20: The church

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"You were right" Adrian says "They are rebuilding the grand cathedral", Ruby only nods, the building she had watched get destroyed is being rebuild "I hate this place" she eventually says "Let's get this over with", Targoviste certainly doesn't have any pleasant memories for her at all "We have to stop by my old cabin afterwards though". Ruby sighs as she stands in front of what used to be the door "Excuse me, but where's the new archbishop?" she asks in the nicest tone she can manage "He's in the back room" a new priest says "Adrian, please wait here and you are better off staying at one of the villages". In the back room Ruby clears her throat "Excuse me, but please tell me what on Earth you told the people that fathers are hiding their daughters for their own protection" she says "There are no such thing as vampires, we must get rid of the remaining witches" he says, that is, before he turns around to face Ruby, who has her arms crossed "And this is the part where you tell me there aren't any Belmonts left right?" "There aren't, but you seem awfully familiar". Ruby is somewhat amused by that, had this guy been living under a rock "Have you heard the stories?" "Yes, Dracula was defeated by five people. A Belmont, a speaker, a soldier-" "Another Belmont and Lisa Tepes" Ruby finishes. By the time she leaves the guy doesn't remember that part of the conversation and an hour or two later he's making an announcement that there aren't any witches and the Belmonts earned their place back "What did you do?" Adrian asks during the walk back to the cabin "It was easy to convince the guy witches, werewolves, vampires and the likes don't exist anymore because a Belmont took care of them" "And why are we going to your cabin?" "I need a few things from my garden".

On their way to the cabin they get "ambushed" by a group of priests "You're the reason the archbishop suddenly changed his mind" one of them says "I only talked to him about the Belmonts" Ruby says, seeing the group has daggers doesn't concern them very much, but the number of priest is slightly concerning, it would be a problem if they were human "Mommy" Rose says walking over with Leon "She refuses to eat without you guys, so mom send us to find you two, what's going on?" he explains and he looks at the situation, the priest obviously see the golden colored eyes, but when they look at the girl Leon picks her up "Leon, go right into the woods, when you can't see us anymore turn this way, you should find a cabin, go there with Rose" "What about you two mommy?" "We will deal with this" "Be careful you two" Leon says before running off. Leon, being a human loses sight of them before Rose does and Rose makes a fist around Leon's coat "A few are heading this way" she says, but blood curling screams cut of the footsteps, followed by growling so Leon continues running, he had very rarely seen Ruby fight, but never as a wolf and seeing the black fur he knows it's not Adrian.

When Ruby and Adrian arrive at the cabin, both covered in as less blood as possibly, both not even scratched in the slightest "That was fun, reminds me of the time when we headed for the Belmont hold" Ruby says and she raises an eyebrow at the dust "I remember that, you were getting tired on me" Adrian says "Wait... How did you two meet?" Leon asks while Ruby goes through several shelves "Besides the fact Lisa wouldn't shut up about him?" Ruby asks earning a nod "We met on the road, he, Sypha and Trevor had a covered wagon, Lisa had recently be turned into a vampire and we found them camping in the woods for the night, we joined them" "And I don't really get how you two actually ended up together, but I doubt it's your typical story" Leon says "Found it" Ruby says taking a pouch from one of the very hard to reach shelves "Herbs, Lisa's missing them" "How we got together? That's a very interesting story" Adrian says picking up his daughter "It's also very embarrassing for me because I couldn't skate" Ruby adds "And when did you two get married?" Leon suddenly asks "Let's see... Half a year before Rose was born, you and Stella were out hunting with Trevor and Sypha's family came to visit, since the topic came up Sypha pointed out Trevor was gonna miss it when her grandfather suggested he'd help out" "That's why Trevor raced off after Isaac found us" Leon mumbles, the pieces finally falling in place "And can I have this cabin?" "Why do you want it?" Adrian asks "Because... I really really like someone and she wants to see where I live, but she thinks I'm a very simply guy working as a blacksmith". Ruby starts laughing, which earns her a glare from her nephew "What's her name?" Adrian asks "Come on Leon, we already know who's Stella boyfriend is" "It's the girl that helps out at the inn. At the village near you" Leon mumbles blushing "Ah her" Adrian says.

They decide to stay there for the night since Rose fell asleep during their conversation "Hey aunt Ruby who is my sister's boyfriend?" "A van Helsing" Ruby says "One who still believes my father is evil" Adrian adds "Are you serious?!" Leon asks "Don't sound so surprised, why do you think she brought her bow to a date?" "And no you can't have this cabin, but it's in the family so you can live in it, but the best way to get someone to like you back is by being honest about it". They leave early the next morning and Rose is giggling while sitting on Leon's shoulders "Speak of the devil" Adrian mumbles, it was normal for several people of the mountain village to go there for supplies "Leon what a surprise!" "Hi Lianne" Leon says "Didn't know you were good with kids" Lianne says "Oh this is Rose, my cousin" "She's adorable!", Adrian clears his throat and Leon turns around "And these people are my aunt Ruby and my uncle Adrian" "What brings you two so far from the mountain?" Lianne asks "Had to get something from my cabin, you usually don't travel here" Ruby points out earning a sigh "We have to speak to the new bishop, but the priest from down the road also said that the chances much too small" "Leon, why don't you three check what I have in my cabin while Adrian and I will have a word with the priests, words, that's all" "So... your aunt is Ruby Belmont" Lianne says "And my uncle is Adrian Tepes" Leon mumbles, making Rose giggle "Rose, that isn't for you" he adds, but upon seeing the tiny fangs he sighs "I'll take her to get something to eat" he says taking the young girl again, now he just had to hide he has vampires and dhampires for family.

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