🌹 REVIEWER: Mads [ ON HOLD ] 🌹

187 3 4

Username: CrownedMadness

My experience: I've been a dedicated hobbyist writer since 2016. Realistic fiction is my forte, and I have also ventured into Mystery Thriller, Paranormal, Romance, Children's Fiction, and Short Stories. As a reviewer, I have been part of several user-run communities, even served as the HOD reviewer for one, and judged user-run awards where I provided critique reviews. I'm an ESL writer and can share insights on using the English language well enough for writing from a personal perspective.

Genres I will review: OPEN TO MOST GENRES. (Please check I Won't Review for unaccepted genres.) Mature and LGBTQ+ books are welcome.

Genres I won't review:
🌷Fanfiction (However, I will consider if the based-on source is familiar.)

Are you okay with reviewing mature: Yes. Except Erotica.

🌷Follow CrownedMadness
🌷Read 2 chapters of my book "To Be, Rather Than To Seem" and leave genuine 5+ inline comments per chapter.
🌷If you find the review satisfactory and helpful, give me a shoutout by sharing the link to my book "To Be, Rather Than To Seem" on your message board. Thank you for your consideration and kindness!

Reviewing Criteria:

🌷I'm offering my services for the First Three Chapters, including the Prologue. I will examine the opening line and the first chapter to evaluate its effectiveness as an introduction. Furthermore, as the first three chapters serve as the inception of the story that grabs a reader's interest, I will offer insights for improvements. In short, my review will be the first impression assessment of the characters, the setting, the writing style and tone, and the overall establishment of the story. Additionally, I will highlight areas for grammatical improvement.

🌷The delivery time is 7-14 days after the request approval. If the review gets delayed over 14 days, please don't hesitate to reach out on my message board.

🌷Once the review gets posted, please consider commenting on it to confirm your reception.

NOTE: I don't follow a ratings or scores system. My objective is to offer constructive criticism only.


Book Title:
Blurb/Short Description:
Book Cover, Blurb, and Title (if feedback required): (Yes/No)
Any specific areas to focus on:
Mature: (Yes/No) If yes, please specify the details.
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