39: Right or wrong

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"Okay I am leaving you in the very capable hands of Hector." Ruby says one day, if she wasn't changing anyone's mind she was going to make damn sure Trevor won't change history "What about you?" Natasha asks, earning a smile "Keeping my brother out of trouble." Ruby explains.

Only two can go through though and Sypha knocks Trevor out cold "He's not going, chances are he'll see himself." she points out "That's fair, let's go." Ruby says.

They arrive near the house, but there are no clergy in sight yet, so Ruby walks to the door and knocks twice before opening it, Sypha keeping watch from the roof "I don't want to alarm you, but you have less then ten minutes to get your asses to the hold." Ruby deadpans, moving her father's sword to the side "We're not ready yet." is the reply "Trevor and Ruby aren't back yet." "They'll be fine, trust me." Ruby assures them and she looks back "Just... don't interfere with their lives once they're back, you need to promise me that." "You've grown so much." Marie says putting a hand on Ruby's cheek and Sypha warns her "They're coming!", so Ruby makes her way to the entrance and starts opening it, urging everyone in when she's done "We gotta leave!" Sypha says, so Ruby takes one last look at her family before the entrance is closed before following her sister in law "Did we do the right thing?" she mumbles, so Sypha sighs "We did the morally right thing. Let's go back before Trevor starts to worry.".

Trevor, as expected starts scolding Sypha for going in his place, but he also understands it was a risk that he saw himself "God this is messed up, how do we know it worked?" Sypha questions, but Ruby is already flipping through her journal "Wait..." she mumbles "I kept writing in this thing, it just stops here now." "Shit what year is it?" is the next valid question, but when they check it's quiet, while they're sure they came back to the right place "Okay don't panic..." Ruby mumbles to herself as she's pacing "Ruby hon!" someone says loudly making her jump "You up for moving to a new place with your family?", it's one of Ruby and Trevor's sisters "Yeah, always," Ruby replies "where are we headed?", so they get an explanation "I see, can Trevor come too?" "If he wants to and his kids don't mind. But you promised to tell me how you got together with Dracula's son of all people." "I will, after we finish the move."

Luckily they end up exactly where they're supposed to and realize that yes, they couldn't bring their entire house, but they could remake it completely there, though with a less bigger hold.

"You look like you've seen a ghost Ruby." Natasha says when they're back in the present time "Yeah well, next time we're not letting Vlad build a time machine." Ruby deadpans as she plops down on the couch "But you fixed it?" Tony asks, earning a nod "We did." Sypha points out "Glad to know we kept it relatively the same, Stella still got together with Gabriel and Leon with Lianne." Ruby says, reading through her fixed journal "Yep, after leaving with Vlad it's still the same." "Good." Lisa says, but Ruby's phone goes off "Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid." Adrian starts, earning a nervous laugh "Stupid, probably, morally right, yes." "Come home." Rose adds to that, so Ruby stands up "Guess I'm going home now, call me if there's a mission you need me for." "Will do." Tony tells her.

"Care to explain that?" Rose asks, pointing to someone who's casually making a flower crown "Uhm... I would, if I could, is that... dad? But he should be long dead." "He claims he was cursed to be like that." Adrian explains, so Ruby walks over to the bench "How, why, when?" she asks, only to be engulfed in a big hug "Some cultists wanted to force Dracula to come back, they killed most of the family and cursed me, probably hoping I'd help them." "Okay when?" Adrian asks, crossing his arms "Many many many years ago, while you were sleeping, the cultists fataly wounded you two and Rose just followed you down there.", Ruby sighs as she rests her chin on the palm of her hand, leaning forwards after sitting down "Well... last time this happened you were already dead, so... improvements?" she asks, Adrian's not too sure they should have their guard down though "So why are you here instead of back home?" "Couldn't go back home, I tried, nearly got killed by three arrows." "Only three?" she questions, earning a laugh "You wouldn't even have gotten shot." is the reply to that.

Since there's nowhere else to stay and Ruby isn't going to risk her family she bring her father to Dracula's castle "Don't attack mom or Vlad, don't scare my friends and don't enter Lisa's lab when she's not there." she tells him as she opens the door "Cultists, will explain later." she assures everyone, but she really should spend more time at home "Mom don't attack dad, I will behead the one who starts that fight, Lisa, give him a tour?" "Of course darling, you go back home to your family.".

Rose is lounging on the couch in the hold as she takes notes for a class, Peter, Gabriel and MJ are messing with the weapons "Put that down!" Rose warns hearing the clanking of chains "Non lethal weapons only." Ruby comments as she walks down the stairs "Isn't this Captain America's shield?" Ned asks when he finds it "Yeah, but technically it's mine now." she explains as she grabs a few books "But you're always carrying it, how are there two?" "My shield is heavier, we've tricked him into believing only those worthy can carry it." Ruby replies as she sits down on the chair, it was a lot comfier now and less suffocating, so that's a good thing "Those skulls..." Peter trails of, getting the attention of the three Belmonts in the area, Rose getting up to see "Godbrand, guess he's dead for good this time, that's... that says Vlad?" "We faked Vlad's death so he could live in peace." Ruby comments dryly "And they bought it?" Gabriel asks, earning a nod "No one ever gets to the castle, besides, there's this rumor he gets 'reborn' once in a while to reign terror over everyone." Rose explains "He would, if he didn't have Lisa." Ruby deadpans "So mom, now that I have another grandparent, how weird it is to say that, can he train me with weaponry?" "Ask him, you're old enough to do that yourself now.". Ned falls while carrying a box of knifes, but Ruby uses her superspeed to catch them before they hit the ground "Okay stay away from the weapons or you can study upstairs."  "We'll stop messing with them." MJ promises, so Ruby heads back upstairs saying "I'm going to start dinner, don't be late."

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