14: Turned and new home

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"Mom where's dad going?" Stella asks "Visiting an old friend" Sypha says with a smile "And I should get started on dinner" she adds walking to the kitchen "Can you show us the hold mom, please?" Leon asks "Alright, after dinner" Sypha says.

Sypha doesn't really need to eat at this point, but she does, she opens the entrance to the hold and the kids run off "Be careful!" she yells running after them "Mom what's through this door?" Stella asks moving a giant painting to the side "Your aunt, do you want to wake her?" Sypha asks "Why is she asleep?" Leon asks when the door is opened "She had to heal after a rough fight" "Wait... Aunt Ruby's a vampire?" Stella asks "Half vampire" Ruby comments closing the lid "Ah you ruined the fun" Sypha mumbles, making Ruby look confused "We wanted to wake you" Leon explains rubbing the back of his head "Alright alright" she says hopping back into the coffin "Just this once for fun alright? Just this once" she says closing it again "And no I am not going to do what Adrian did".

"Happy?" Sypha asks when the two are running around the room "Where's Trevor?" Ruby asks watching the coffin sink into the floor "Visiting your boyfriend" Sypha deadpans "Come on we saved you some dinner!" Stella says, this makes Leon pout "We were gonna explore the hold" "Which you can still do" Ruby says with a smile "But dad tells us to never go in without someone who knows it" "I know my way around the house Sypha, you go and take them exploring". When Trevor returns Ruby hugs him "Question, were we as hyperactive as those two?" "Possibly yes" Trevor says "Guess who still isn't awake" "Well he was hurt pretty badly, how many birthdays did I miss?" "You're not going to get a shitload of presents Ruby" Trevor comments "So how are they?" Ruby asks making some tea "They're doing fine, Lisa misses your company though" Trevor says and he watches as Sypha walks back downstairs "They're asleep" "Finally" Ruby mumbles "Let me guess, she's already getting a room ready" she adds looking at Trevor who nods saying "You should visit them" "And you better get used to your new lifestyle brother" Ruby comments dryly before heading off.

Stella and Leon insist on going with Ruby "You can't come" she says "Let them. Just don't let Lisa give them too much sugar" Sypha says "They can't. I'm not just going to see them" Ruby explains "Next time". At the castle she gets pulled into a tight hug "How's Adrian?" she asks "He'll be fine" Vlad says walking over "How's Carmilla?" "Stubborn, refuses to drink and she's in a bad mood" Hector comments "Why doesn't she wake Adrian?" "I wanted to visit Carmilla first" Ruby says with a sigh "Come with me then".

It's save to say that Carmilla's surprised by the visit, but she growls "Here to laughs at me?" she asks "No" Ruby says crossing her arms "I wanna know why you're like this", Carmilla starts laughing "I've decided not to be ruled by mad old men anymore" she says "I certainly didn't need you in my life" she adds, but Ruby doesn't comment on that "So you never would have kept me with you?" she ask turning around to leave "Shame, I was hoping Sypha was right when she said you could change, guess not" she adds. "You should've killed me!" Carmilla says "No" Ruby says in a tone that surprises Hector "I'm going to let you rot in here". The walk to Adrian's room is filled with an awkward silence "Why don't you just kill her?" Hector asks "That's what she wants, I don't get what I want so she's gonna rot in there" Ruby says stopping at the door "But this is Vlad his castle, so you can ask him what he wants to do" "Right" Hector says "I hope Adrian's not too grumpy, he's not a morning person", Ruby enters the room and closes the door "How long are you going to worry everyone?" she asks knocking at the coffin, which opens slowly "Ruby?" Adrian asks sitting up "Yep that's me" she says with a smile. "How are you doing?" "Good, considering I didn't even remember getting here" Ruby hugs him and sighs "She threatened them. Sypha thinks she can change, but she can't" "So Carmilla's in the castle?" he asks earning a nod "Want to go to the market?" he asks "No, I just wanna hug you". "Adrian are you awake?" Lisa asks entering the room "Yes, but Ruby needed to be cheered up" he says, this makes Lisa smile "Well Hector's making dinner" "We're coming then" Ruby says with a slight smile.

They spend the day exploring the area "You know, we need a place that doesn't scream 'Hi there, Dracula lives here', I mean seriously" Ruby says putting her hands in her coat pockets as Adrian chuckles "I agree, the castle is hidden perfectly, but it's suspicious if people come and go from a place with an eternal snowstorm" he says "Look a village" Ruby says pointing down "It's small" she adds "Let's go and see if we can replace your torn cloak and coat" Adrian says "Hey, my cloak is going nowhere, Lisa made it with werewolf fur as a thank you for saving her" "Alright fine, but your coat is getting replaced" he says. "Haven't seen you two here before" a man says when they're strolling through the market "Those clothes look expensive" a woman whispers, but the two hear it anyway "They look so pale" the woman next to that one says "Oh dear, how are you staying warm in that coat?" "It's qua-" "We're looking for a new coat for her" Adrian cuts Ruby off "I'm afraid that all I have are these bear furs, they're not selling very well", Ruby walks over and inspects it, forgetting for a moment she's not wearing her gloves "How much?" Adrian asks, but he sighs "You feel cold, how about you two come in for some tea?" "We shouldn't stay for longer then needed" Ruby says "People will worry if we don't return soon" she adds. So they get the bear fur and head back to the castle "Mother can you use these for a new cloak for Ruby?" Adrian asks in the alchemy lab "Of course I can, this is perfect quality, where did you get this?" Lisa asks walking over, after telling the others about the village Vlad sighs "Alright fine, but you three are looking for a place to live" he says "And it better be spooky!" he adds before walking off.

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