10: The journal

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"I really appreciate you trying to cheer me up Adrian" Ruby say with a sigh "But it doesn't change the fact at some point I have to abandon them" she mumbles making Adrian sigh "Get some sleep and let me think on this okay?" "I just wanna sleep forever" she says looking at him from the corner of her eyes. Vlad is concerned when Adrian tells him what Ruby had said "Wait... I might know something that can help" Lisa says "What if, after she has to abandon them, she could stay with them. Under the hold" "That would work, but wouldn't we need her approval?" Vlad asks "If we ask her she's gonna say we shouldn't go through all the trouble just for her" Adrian says "If the future generations are going to think we're evil they need someone to guide them, don't they?" Lisa asks "Besides, it'd make a great test to see if they're ready to face whatever the world throws at them" she says "Let's talk to Trevor about it tomorrow" Vlad says.

When Adrian arrives at the Belmont hold the next morning he sees Trevor fixing some shelves and what not "Have you seen Ruby?" "She's in the house, keeping an eye on Sypha, is she alright?" Trevor asks "As well as she can be in this situation I suppose" Adrian says "But my mother has an idea, my father's already doing something on his own for her" "Let's hear it then" Trevor says "But I do have to continue my work down here" he adds.

Sypha sighs seeing Ruby asleep on the couch and she spots a weathered journal on the ground, open "I better put this somewhere save" she mumbles, but when she wants to grab it she stops seeing some text "Well might as well" she mumbles picking it up carefully before sitting down on the other couch and she starts reading the first entry, noting there weren't any dates on it.

Entry 1

I had to leave Targoviste with Lisa shortly after I saved her, I had to train her before things went to hell, which gives me less then a year. I wish Trevor was here, he'd know what to do, but I have no clue where he currently is, given that I don't want to risk being killed by my own damn brother. He saved me as a baby and he accepted me, our father's the only one who accepted who I was entirely, I had to hide, especially after the church came after us one night. I was lucky to be out hunting for food that night, but returning to see the house burning and Trevor being the only one save outside, as save as it is when you're being held by two clergymen. My hunt in the forest had been unsuccessful though, I killed the men from the church when I could and fled, ignoring Trevor's shouts and screams, it pained me to do so, but he can never know what I am.

Sypha blinks the tears away and she looks at Ruby, the dhampir's obviously younger then Trevor, but she had seen a lot more, she looks at the journal and sighs seeing the drawing of a burning house, a drawing of a younger Trevor on the other side of the page, flipping through the journal she sees all entries have drawings "Huh, no drawing of herself" she mumbles stopping at one of the later entries.

Entry 20

Training Lisa is a pain, she's a great student and a quick learning, but I have to remember that she's human and I'm not. This evening we went to a town in the hopes of getting a normal night sleep, but as it turns out there were priests there, no surprise really, but they know how Lisa looks. So we had to camp out for another night, I did manage to get food so Lisa's cooking as I'm writing this, but she looks for focused I might add a drawing.

Getting normal food is easy, but I haven't fed in years and during the previous night we ran into, take a guess, clergymen and I didn't get away unharmed, Lisa patched me up, but that doesn't change the fact I need blood, when she's asleep I will kill the bastards and pretend like we never ran into them. Travelling with someone makes me miss my family even more, especially since Lisa keeps saying how her son would like hanging around me. I'm a Belmont for heaven's sake, her son is a Tepes, how on Earth would we ever get along.

"What are you reading?" Trevor asks making Sypha look up "Ruby's journal" she says, she hands it to Trevor as Adrian walks in "Holy shit. I never knew she had to go through all that after our house burned down" Trevor says "No wonder she seemed to distant, this shit is insane", he shows an entry to Adrian, who takes it and he decides to read it, however he soon wished he hadn't.

Entry whatever(I lost count)

This reminds me of when I was alone, Lisa had returned to my cabin near Targoviste early, leaving me alone. Only this time I'm better prepared an a hell lot better equipped for it, the church started catching on to what I had done, so I had to send her back for her own safety, now I have to deal with the consequences of being careless. Lisa has asked me why I hate the church so much, but she knows it's more then the fact they took my family away, maybe I can write it down

A few weeks after I left Trevor on his own and started to find a place where I belong, where no one will hate me for either my human or vampire half, of course, how much can a young dhampir do anyway seeing as I took my weapons with me when I went hunting because I have no idea how to control my vampiric abilities. I found a nice elderly woman who took me in, despite knowing I am a Belmont, she thought I was fully human. I made money and I had a roof over my head and I had someone who took care of me. As usual my luck ran out and the priests have taken over the village and of course I was discovered, not because of my last name, because of the fact they saw my fangs. They tried to burn me at the stake for being a 'demon's spawn', the only one who didn't show up was the one who took me in. I still don't remember how I broke free, but I did and killed the priests, I didn't waste any time to head to the house I spend my peaceful time in the village and gathered my stuff and I left after leaving a note.

Adrian rereads the last few sentences as tears fill his eyes and he stumbles, so Trevor quickly helps him to a chair "She..." Adrian puts the journal on the table, closed, not wanting to add more spots to the page, Sypha looks at Ruby "That explains the light burn mark that doesn't seem to heal" she mumbles. "I shall take her back to the castle with me, my mother would probably love to read that entry" "Your father deserves to know too" Trevor says earning a nod. At the castle he finds his parents in the alchemy lab "Read this and hurry it up" he says, Vlad takes the journal first and he read the entry before his eyes widen "They tried to kill a child" he says clenching his fist "She has to come to us about it Vlad" Lisa says "I thought it was odd that she said she knew what I was feeling before she saved me, does her brother know?" "Yes, he read it first with Sypha, this explains why she's so against leaving her family" Adrian says with a sigh "We should keep working, I will continue to train her".

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