15: Family visit

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(that's their new house, credit goes to the artist(whoever that is))

"Are you sure this is necessary father?" Adrian asks seeing the ballroom decorations "They're just turning ten" he adds "Exactly, so we need to throw a big party they won't forget!" Vlad says with a smile "Ruby what's your-" upon turning around he sees his mother drag Ruby along, both wearing dresses that fit the constant cold weather, Ruby's dress is light grey, reaches her knees and she's wearing her boots underneath, his mother's wearing a long dress, the same color as Ruby's but more fit for staying indoors. "Adrian?" Vlad asks raising an eyebrow, wondering why his son stopped talking, that is until he turns around too "You two look stunning" he says walking towards them "Yes well, dress to impress" Lisa says "It took forever to get Ruby to change though, she's so stubborn" "I simply prefer pants over skirts" Ruby counters "But I guess this sort of dress is alright" she mumbles seeing Adrian blush "Alright? You look beautiful" Adrian says walking over "You two need to head to the village to restock on food" Vlad says "Adrian and I will handle the decorations" "Don't let him go overboard" Ruby says.

Lisa's in awe of the village "How do people live in this weather?" she asks quietly "Dress warm enough" Ruby deadpans, Lisa had forced her to wear her new cloak "We're here to stock up on food, not to go shopping" "A little shopping never hurts" Lisa says pulling Ruby along with her. Halfway through the shopping spree Ruby manages to sneak away towards the bar "Finally" she mumbles sitting down with some ale "What's a lovely girl like you doing here?" a man asks "Drinking" she answers dryly "Want some company?" a second guy asks "No", the men sit down at a table away from her, but she sighs "Are they bothering you miss?" the bartender asks "Oh not at all, besides, I can take care of myself" Ruby says "Haven't see you around before" he says while cleaning "I live in the new house further up the mountain", this obviously gets the group of men interested "Take care on your way back there". Lisa finally finds her about two hours later "This is my second one" Ruby says when Lisa crosses her arms "We best head back before he sends a search party though" "Yes yes", Ruby stands up and puts some coins on the counter "Why were you in there?" Lisa asks when they leave the village "I didn't feel like shopping, you went all over the market and you went overboard" Ruby explains taking two baskets "You always manage to locate the bars and inn don't you?" Lisa asks earning a shrug "Must be a Belmont thing, Trevor's good at it as well".

At the house, which is more like a small castle, they're greeted by two ten year old kids "You're already here" Ruby says putting the basket down before kneeling down to hug them "Auntie Ruby this place is awesome!" Stella says "You look like me" Ruby says "And Leon looks like Trevor" she adds "Mom and dad told me so much about you!" Leon says "Is it true you can use magic like mom?" "Just a little bit, the rest of my abilities come from my mother" "Can we meet your mom?" Stella asks, this makes Ruby stand up and look at Lisa, unsure how to explain the situation "You really shouldn't meet her" Lisa says "Come I'll show you to your room".

Carmilla doesn't move hearing the door open, but when the cell door opens she turns around "Come on" Ruby says grabbing her by her dress "You're not dragging me away from here without a good reason, what is it?" Carmilla asks, though she has no strength to resist "My niece and nephew wanna meet you, so you better behave" "Trevor has kids?" Carmilla asks earning a glare "Yes" Ruby says dragging her inside "And you make one wrong move and they will get a demonstration of my fighting abilities" she adds. She hears the soft music from a distance and she sighs peeking inside "Vlad, can you come here for a second?" she asks so he walks over "You really have a soft spot for the kids to bring her here" he comments "They can't meet dad, so this is the next best thing, please set an entire list of ground rules".

Ruby quickly informs Sypha and Trevor, the latter scolding her for being an idiot while Sypha simply says "Alright, we trust you Ruby". Vlad walks in with Carmilla making Lisa narrow her eyes "You" she says walking to Carmilla, who backs away "How dare you abandon you only child in a forest simply because she's a dhampir, moreover if you had any good in you you wouldn't have hurt both my son and your daughter and you wouldn't be rotting away in the dungeons!" Lisa yells, Stella and Leon are in aw at that, but the adults aren't impressed "And I thought Vlad was scary when he gets protective" Sypha mumbles "My mother is a lot scarier in times like this" Adrian says putting an arm around Ruby, who's quietly watching "Seems that my mother's not so happy" she eventually mumbles "So you're auntie Ruby's mother?" Stella asks after tugging on Carmilla's dress "N-no, of course not" "Don't lie" Ruby deadpans "I'm not happy we're related either, but deal with it" "They said they wanted to meet you" Lisa says "One fang near them and you're dead". Carmilla feels left out so she sulking near the food table, making Adrian push Ruby towards her lightly "Go on, you brought her here" he whispers "What do you want me to say? 'Sorry dad didn't kill me?'" she asks quietly "Besides, I only brought her so Leon and Stella could meet-" she stops talking and pauses the record "Footsteps" Adrian whisper, Trevor runs to the window and he groans in annoyance "Did someone see you?" he asks, but Ruby says "Not that I know of", when she sees hunters trying to break the door open she jumps down "Wait Ruby", however she lands quietly and snatches the spears away "Why are you breaking into my house?" she asks tossing the weapons into the abyss beneath the natural bridge "People say they spotted a vampire in this direction" one of them says "We're having a birthday party, please come back another time" Ruby says "You look familiar" an older hunter says "This certainly isn't how I expected to meet an old mentor again" she says "As I said, birthday party" "No vampire will survive with a Belmont in the area, let's go", Ruby jumps back to the room and she sighs "That's the guy who trained you" Trevor says "Yeah, seems he joined a party of traveling vampire hunters" she says.

However after the party and Trevor's back home with his family Adrian is pacing in the science lab "They're gonna be back" Lisa says, but it's what they're all thinking "Carmilla, drink some blood and meet me in my study, the rest of you, head to bed" Vlad says "Alright alright" Adrian says "But why?" "Please don't tell me you plan to sacrafice you two to save us" Ruby says "You three look the most human" Carmilla says "And why do I have to help?" "You'd rather go back to the castle dungeons?" Lisa asks "No of course not, but-" "End of discussion, good night" Ruby says walking out of the room.

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