13: Sleep

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"What happened?" Trevor asks one day when Ruby stumbles into the house "I was being an idiot" she says finally losing her balance "Sypha!" Trevor yells "A moment!" Sypha yells back, when she comes back she see Ruby's being put on the couch "Trust me, this is nothing, Adrian's worse. Turns out my mother isn't dead like we all had hoped" Ruby explains and she flinches when Sypha takes off her shirt after sending Trevor to the kitchen for some hot water and cloth "That looks nasty" she mumbles, Lisa burst into the house and she stops seeing Trevor with water and a cloth and she spots Sypha sitting on her knees next to the couch "I put Adrian to sleep at the castle" she says "If we hurry neither of them will get any scars from this mess" she adds running over. "So what now?" Trevor asks looking at Lisa when they're finished taking care or Ruby Lisa heads back to the castle "We do the same thing that Lisa and Vlad did with Adrian" Sypha says "We put her in the vault" "No need to do that" Ruby mumbles "I'll be fine" "Liar" Trevor comments "You're going whether you want it or not".

After double checking everything Ruby sighs "And how long is it gonna be until I'm healed?" she asks "I honestly don't know" Sypha says "But you'll be save, that's what matters" "You're letting me have the whip? What about your kids?" Ruby asks "It's yours now" Trevor says with a smile and he hugs her, carefully "We'll check up on you often, okay? He can't accidentally wake you because you need two people" Sypha says "Or someone with very long legs" Ruby comments dryly, this makes Trevor groan "Even when you're this injured you're annoying" he says "Just get in".

Trevor sighs "Is this really okay?" he asks sitting down in the living room "What choice do we have?" Sypha asks "It's a miracle she made it here Trev, you saw her first, you saw how injured she was. I know it's not easy, but this is what's best for her", crying cuts through the silence so Sypha heads upstairs.

Vlad is looking at his son while Lisa's in her lab, experimenting with something "You realize he's not gonna heal faster if you stay here right?" Hector asks "I'm aware of that Hector, I just can't understand why she would do this" Vlad says "Well, she has a child with a Belmont, said kid was gonna kill you if you hadn't come to your senses and she would have succeeded" Hector explains "So she's afraid of her own daughter?" Lisa asks "For good reason, when she went to the castle to save you she nearly killed Carmilla, with only her whip and a dagger" Vlad says "We should've burned her body" Hector says "By the way, why do you need two people to open Ruby's coffin" "We designed it that way that should someone hunting demons need the extra help she's not the first choice, she can wake up herself up though" Vlad explains "And I hope they will wake up by themselves".

Several years pass and Trevor comes back from his week of traveling and hunting demons "Tired" he mumbles, he's very alert when he sees an uninvited guest though "No one's home, but maybe you can tell me" Carmilla says "Where is my daughter?" "You don't have one" Lisa comments walking over "I could've sworn they killed you in Targoviste" Carmilla says "Ruby saved me, trained me and together with Sypha, Trevor and Adrian we saved everyone" Lisa explains "You have a funny way of wording that" Carmilla mumbles, but she has to dodge Adrian's sword and she realizes she's surrounded when Sypha walks over "You will not get away with threatening my kids!" "She did?" Trevor asks "They're save" Lisa says "If Alucard's not here then who's using the sword?" Carmilla asks "Who do you think?" Vlad asks.

Carmilla tries to jump, but a whip cuts in and wraps around her ankle pulling her back down and Trevor sees his sister on the roof "I will never let you get away with whatever you're planning" Ruby says "Her presence woke me up" she adds seeing Sypha's worried look "Lisa told me I could help out, she's more like a mom then my actual mother" "You will be going back after this" Lisa says "Duly noted" Ruby deadpans. Seeing no way out Carmilla growls "You heal pretty fast" Trevor comments seeing Ruby move more towards the edge "It's still sore" Ruby says jumping up and she grins when she doesn't fall down "Finally!" she says, Carmilla heads towards Sypha, thinking she's the weakest of them all, but she's oh so wrong when she has to jumps back to dodge and soon she's surrounded by arrows "You missed?" Sypha asks "I never miss with my crossbow" Ruby says "I see", the magician informs everyone to take a few steps back before narrowing her eyes and Ruby takes her spot back on the roof "This won't actually kill her, you know that right?" Vlad asks "Yes" Sypha says "I'm sure Ruby has a plan" "You might not like my plan so much" Ruby mumbles "Does it involve you getting hurt?" Trevor asks when Sypha uses her spell and the electricity bounces between the arrows "Depends if I miss or not" Ruby says and she shoots another arrow, which hits Carmilla in her stomach "I missed" Ruby says with a pout "Lemme shoot another one", the next one hits the target and Carmilla glares up at her "I will take you down with-", Trevor's surprised when Lisa of all people throws a dagger.

Ruby sighs when she jumps down and she looks at Sypha "Are you sure it's alright?" "Yeah, unlike Vlad she could never change" Ruby mumbles "Besides, I have all of you. I don't really need her in my life" "Careful Ruby, you're almost making Trevor cry" Lisa says "I'm not fucking crying, there's dust in my eyes" Trevor says "Will you stay this time Trev?" Ruby asks with a smile "Maybe, if I can give you a piggyback ride" Trevor says, Sypha groans "I can't do it Ruby, I mean what if she can change?" "I'll tell Hector to prepare a cell then" Vlad says "We have to figure out where her troops are coming from anyway" "Come on Ruby, back downstairs" Lisa says and Ruby winces when she's pushed into the house.

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