12: Leon and Stella Belmont

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"Hurry up Adrian!" Ruby yells running through the forest heading to the Belmont estate, they had been out hunting when Isaac found them, so they finished their hunt and are currently on their way back "You realize that we won't be allowed in the room right?" Adrian asks when they reach the building "I know, but I'll never forgive myself if I'm not here" she says walking in "You're here" Trevor says "Lisa kicked me out when I wouldn't stop pacing" "Sounds like her" Ruby says with a sigh.

They wait for hours until the sound of crying breaks the silence and Trevor is upstairs before the other two can even stand up "Can we come in too?" Ruby asks peeking in "Of course come on in" Sypha says "Leon, let's call our son Leon" Trevor says with a smile "What about your daughter?" Adrian asks "I don't know" Sypha says "Stella, I like that name and it would've been my name had my eyes not turned red when our father held me" Ruby says with a smile "Stella it is" Sypha says with a small smile "You look tired" Ruby says "You're actually really excited aren't you?" Trevor asks with a grin "Yes" she says, she tries to contain her happiness, but she decides against it and hugs Sypha "I'm so happy" she says "You can hold her if you want, go on" Sypha says "B-but-" "Ruby, just do it" Adrian says so Ruby carefully takes the child from Sypha after sitting down on the bed "She's so small" she mumbles "You were like that too" Trevor says "And you had the most adorable fangs" he adds before realizing what he's saying "My fangs were..." "Adorable?" Adrian asks, both dhampir's are looking at Trevor like he's gone crazy "Wait if I had fangs, how did you never figure out what I was?" Ruby asks "I was a kid, I wasn't worrying that my little sister was half vampire, you weren't burning up in the sunlight, that was good enough for me" Trevor says looking away "You two finished hunting right?" Lisa asks "Yes, we finished after Isaac told us, where is he anyway?" "I was enjoying the scenery" "Isaac, hold her" Ruby says making everyone look at her as if she's crazy "Oh come on, it can't be worse then Trevor admitting my fangs were adorable" she adds. "We were expecting guests" Lisa says "Vlad tried to say no, but they were annoyingly persistent" "I can stay here right?" Ruby asks, but Adrian sighs "Afraid not, you see, before the church ruined our entire lives there were several vampire lords who absolutely wanted me to marry their daughters, now I have you, so you have to come".

When they leave the room they see Isaac smiling ever so slightly as he holds Stella "I'm an aunt" Ruby says sort of bouncing up and down "Let's tell Vlad" Lisa says. The mood in the castle is tense, so everyone gets changed before heading to the throne room "I never thought I'd see Isaac smile" Adrian says "Me neither" Lisa says "I'm telling you that my son already found someone" Vlad says "Oh boy" Ruby mumbles "She cannot possibly be as beautiful as any of these girls" another man says "Vlad sorry I'm late. I had to help somewhere" Lisa says walking in "I see, you will have to tell me about it later" Vlad says and he looks at the other two "I can't... They will know I'm a Belmont" Ruby says "Come on, it's not gonna be that bad" Adrian whispers "Adrian what's the hold up?" Lisa asks walking over "Ruby's scared", Lisa takes Ruby's hand and pulls her along, the chatter dies down and Adrian sighs before following them and he puts an arm around Ruby "His lover is a Belmont?" one of the young vampires asks "Got a problem with that?" Ruby asks clenching her fist and she narrows her eyes as they glow red "The Belmonts are your enemy my lord", Ruby tilts her head and asks "Really, then do tell, where were you when Lisa was about to be burned on a stake in Targoviste?" "What?" "Yes they tried burning her at the stake, Ruby here saved here. She's the daughter of Gabriel Belmont and the recently deceased vampire mistress Carmilla" Vlad says.

The three vampire families stay for a day until they return home and Ruby's eating dinner with Hector and Adrian "So twins" Hector says "Isaac smiled" Adrian says, this earns him a confused look "Yeah, I asked if he wanted to hold Stella and he smiled" Ruby says "I wish I had seen that" "I thought vampires didn't need human food" a girl says, but neither of the three really like her tone or her attitude "They are dhampir's, they can eat human food" Hector says "Not that you would understand that, you can't look past the fact I'm a Belmont" Ruby says eating some soup "Why are you wearing a fur cloak?" Adrian asks finally noticing what Ruby had changed in, but he understands when she moves it slightly "Ah right, well you can never be too prepared" Hector says "Not with vampires like that as visitors" he adds "Vlad forbid me to carry my crossbow here" she says resting her head on her hand. They're all very aware that the three girls are now all watching them "Can I see them?" Hector asks "Yeah sure, anything better then spending the night here" Ruby says as she stands up.

They return to the Belmont estate and Hector knocks on the door "Emergency" Ruby says when a tired Trevor opens the door "Emergency?" he asks letting them in "Oh yes, three fathers came with their daughters, hoping I would marry them, they didn't take kindly to Ruby being a Belmont" Adrian says "Emergency indeed" Isaac comments "I know who you mean" he adds "So we're spending the night here" Ruby says "Don't worry about it, I know where everything is". Vlad and Lisa aren't even surprised that they left, what surprised them was that Hector left as well "A Belmont father, he'd never be save" Vlad overhears the most dramatic of the girls as he passes a guests room "I know honey, but she is half vampire, the daughter of Carmilla no less and they're already lovers, do you really want to come between them?" "But father, there's no way-" "Look young lady, the young master made his choice and she is currently in all aspects better then you, would you have saved Lisa?" "N-no, I wouldn't get anywhere near the church", Lisa walks over to Vlad and he shakes his head so the two walk off, at least the other two had the decency to congratulate him about his son finding someone who was as well mannered as Ruby, he just hoped they would never have to meet her in a fight "Listening in, where are your manners?" Lisa asks once they're out of earshot "Well that girl is planning something to tear them apart" Vlad says "Her father won't allow it" Lisa mumbles "No matter, they're save" Vlad says as he takes Lisa's hand "Now what have you been doing in the lab all day?".

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