✦ { Kailyn } Stay Mine

57 4 4

Reviewer: Kailucy

Client: lostlovefairy

Cover: 7/10

The cover isn't bad, it's just very plain. The font is cute and I like the overall vibe of it though. Add your username or pen name to the cover, and it will be much better.

Title: 8/10

The title is simple and I like it quite a bit. It's not the most memorable title but it does go perfectly with the plot and genre.

Blurb: 7/10

The blurb is decent but it's more of a sample of the book than a blurb. I feel like a few things could improve it. 1. Make it a little shorter. 2. A little less dialogue. 3. Introduce the characters and plot instead of just having a few paragraphs of the book.

Of course, this is just my opinion so only do what you will be happy with.

Characters: 9/10

Firstly, I love Fiza and I hope she ends up happy. Now that I got that out of the way I'm kinda mixed on her relationship with Alan. I think he does love her and it's obvious that she loves him but some of his actions are um well not the best. I do like how you give your characters flaws. And you showcase these flaws, it's clear that they're both good people but sometimes mess up. I'm really curious to see how their relationship goes, it's pretty obvious that it ends somehow considering the blurb/prologue but right now they seem to be so in love.Abhishek is a major creep and I hate that he only got a warning.

The only thing I can think of to improve here is occasionally they feel a little flat. A good way to help that is to show their personalities through dialogue and actions. Overall you do write them well.

Plot: 19/20

The plot is well-paced and fun to read. It's intriguing and kept my attention throughout.

Prologue: Decent start. I wonder what happened between her and Alan.

The only criticism I have for this is that it reads more like an excerpt. To be honest I'm not sure you need a prologue for this book. It could definitely stand up without it. Especially since you are showing her and Alan. If you weren't I could see making a prologue showing how they fell apart or whatever went wrong.

Chapter One: This chapter was a great start. I think this would be a better starting point. There's a time skip and you handle it well. Their relationship is actually cute right now. I'm kinda sad knowing it won't last.

Chapter Two: And there's some drama! I'm still bitter that Abhishek didn't get in trouble. He's so gross. But great job with starting some drama early. Makes it engaging.

Chapter Three: My notes for this chapter: Aw. Back off, show some respect. Oh, but they are kinda cute together. But he is kinda showing some red flags... I don't think I have anything to add to this.

Chapters Four and Five: the plot continues. I'm still unsure about their relationship but when they were going their separate ways you wrote that so beautifully my heart was breaking for them. I feel like I have to continue just to see what will happen later.

Writing style: 19/20

Your writing style is great. You write so simply but wonderfully. It's easy to picture everything and you write their emotions well. Maybe fewer adverbs would read a little better but that's up to you. Other than that your writing is great.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

I didn't catch many mistakes but there were a few.

In chapter two I would recommend you to spell out "six" in 6 o'clock

I feel like the formatting is off in a few paragraphs.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I really enjoyed this a lot and can't wait to read more.

Overall: 86/100

Overall, you have a good story. Your characters are interesting and you have just enough drama without going overboard. I can't wait to see where you took this and I hope to finish it soon. Keep writing!

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