
Character development: 10
Plot: 20
Writing style: 20
Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 10
Enjoyment: 10
Overall: 100

• reviews will be in depth and will range around 200-400 words.
• most critical against plot, and grammar/vocabulary.
• provides resources to improve the weak points in your story (via PM or email)

If you want a reviewer that goes in-depth in almost every aspect of your story and offer as much help as possible to develop your writing, Kailyn is the right reviewer for you!


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