19: Moving in

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"Please don't start crying" Ruby thinks opening the door to her room and she sighs seeing the huge mess "Adrian, why don't you get Sypha and Trevor's room ready?" Lisa asks "Mother, I hadn't realized you woke up" Adrian says, but Lisa's eyes are drawn to a kid, sitting on the bed with her armd crossed "Ruby can you please-" "You two have a lot of explaining to do" Lisa cuts him off "Well technically we don't" Ruby comments dryly "Sypha and Trevor's room". Adrian doesn't know how fast he has to leave the room to avoid a very long interrogation, but Ruby, as usual doesn't care less about it and she heads to the closet, Lisa can see the girl has black hair, but when she sees the eyes she has trouble containing her squeal, a perfect mixture between Adrian and Ruby "Mommy, I want to see uncle Trevor" she says "He's coming tomorrow honey, now, what do you want wear?" "Who's that?", Ruby raises and eyebrow and she says "Lisa you look like an idiot with that grin on your face and go on". When Adrian comes back he smiles slightly "Trevor arrived, thought I'd warn you he brought Stella and Leon" "Stella and Leon came as well?" Lisa asks "Come on Rose, pick a dress and we can greet them" Ruby says.

Trevor chuckles when he sees his sister walk down, tired "You make it seem to easy" she says hugging him "And Sypha thought that too at that age" he says "Hector's making the cake again I see" he adds "Yes, Lisa's helping her get dressed right now" "Rosemarie Belmont, long name though" Sypha says "Adrian's idea I bet" "No, Hector's idea actually, Adrian and I couldn't decide on Rose, his idea, or Marie, my idea" Ruby explains "You two didn't have to come you know" Trevor says turning to his kids "We know dad" Stella says "But then we'd miss the chance to see our adorable cousin" Leon adds with a grin "I'll take you to your room, presents in the main lounge" Ruby says.

Lisa has the biggest fun with Rosemarie and the young dhampir doesn't exactly mind the attention "Mommy" she says seeing Ruby let herself fall on the couch "I have a question" Lisa says "Shoot" Ruby mumbles "How long have you been awake?" "A week I think", Lisa frowns and she puts Rose down "Why don't you grab a blanket for your mother?" "Can't reach them" Rose says "We haven't started her training yet" Ruby mumbles.

Lisa gets Ruby to try and get some sleep while Stella and Leon keep Rose busy and Adrian is showing Trevor and Sypha around "Wonder what Carmilla will say when she finds out about Rose" Trevor says "If she ever finds out, she and my father showed no sign of waking up last week" Adrian says "Then again, neither did my mother" "Hey, give it time" Sypha says "I bet she won't even notice until you tell her" Trevor says before he gets an idea.

"Lisa, how were Vlad's injuries?" Ruby asks "Healed, why?" Lisa asks "Come on Rose, let's go wake your grandpa", Lisa goes with them and of course they didn't tell Adrian, who starts stressing "Lisa and Ruby took her with them" Sypha says looking at the dhampir "Why?" he asks "To see if they can wake up Vlad of course" Trevor says.

Turns out that Trevor's ideas do work sometimes and Vlad is very confused "How to put this..." Lisa mumbles "After the hunters attacked the mansion you were KO, you wouldn't wake up, so we found you coffin, but had to fix it and now four years have passed after you, mom and Lisa started to heal" Ruby says "Miss anything?" "No don't think so" Lisa says after thinking for a while "Oh right, Hector's making a cake, Trevor and Sypha moved in and... no that's it" she says. Vlad's attention is drawns when someone pulls on his cape "Are you grandpa Dracula?" Rose asks, this makes Vlad look at Ruby, who has a blank look on her face "You look scary" "Honey that's mean" Ruby says "But it's true-" "Rosemarie, we taught you better manners then that", the girl pales somewhat at the mention of her full first name and she pouts "Go on, introduce yourself" Lisa says "I'm Rosemarie Belmont" "That does sound better then Tepes" Lisa mumbles with a sigh "And you're my grandfather" the girl adds "Yes I am" Vlad says picking her up "Now why don't we head back to the mansion before it gets dark?" "Great idea" Lisa says.

"Carmilla's still not waking up" Vlad says that evening during dinner and he looks at Adrian, who is smiling a lot when he sees Stella, Leon and Rose act like they're siblings "Oh did you guys know Hector can paint?" Ruby asks "He can paint?" Lisa asks "Yeah, he painted our portait, put it next to yours in the living room" Adrian says "So why is her last name Belmont?" Vlad asks "Tepes sounds weird" Lisa says with a sigh "And believe it or not, but Adrian insisted on it" Ruby adds "Due to that reason". "So, how does it feel to know you'll go back home without them?" Vlad asks looking at the Belmont twins "Weird" Stella says "But fun, we'll be able to do our own thing" Leon adds "You already can do you own thing" Sypha says with a sigh "Speaking of doing your own thing" Hector says and he looks at the two dhampir's at the table "Your plans were delayed" he adds "Yes they were and if Trevor won't mind babysitting for a while-" "I won't" "We can resume those plans soon".

Hector knows exactly where the two are going and what they plan on doing, so he keeps it quiet "I see" Trevor says as he's giving Rose a piggyback ride "And then what happened?" "Mommy fell through the ice, she was laughing about it though" Rose says "That sounds like her, even as a kid she didn't mind things that like that" Trevor explains "Why don't you try to find Sypha?" "Auntie Sypha's in the castle" Rose says 'You're stuck with me".

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