✦ { Romana } The legend of Zelda; Breath of the Spirit

32 3 0

Client: BonnieWrites44

Reviewer: this_is_butterfly


The choice of colors used on the cover aligns with the overall theme of the story. However, A higher-definition image would suit the cover better and make it stand out more. The title could be written in a different font or arranged in a different format to draw more attention to it on the cover.


The blurb is straight to the point. It introduces the fantasy elements and themes of the story in a way that would appeal to a reader. It hints that the story will be a lighthearted adventure with challenges that the main characters will face.

It's written in a manner that creates suspense surrounding the three main characters and their roles within the story.


The dialogue tags used could use some editing to make the reading experience more cohesive.

There are some minor errors within the chapters.


The worldbuilding of the fantasy world within the story is explored in a way that is simple and easy to understand. Little details like the unique way the characters live, what they eat, and how they dress are some of the few elements shown throughout the chapters.

Fantasy stories are commonly characterized by the use of vivid descriptions of the setting surrounding the characters and the props and creatures that are used to propel the story forward to make the story a more immersive experience for the reader.


The plot is riddled with mystery surrounding the character's pasts and the world around them which hooks a reader to the story. It also explores the world through multiple interesting characters who are all interesting in their unique ways. It is written in a way that makes it easy for a reader to get invested in the journey that the characters are on and makes it easy to root for them.


The pacing could be more consistent. It can be considered too fast when it comes to the progression of the storyline. The storyline moves on too quickly without showing the gradual development of the character's relationships, which could result in their interactions coming off as unrealistic.

On the other hand, it can be considered too slow when it comes to the multiple switches between the perspectives of the three main characters that happen too often within the chapters.


The characters are all very interesting.

However, the characters are a bit hard to connect to as a reader due to the lack of emotional or personal stakes that they should have concerning the events of the story. The impact of their various situations on their behavioral and emotional states is not explored as extensively as it could be, making them come off as two-dimensional.


The story was fun to read. 

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