23: Invasion

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"Everyone get the plan?" Vlad asks "Not exactly" Ruby says "What good will it do we we help the cities?" "We can fight of the hordes, protect the people who live in Wallacia" Lisa says "But shouldn't someone stay here?" Ruby asks "You really don't want to get involved" Sypha says earning a shrug "I can't kill her Sypha. I'm a fucking Belmont who can't kill one vampire, this is humiliating, can I go back to sleep?" "You could've killed Vlad" Lisa says "And I still could, but..." Ruby trails off "All I wished for my entire life was to have a mother who cared about me, then she changed into that person and now-" "That's why you couldn't kill her back at the house" Trevor says "You wanted your mother" "I wanted my family" Ruby says "You know how that feels", they're quiet for a moment "I feel like an idiot" "You're not, but if we really have no other choice you will always have us" Adrian says "I know the feeling of needing a mother Ruby and if it wasn't for you mine would be burned to death for being a doctor" he adds "Let's make a proper plan this time, alright?" "Agreed" Sypha says "You won't have to do anything, right Trevor?" "Of course, unless you change your mind halfway".

So Trevor, Sypha and Adrian head off after making a plan that has a little chance to fail "I see, thanks for the heads up" Gabriel says "We need medicine though, Leon lost too much blood" "Is my supply chest still over there?" Ruby asks "Yes" Stella cuts in "Go grab it, I'll be there in a second". "Where are mom and dad?" Stella asks "Take a guess" Ruby mumbles cleaning Leon's wounds "Rose sleeps most of the day" Gabriel says and he raises an eyebrow "If they had the courage and means to get in my cabin they would've tried to burn me next to Lisa for being a black magician on top of being a Belmont" she says "I need new water" she adds "And something like a brush, a soft brush, not a hard one". They're all glad Leon's asleep because he would start struggling "Done" Ruby eventually says "If you change the bandage wash these ones and put some more paste on the injuries before wrapping it up again" she explains handing everything to Lianne "Now that that's done-" "You're not doing that" Gabriel says when Ruby opens the door to the hallway "They might need you" he adds "I'm well aware of that Gabriel, but you cannot expect me to hunt my own family down just to-" "Ruby, I understand it's hard" Lianne says, surprising the other two "But you're a Belmont, you hunt demons for a living, you were trained for that and if she really cares about you she will stop this, but you can't hide from it" she adds "If you won't do it for yourself then do it for Rose", when Ruby stays quiet Stella asks carefully "Uh why don't you just sit down and I'll make some tea for everyone?" "No thanks" Ruby says and she disappears from her spot.

Lisa is somewhat worried when Ruby gathers up her needed weapons and the silver arrows "What are you doing?" Vlad asks "Lianne made a point" Ruby says "What was the point?" Lisa asks "That I'm a Belmont and if I'm not doing this for myself I should do it for Rose" "So where are you going?" Vlad asks "Me? I'm going to protect the archbishop, he knows demons are real, but he's convinced the others don't exist".

When she arrives she kills five creatures with relative ease "Take the archbishop to safety" she orders aiming her crossbow and she starts shooting them "It's like Dracula all over again" someone says and Ruby doesn't recognize the voice, but she realizes who it is when she checks "Get as many people as possible into the cathedral" Ruby says "Now!". When the city's empty Ruby looks around when she doesn't hear anything but she dodges a claw and uses the whip to kill it before moving to the next one. The other three are worried, especially with the news that Ruby headed off in a hurry "Well it's probably fine" Trevor says "Ruby's strong and she's too stubborn to die" "True" Vlad says "Leon's fine as well, he's not struggling as much as I had thought" Gabriel says "Probably cause it's Lianne and not one of us" Stella comments dryly "Rose is worried about her parents and I'm starting to worry, she feels like she has a fever, for several days now" "Bring her over, maybe she's reacting to the temperature change" Lisa says "Anyone has eyes on Ruby?" Sypha asks cutting in "Last we saw her she was doing perfectly fine, those creatures didn't stand a chance, neither will Isaac when he faces her" "Why would Isaac fight her? He's hungry for power, not stupid" Hector asks, this earns him a chuckle from Adrian "Knowing her she's staking out from the top of the building" "That she is" Vlad says with a smile and they're handed Rose "We'll talk again soon". "Why are we talking to Dracula of all people?" Gabriel asks "He's our best ally" Trevor points out "Besides, if you can't find information there's no doubt he has it".

Ruby has it somewhat easy after moving the most important people to her cabin "Where is the archbishop?" Isaac asks looking at her "Really no idea" Ruby says with a shrug "And I don't care to be honest" "Such a shame Carmilla would rather see you alive, maybe if I tell her it was an accident-", he sidesteps to dodge an arrow and he says "You missed" he says "Did I now?" Ruby asks as sparks cover her hand "Then you didn't notice the first two I shot", she walks off and says "And tell my mother that I will kill her if she continues".

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