38: Quiet life

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"Well here's our dead demon." Hector says as they approach the area "I swear we're better of moving to the sea or something." Ruby mumbles under her breath, she's holding her new shield, which isn't painted the same as the original, because Tony figured it should match her "Gunshots, lot of gunshots." Hector concludes as he investigates "Without silver bullets, impressive." Ruby comments dryly. They don't see anyone though "Think this was a distraction Hector?" "Probably let's go back.".

They find Steve at the door and shake their head in disappointment "Honestly, you know better then to try that." Hector comments dryly "Give me back my shield." Steve tells Ruby who holds it out "Sure." she replies, but as expected he can't carry it and it falls down into the snow "I see you're not worthy anymore." Thor comments as he lands near them, picking up said shield to give to Ruby, who thanks him "It has nothing to do with being worthy! This is a fake shield!" Steve yells, so Ruby hands it to Hector, who pretends he can't carry it, just to play along.

Tony just laughs when he hears it and Natasha grins "That's brilliant." "What material is that though?" Bruce asks, but Ruby shrugs "I know it was mainly used for weapons for the guys, but I needed something that allowed me to keep my distance, so they checked if I could carry some of the weapons, we have swords, crossbows, arrows, axes, you name it. I guess dad stockpiled on the metal too, considering those weapons had to be fixed sometimes. But I've never actually seen them mine any, maybe the rumors of using witchcraft was true." "So Thor can lift it because he's a god, you can because of your... heritage, and Trevor already could before he was turned." "He couldn't." Adrian adds to that.

They play around with the thing that Steve isn't worthy anymore and it honestly catches on quite fast "Oh hey Peter." Rose says when she sees him at school "Hey Rose, I'm sorry about Stella." Peter says, earning a quiet 'thank you' "So you wanna do a group study at your house? We're gonna fail history otherwise." "Does it have to be my house?" Rose asks, so MJ nods saying "I like the horses." "I'll ask mom." Rose promises, but Ruby's already waiting for them "Yes you can come over, no you can't ride the horses yet, we're working on a track through the forest." "Awesome, but you know how I feel about you eavesdropping on me." "Not my intention, get in before it starts raining.".

It's quiet when it comes to threats, though they're all prepared just in case "Since when do you have your drivers license?" Peter asks, earning a grin "Last week, I prefer riding a horse, but modern times call for modern solutions, that said, this isn't my car, it's one of Tony's cars, he's visiting." Ruby explains. Tony's in the hold, which is where the kids are going to study "Hey mr. Stark, didn't think you'd be interested in this stuff." Peter admits, but Tony glances at him "Maybe not in most of it, but I'm damn curious how Vlad moved his castle, that place is massive!" "Engine," is all Ruby offers "check the next shelf, apparently he recreated it with my house, though I did learn they had to dig out an area for the hold before they could move it." "So where's the castle located that you need a mirror to travel to it?" Tony questions, making her pause "Wallachia, or former Wallachia, you could travel there by horse before we moved." Adrian replies as he walks down "Study session?" "Yeah, grandpa's making us learn about several 'monsters'." Rose replies while she's gathering books from the shelves "He described them in the history book, but has yet to give anyone a perfect grade because he purpously missed some information about their weaknesses." "Salt, silver, morningstar, holy water, to name a few." Ruby says from deeper into the hold "Honestly I wish demons and clergy were still our main concern." Adrian deadpans at that "Unless Vlad can create a time machine I'm good never relieving that battle in my head again, if Lisa hadn't shown up..." "I know, but you don't have to.".

With things staying quiet Vlad allows Tony to study the engine in his castle while Natasha and Clint are training with the weapons Ruby has in the hold "I like that these crossbows have a scope." Clint admits as he picks one out to practice with "Werewolf hunting was common, especially where we lived." Ruby tells him while looking through the daggers "Here Nat, try these." she says handing the assassin a pair of daggers, which get tested for sharpness instantly "These aren't good for killing things." is the complaint, so Ruby shows her sword "This isn't either right now, hold them how you'd hold a normal pair of dagger and you'll notice a button, press it.".

Trevor is impressed when he sees the amount of weapons still scattered "So... I found the emergency room, food had gone bad, obviously, but Trev, there's something you should see." Ruby tells him so he follows her, in the room are toys, clearly Ruby's old toys since they were chewed on quite badly, some boxes with clothes, each labeled and in the corner is a crib in a play pen, along with normal kid and baby toys in it. "You're telling me..." Trevor trails off as he takes in the state if the room "Yeah." she whispers "I'm gonna invent a time machine." he says, clenching his fist "And then what? We'd be rewriting our own past, I wouldn't have lived close enough to save Lisa, we'd be forced to kill Dracula." Ruby tells him, she understood, she understood it was even worse then they thought, but they couldn't change it.

Vlad and Lisa, upon receiving the news go quiet "Time machine." Vlad mumbles, so Lisa sighs in annoyance "She wouldn't be our daughter in law anymore!" "And I hate it when they give the same reaction." Ruby deadpans, making Lisa look surprised "Trev said he was gonna invent a time machine, I think he shouldn't." "Even if your family would still be alive?" Vlad asks, so she nods "For one thing you'd have to turn Lisa, second thing is, I fled and never looked back because I knew they were dead, that's why I lived in that cabin near Targoviste. Also chances are that Trevor wouldn't be a vampire now and he'd be dead." "I see," Lisa mumbles "and you most likely wouldn't have moved to the States." "You move where the job is, so we might not have brought the house with us." Trevor says "Hey Vlad, about that-" "I have some ideas, follow me." Vlad says, so the two walk off, making Ruby and Lisa facepalm.

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