✦ { Holly } You Said, Forever and Always

43 5 6

Reviewer: lantea-

Client: lostlovefairy 

🌹》 Title, Cover, & Blurb
The title fits the story and it's appealing. "Said" should be capitalized in the title and on the cover. The picture of the couple is hard to see on the cover and it took me a bit to realize what it was. I like the frame on the cover, it fits the story and vibes. The font for "forever and always" doesn't fit the story, it doesn't feel like a romance cover. The cursive font and the light color used for the first part of the title fits the vibe better. The author name is a little hard to read as it's a dark color and it blends in. I'm a little confused by the blurb. It starts with "Zayne and Naina prepare to tie the knot." but then goes on to say Naina is engaged to Advik and Zayne is trying to win Naina's heart. Who the characters are and the plot could be clearer in the blurb.

🌹》 Plot
The plot of the story is clear and easy to understand. It's engaging and draws readers in as well. The exposition introduces the characters and the world well. The plot is progressing at a good pace. The cliffhangers at the ends of some of the chapters make the readers instantly want to read the next chapter to see what happened.

🌹》 Characters
The characters are introduced well, however, more descriptions of their appearances could be added. I recommend describing their clothing as well. As someone who isn't familiar with the culture and the clothing, I had to look up what they looked like. The characters' personalities and relationships are shown well throughout the chapters. I liked when Nishita was teasing Zayne and Naina about the condoms. Advik hasn't appeared much in the story, other than some flashbacks, but his personality is shown well. Advik is definitely not a likeable character (and I would like to punch him). He's manipulative and seems to have a lot of characters wrapped around his finger, as shown by Tara, someone Naina thought was a close friend, bullying her. The lasting effect Advik had on Naina is shown clearly and well. The part with Naina trying to decide what to eat based on the calories was heartbreaking. The readers feel sympathy for her and hope that she's able to move past everything Advik did to her.

🌹》 Grammar/Spelling
There were a few spelling and grammar errors in the chapters, but nothing major that distracted from the story. The tense was consistent throughout the chapters as well. Also, just a note, there's a random "What" at the end of chapter four after the author's note. I'm not sure if that was just a Wattpad glitch, but you might want to check.

🌹》 Writing Style
The writing style is consistent throughout the chapters. The writing was easy to understand and phrased well. The author shows the readers what's happening and draws the readers into the story. As mentioned, more descriptions of the characters could be added to the story. The author conveys the emotions of the characters really well.

🌹》 Enjoyment
I enjoyed the story and would read on! Zayne seems like a sweet character and I really hope Naina is able to find her happy ending. I also hope Advik gets what he deserves for being such a horrible person.

🌹》 Overall
Overall, the plot is interesting and the story was enjoyable to read! The characters are developed and portrayed well throughout the chapters. I recommend adding some more descriptions of the characters' appearances though. The motions of the characters are also portrayed well. Good luck with your story!

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