9: Moving the castle

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Trevor didn't know what to expect when he and Sypha returned to the castle, but it certainly wasn't that he'd have a house or that Ruby's sitting against it with a book while occasionally turning to talk to Adrian "What on Earth happened here?" Sypha asks "Our farewell gift to you" Adrian says helping Ruby up "Isaac's going to stay here with you" Vlad says "He promised not to do anything too disturbing and he knows how to operate your new mirror". Ruby smiles slightly at her brother "I do hope you'll visit us" she says "Of course, just promise to visit here as well" Trevor says "I will" she says "We fixed the hold too, so that shouldn't be a problem "And we added more security" Adrian points out "Never move out of this place alright? And kill everyone from the church you might see" Ruby says hugging her brother "What would I tell my kids or grand kids? 'Hey remember when I told you about my sister? She's immortal and dating Dracula's son', they'd never believe me" "That's kind of the point, whatever you decide to do with your future you have to visit when you're old and grey" Adrian says "We left some medicine in your kitchen, labelled" Lisa says "And a book what on you can do with everything" "Ruby, say your goodbye" Vlad says "I left my sword here in favor off my crossbow, but I did take your whip, your old one and dad had a quiver with unlimited arrows, so I took that too".

The castle disappears making Sypha sigh "And you guys said I broke it" "You did" Isaac comments "What do you guys want for dinner?" "I could eat anything" Trevor says going into the newly build house "She remembered" he says when Sypha hugs him.

"He's gonna cry when he sees his room" Ruby says looking outside "And why are we on top of a mountain in an endless snow storm?" "It's save, we placed a barrier to detect intruders and there are creatures patrolling inside the barrier" Vlad says "I think we should all get some rest, you and Adrian shouldn't even have helped out".

A few months pass by and Ruby is wandering the halls of the castle, she had heard from Trevor that he had exciting news, but she wasn't even sure how to get there "Ruby" Vlad says seeing her outside his study "I was wondering if there was a way to visit Trevor" she says entering the room "There is" Vlad says standing up and the mirror pieces float up "Do you want Adrian to go too?" "No, my brother said that wouldn't be smart, he's expecting some sort of trouble with the church" Ruby says, she didn't usually wear the outfit she's wearing now, a similar outfit to her brother's, but her has a bit more black then white "And seeing as Adrian's my son he shouldn't go" "Honestly, I'm expecting trouble too. I'll be back in the evening" Ruby says and she goes through the mirror. "Ruby" Trevor says seeing her enter the house and the young dhampir sees the speakers there as well "So what's the big news?" she asks "I thought you'd show up in a fancy dress or something" Sypha says hugging Ruby tightly "And ruin it when the church is gonna come, not a chance, now, I'm here for a reason aren't I?" Ruby asks, she looks at the two and her eyes widen "Don't tell me-" "You're gonna be an aunt!" Sypha says, being careful not to yell and Ruby  hugs them both "That's great news" she says "Yes, I'm sorry I can't tell Adrian, so you'll have to do that" Trevor says "Why do you think there's gonna be trouble anyway?" "It's pretty suspicious a Belmont moves back into his ruined home right after Dracula's castle disappears to nowhere" "We wouldn't cause trouble with this many guests" a priest says making everyone quiet "We can to congratulate you", Ruby narrows her eyes, something was off, she knows the church hates Belmonts and speakers "Could we have a word, outside?" she asks "I have a gift for the fact they defeated Dracula, why they would invite a vampire like you is beyond me though" "She helped us defeat Dracula" Trevor says "And you weren't invited" Ruby says, she realizes she's still wearing her cloak "Let me put this away" she mumbles, once she puts her cloak away she can tell the priests is shocked since he's stuttering "Sorry I'm late" Adrian says walking over to the three "Glad you could make it, even though I don't think-" "Oh don't worry" Adrian cuts Trevor off "Congratulations" he says looking at his friends "So are you two dating?" Sypha asks "Yes" Ruby mumbles "Lisa's... what's the word, more then happy with that news" "Yes, my mother is ecstatic with the fact, I have no idea why though". Trevor looks at them after they sit down "So, if you two are gonna marry one day. Are you gonna take his last name?" he asks "No" Ruby says "I am and always will be a Belmont" "And changing your last name will not change that Ruby" Adrian says "But I'm afraid that unless you make a very important decision that you will miss it" he adds "I wouldn't miss her- Oh", he realizes what the dhampir's saying "Sorry Trev, but I'm not in a hurry with any of these things" Ruby says taking his hands in hers "I will be there when your kids are born and maybe even your grandchildren, but after that I will have to distance myself from this family" "Don't go crying on a day as this" Adrian says, but Sypha smiles "No, he has to let it out sometimes".

The two dhampir's leave late in the evening and Lisa's waiting for them "You should wear that more often" she says mentioning to Ruby's outfit "I might" she says "You two look tired" Vlad says "We are, just a bit, we'll get some rest after eating" Adrian says, but Ruby walks off mumbling "I'm not hungry, sorry". "Trevor finally realized what it means that she's not human" Adrian explains during dinner "The topic of marriage came up, since we're not in a hurry Trevor realized he will miss her wedding day, he's not too happy. Ruby isn't either "I can understand that" Vlad says "Maybe we can do something about that for her, she did after all save you", Lisa nods "Adrian, why don't you go and see how she's doing?" she asks.

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