6: Awkward family dinner

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Trevor groans while Alucard seems totally okay with being dumped into a bathroom "You should take advantage of it" he says looking at the hunter "Unless you'd rather be with Sypha" "Let's get this over with shall we?" Trevor asks tossing his cloak to the side.

"I don't think he's gonna enjoy a bath" Ruby says, wincing when she tries to clean her shoulders, so Sypha heads over to help her "You look terrible" "I hadn't noticed" Ruby mumbles, sarcasm dripping from every word "You should be dead" Sypha mumbles. "So about my brother" Ruby suddenly says "What about him?" Sypha asks "I'm not blind" Ruby comments dryly "Just promise to take care of him" "Of course I will" Sypha says "But I'm not sure he feels the same" "Trust me Sypha, he does". Lisa enters the room with some clean clothes and she grins "Come on, Vlad's making an apology dinner" she says, obviously this gets them interested, so they gets out, when they reach the dining room they see Isaac and Hector as well "Wait I think I left my whip and sword somewhere" Ruby comments dryly "They're part of the family" Lisa says "Have a seat. I'll get the guys" "Wait don't-" Sypha sighs and Ruby stares at the forgemasters "Our weapons are put away" Isaac says "Why would we believe that?" Sypha asks, missing her speaker robes already "You want us to have dinner with them?" Trevor and Alucard ask at the same time "Anyone like cats?" Hector asks showing an undead cat "It's... Cute in it's creepy own way I guess" Sypha mumbles "It still has fur right?" Ruby asks "Of course it has" Hector says. There's a really awkward silence when Dracula and Lisa walk in "Father, why are they here?" Alucard asks breaking the silence "I gotta go" Ruby suddenly says running off "What's up with her?" Trevor asks "I honestly don't know" Sypha says with a sigh, well she had a pretty good idea, but isn't exactly sure how to explain it to Trevor.

Lisa finds Ruby in the ruins of the Belmont estate "They're worried about you" she whispers "I don't want to be near them right now" Ruby says "But you drank from the bishop in Gresit" Lisa says earning a tired smile "Didn't have much time before Trevor and Sypha interrupted" Ruby explains "I guess I never wanted to learn how to use my vampire abilities because then I'd accept that I'll outlive everyone" "I see your point" Trevor comments "You look hungry and thirsty" he adds "Let's go back inside". Inside she sees the others, Sypha's having an interesting conversation with Alucard while Lisa is bugging Vlad "Alu- Adrian" Trevor says, correcting himself halfway "Think Ruby can sit next to you?" he asks earning a confused look "Of course" Adrian says moving a bit more towards his mother, after an awkward dinner Ruby is going through the hold with Trevor "This will all be lost" she says trailing her hand over some of the book covers "It won't be Ruby" Trevor says "But Dracula's going to move the castle as soon as it's fixed" she says "Sypha and I will take care of the remaining creatures, Alucard said he'd help us, you wanna come too?" "What about this place?", they hear footsteps and turn around "Thought I'd find you here" Sypha says "I'm sorry, I can't go with you" Ruby says "Someone has to keep an eye on this place" she explains "Lisa said she'd take care of it, come on Ruby, it could be fun" Sypha says "Alright fine" Ruby says "I'll go with you, but Trevor, no drinking" "So are you gonna let your crossbow rust in that corner there?" Trevor asks making the girl turns to where he's pointing "Of course not" she says walking over to it "It's been a while since I've had it. I might be rusty" "We have time to practice" Sypha says "We're not going anywhere until we're in good enough shape".

Vlad and Adrian back away seeing the crossbow "Relax" Ruby says while stretchung "I'm too tired to shoot anyone, besides, we'll need it if we're going to hunt" "You decided to come as well?" Adrian asks, though Lisa notices he sound surprised, happy, but surprised "Careful Adrian, you almost sound excited about it" Trevor teases him "Yeah" Ruby mumbles "Why?" "I though you would want to stay and watch the hold" he says "Well she's coming with us, deal with it" Trevor cuts in "And let's get on with this so we can go and kill some fucking monsters alright?". It's easy to guess who the most injured one is, Adrian, seeing what he went through "Why don't we restore the Belmont estate?" Sypha asks "Because it's a pain and it'll take forever" Ruby says tossing her coat over a chair "Shit" Lisa mumbles looking at Ruby's back "Have you had any blood at all?" "Not after the Bishop and that would've been fine, had they not interrupted" Ruby says looking at Sypha and her brother narrowing her eyes "Go and drink something, ask Adrian for help. I send him to do the same" Lisa says so Ruby straightens out her shirt, grabbing her coat on her way out of the room.

Finding Adrian is easy "Do you have any animals?" Ruby asks "They're dead" Adrian says "We're out of luck" "And it's not like a meal will walk through the door, we're doomed" "I can ask Trevor, but there's a little chance he'll allow it". Hector enters the library, out of breath and panicked "People from the church" he says "They're persistent and don't believe Dracula's dead" "Hector go and warn the others" Adrian says before dragging Ruby along to the main hall.

They're indeed persistent, but they're also losing and Ruby jumps down and they keep one fully alive "You two work quickly" Lisa says "Take the almost dead one to the cells" she adds "Saved one for you" Adrian says seeing Vlad, Ruby shoots on that's crawling away and she grins "Guess I'm not that rusty" she says going back to get her arrow back "We better fix the castle fast" Lisa says "And we can't leave the hold open either" "Then we fix the Belmont estate as well, so they can live there in peace" Vlad says "You realize they'll come after you right?" Trevor asks "Without a doubt" Adrian says "But we have a job to do in the meantime" "We'll be keeping an eye on you" Lisa says and she sighs "Try not to get killed" "Of course not" Sypha says.

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