✦ { Holly } A Ballad of Falling Light

32 4 7

Reviewer: lantea-

Client: XxFaylinexX 

🌹》 Title, Cover, & Blurb
The title fits the story and attracts readers. The cover isn't very appealing, I feel like the elements don't go well together. The font for the title and author name are a little hard to read. The blue and the copper are also dark, maybe try adding a lighter color to the cover like making the title a lighter. The blurb introduces the characters and the story well.

🌹》 Plot
The plot of the story is interesting and it keeps the readers hooked. It's interesting to see how all of these characters are coming together and going to end up at the Lake of Mirrors. The exposition introduces the world and characters well. It also introduces the characters' situations very well. The plot is progressing at a nice pace as well. It's very clear a lot of thought went into the creation of the world in the story!

🌹》 Characters
The characters are all introduced and described well. The descriptions of the characters are worked into the narration seamlessly. They're all unique and interesting. I liked how each clan had different views on gender and sexuality. The characters' personalities are shown throughout the chapters very well. A lot of them are quite witty which is always enjoyable! I liked this part with Eos a lot: "She considered correcting him on the title, either through a passive aggressive statement or by punching him in the face…" and the part when she referred to the queen as "Her Royal Incompetence." I also liked Vanora considering screaming at the seagulls and that she had done it before. The characters all had an aspect about them that I liked. Enya is terrifying, but I honestly can't wait to see what she does next. Siraj is such an excitable puppy, he's adorable!

🌹》 Grammar/Spelling
I noticed a few spelling errors throughout the chapters, but nothing too bad. Just a note, ship names, like the Marmoris, should be italicized.

🌹》 Writing Style
The writing style is consistent throughout the chapters. Descriptions and information are worked into the story very well. Chapters four and five were a little too long, however, it might be hard to find a good spot to break those chapters up since a lot happens in them. I liked the funny parts that were included in the story. It's a very heavy story and those small parts of humor help break it up and show the characters are still trying to live as normally as they can.

🌹》 Enjoyment
The story is definitely enjoyable and I would read on! I need to know what happens to poor Siraj! As mentioned, I liked the world in the story as well as the characters. I love their personalities and how witty they are. I also liked all the different perspectives the readers get and how all the characters are coming together. The information chapters on each of the clans were also cool and interesting! Maybe include a pronunciation guide in the clan chapters as well. I was curious about how you intended them to be pronounced. The aesthetics in the cast chapter were pretty!

🌹》 Overall
Overall, the plot was intriguing and it's clear a lot of thought went into the development of the story. The characters are all unique and interesting. Their personalities were shown well throughout the chapters in the dialogue, narration, and their actions. The cover of the story could use some work. There were only a few spelling errors in the chapters, nothing too serious though that a quick edit couldn't fix. The story was enjoyable and I'd definitely read on! Good luck with your story!

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