33: Chaos

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Lisa is happy to see Ruby, but she's also mildly confused as to why the rest of the Avengers are terrified "Vlad killed a demon, a huge one, biggest one I've ever seen" the hyperactive Belmont explains "He was about to kill them" Vlad comments dryly "I think that if it had roared one more time I'd need to check my ears, god that was loud", Tony sweatdrops at his teammate "Hey shouldn't we notify Fury that we got it covered?" he asks "He would want to see the kid" Steve says "So that might not be a good idea" "We can't just keep him out of everything demon related" Natasha says making Tony, Ruby and Steve look at her "I guess we can try" the assassin says with a groan "I'm sure he has enough on his plate without this chaos, besides, I am pretty sure Vlad got it covered" Ruby says "Hector will teach the kid" Vlad points out "See" Ruby points out "Fine" Natasha mumbles. "What happened to the Belmont you had an argument with?" Clint asks "He was stupid enough to try and kill Rose" is the simple answer. "I tossed him over the edge, no biggy", the Avengers look at Vlad "No one threatens my family and gets away with it" "Duly noted" Steve says, although Tony's not sure why his newest teammate is so quiet "Was it a mistake to move away?" she asks "Away from Wallachia" "Don't you dare start doubting yourself young lady" Carmilla says getting everyone's attention, but the Avengers are surprised to see Ruby move so quickly to hug the vampire "But all we got now is a bigger chaos and a bigger mess" she mumbles "And you also got new friends" Carmilla says "I guess so, right, mom, these are the Avengers" Ruby says "Guys this is my mother, Carmilla, she's a vampire, in case that wasn't entirely clear" she adds "You two look nothing alike" Steve comments "No, I take after my father, who you can't meet so don't ask" she says "He's been dead for... I lost count" "A very long time" Adrian says walking in with Rose "We slept for nearly 500 years" "That's long" Natasha says earning a nod "We didn't have a choice though" he says with a shrug "I'm surprised you didn't wake up during the move" Vlad says "They did nearly die", this time Trevor is talking "We were worried they woke up, but only Rose showed signs of waking for a moment". "Wouldn't be the first time we nearly died, right Vlad?" Ruby comments dryly "You're never letting that go are you?" He asks sitting down "Never, besides, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have met Adrian, god my father would be so disappointed in me and Trevor" "I can understand why they'd disappointed in me" Trevor deadpans "Why you?" "I married our enemies son" she says with a shrug "Good point" Lisa says.

Upon return to the Belmont grounds Adrian stops them "Ruby, the crypt" he whispers so she disappears "Crypt?" Bruce asks "We can hardly keep our dead family in the hold" Trevor points out, a wave of energy knocks them backwards and Tony has to hold Rose "Ruby" Adrian and Trevor say at the same time. The trees near the crypt are blown away and Ruby is holding her sword with one hand while holding the wound on her shoulder with the other "What are you doing in our crypt?" she asks "We grow tired of waiting for Dracula to return, so we need someone to do it for us" the man says "And what better way to do this then give him an equal for enemy" "An equal?" Trevor asks, another wave beats them back, Ruby knocking Trevor to the side when she recognizes it and she tries to block it, her eyes widening when she sees a hauntingly familiar figure at the source "Mom, dad!" Rose yells when they're blown back.

"Are they alright?" Tony asks "Yes" Lisa says "We felt that energy all the way to the castle" Carmilla says "She was smart to push her brother aside, he would've been burned to a crisp" "I'm curious" Natasha says "Why would they want Dracula back?" "Not everyone opposed to the fact he destroyed half Wallachia" Trevor explains "In fact, had he died I'm sure some people would try to get him out of hell". When Ruby wakes with a start she scares Lisa, Carmilla and Tony "Where's Vlad?" "The castle" Lisa says "No, we have to get him out of there" Ruby says "I know who they resurrected as a vampire" "Ruby who is it?" Trevor asks, but he steps back seeing the tears in her eyes "I have to be sure though" she mumbles.

Sure enough the coffin in the middle of the room is broken open making Trevor fall on his knees "No" he says "It can't be him". Using the mirror in the hold they travel to the mansion, going from there they head to the castle "Stop it!" Ruby yells when she throws the door open "Vlad, please, stop it" "Ruby you're still weak" Trevor says "You ruined our family!" "The church burned our house down!" Trevor yells, but even the combined effort it's not enough, mostly because they're trying to weaken him, not kill him "If you want revenge you're 500 years too late" he says. Sypha, who was at the mansion runs in "Trev" she says, confused upon seeing the two not fighting back, but countering and blocking. Vlad blocks the blow meant to finish the two Belmonts and he looks at the vampire "What do you want?" "It's a matter of what we want" the same man from before says "You raised our father from the dead for your own selfish reasons" Ruby says standing up and dusting of her clothes, her eyes no longer blue and Adrian pulls Rose into a hug, blocking the sight from her when more men enter the room "Do you really think anything can save you from her wrath?" Vlad asks "Our new savior will not let us-", he can't finish talking because Ruby is behind him with a dagger in her hand "She's still injured isn't she?" Lisa asks "No, she must have bitten Trevor" Carmilla says. Within several minutes only the leader remains and he's quite nervous "Next time you start a cult, train them" she says narrowing her eyes. When the remaining intruders teleport away Vlad looks at the two former vampire hunters "You couldn't have done that earlier?" "They broke into our crypt and resurrected our father as a vampire called..." Ruby trails off "Dracul" Vlad says, distaste clear "Well that's original, dad let me go, I can handle it" Rose says, but when she turns around she pales "That's why you never piss of your mother" Sypha says "I have never seen that, besides that town full of clergy" "Oh yeah" Lisa says "That was interesting" "Interesting?" Vlad asks "Yes, she certainly has some character traits from her mother", someone's phone goes off and Ruby picks up "Fury" she says with a nervous laugh "What's up? Wait, now? As in, this moment, could I maybe change- no, okay", she groans in annoyance "Fury's expecting me now, so I am quickly gonna go and well, change, Tony, Nat and Clint would understand, but the others...". When she comes through the mirror she's busy wiping the blood of her cheek "You called" she says walking into the meeting room "Yes" Fury says "It's important, I discovered a hydra base in Russia" "But there's a-" "Ruby Belmont, are you an Avenger or not?" he asks earning a wince "Yes sir, but I just think Hydra might be the least of our problems soon" she says "Some cultists resurrected my long dead father from the dead as a vampire, a very powerful one" she explains, but all Fury does is laugh, not realizing no one else is laughing, making her annoyed "Okay fine, Russia, I'm listening" she says sitting down while crossing her arms "We believe the staff we lost is there" he says "Wait a second, would this be the staff that Loki used?" Ruby asks "You lost it?" "Yes we did" Tony says "But, we know where it is now" Fury says "So get out there, and get it back" he orders so everyone gets changed into their suits/uniform. "Wait, am I supposed to wear something like that?" "Yes little one" Thor says "Be right back" she says, coming back in her old Belmont outfit, though it's improved and less likely to tear apart "Will this work?" she asks "I know it's old, but-" "Perfect, think of a name on the way" Cap says. At the base they have to fight two superpowered teens "Fast one, Fang" he says "Seriously?" Ruby asks, but she moves anyway and she shifts to catch up with the speedster, using her vampiric speed to her advantage, the fight seems to be going well and when they get the staff Ruby makes a fireball "Everyone out?" she asks "Yes" Tony says so she throws it, bringing the building down.

Despite being born some 550 to 600 years earlier Ruby is quite handy when it comes to technology "I can understand why he doesn't want to take it seriously" Tony says "I wouldn't, if I wasn't there" he adds "I suppose I should trust the others to handle it, but if he doesn't see reason..." she trails off and sighs "We'll figure that out when we get there, right now, we have more important things to do" Tony says earning a nod.

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