31: Belmont reunion

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"I haven't worn this in forever" Ruby mumbles looking at her reflection and she sighs, her outfit still fit, so that's good "Well most people will start arriving soon" Stella says braiding Rose's hair "Right" she says "Will there be kids my age?" "If you mean around 500 than no, but if you mean around the 15, quite a few" Gabriel says "Sneaking up won't work" Ruby comments putting her several weapons in their places before putting on the coat Lisa made her, completely black with the Belmont crest on the back in gold. The plaza is huge and she has quite some luck that Rose gets along with the other kids easily, despite her being a damphir "You weren't kidding" she says looking at Gabriel "Well-", the young damphir quiets him "There's trouble at the gate" "You call yourselves Belmonts!" a man yells "You're letting two monsters live in the house of our ancestors!", Stella sighs "Really? And who are these monsters you speak off?" Trevor asks walking over with Sypha "Vampires" he says "Rose runs over sensing her father and Sypha whispers something in her ear so she runs to the gate "How about we settle this the old fashioned way?" Ruby asks "That wouldn't be quite fair for him" Adrian adds, Rose dragging him along "Although I guess it makes sense a Belmont knows where to find a Belmont" he adds "You don't even carry weapons" the man says, but Ruby sighs "I don't need weapons" she says taking of her coat and handing it to Stella "I'm sure trying to break into the sacred hold isn't a way to get very popular, doing so to kill your ancestor is likely to get you executed" Ruby says "Your point?" "She's standing here to broad daylight" Gabriel points out "You weren't on the invite list" he adds, the second he dares to aim a gun at Rose several older kids get between them "I frankly do not care if you shoot me" Ruby says "But do not even attempt to shoot my daughter", Rose looks at her mother, who seemed calm despite the situation "This will go to hell pretty quickly" Adrian says "Really? What happened to the last person to threaten Rose?" Trevor asks "Remember how she uses her vampiric abilities very rarely?" Rose asks earning a nod "Besides the floating and shape shifting thing" Sypha says "Watch" Adrian says. Ruby and the guy circle each other for a moment before Ruby disappears in a red blur, appearing behind him and several of her throwing knifes float up "Her eyes are still blue" Rose mumbles, the guy dodges the knifes, but finds himself face to face with Ruby once again "Ah I get it" Adrian says "She's messing with him, if she kills him she'll just prove to him he's right about what she is" Trevor adds "She's countering him" "I can do this all day" she says ""So I'm curious, why go after me, Adrian and Rose, but not Trevor, Sypha, Vlad, Hector and Lisa? And don't tell me they're not impure creatures because to you, to all Belmonts, vampires are the worst enemies", when she gets no comment she grins. "Really you're more afraid of damphir's than of Dracula?" Trevor asks and Rose starts laughing when he gets even more annoyed "You're more afraid of her than my father?" Adrian asks mentioning to Rose, Ruby keeps countering his attacks and Gabriel sighs "So, who will get tired first?" he asks "Mom can literally do this all day" Rose says. The guy eventually gives up and Trevor chuckles "Reminds me of the time you were sparring with our oldest sister, she was beyond mad" "Tying one hand to our back was her idea, not mine" Ruby says "She lost eventually though" she adds with a shrug "You two never really share much from your childhood" Rose says making them look at each other "You know the house we live in?" Adrian asks "Yeah" Rose says "Well while Trevor and Sypha were hunting the last of the demons we rebuild it, the church had burned it to the ground while they were young" "Why weren't you helping?" Gabriel asks "We were, but someone poisoned us, so we had to leave them to recover" Ruby explains.

After the reunion Trevor stays with Ruby and Adrian "You guys have to tell her eventually" the blonde dhampir says "Which part? Why there's a burn mark on my back or why we hate the church?" "Everything, from what happened during our journey to after we saved my father" "And why don't you tell her?" Trevor asks "She's a Belmont, besides, my mother told her everything from her side of the story, including meeting my father" Adrian says "We'll think about it" Ruby says "Right now I'm too tired for" "It was a pretty stressful day" Trevor says, but Rose finds the journal on her bed when she finishes her shower with a note saying 'The past is painful to talk about', so she grabs it and starts reading.

Ruby hides a yawn seeing Tony in front of the door, so she opens it "Well this is... unexpected" she says "Can I help you?" "Yes, Nick Fury wants to meet you at the helicarrier" "At the what now?" she asks "Never mind, I'll get dressed and join you in a minute". The helicarrier is impressive, but Ruby is terrified "Oh no" she says when it flies up, she's not afraid of heights, but she had never even seen one of those things before "You must be Ruby Belmont" Fury says in the meeting room "Yep, nice to meet you" she says "I'm curious though, why did no one tell me this thing even existed?" "Element of surprise" Natasha says, but Ruby walks off mumbling something about how demons and werewolves are way easier to deal with and Nat looks at Fury, who's confused, but she just shrugs "Okay she's a bit weird" Tony says "Mission briefing tonight" Fury says "Don't be late" "No sir" Hawkeye says.

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