11: Family

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The first thing Ruby sees when she wakes up in her room at the castle and the sun is shining, so it had to be noon or something "How are you feeling?" Adrian asks "Feeling alright I suppose" she says pulling the covers up further "You suppose" he says pulling her into a hug. She doesn't really mind, but he's usually not this affectionate "What's wrong?" Ruby asks looking at him, but he stays quiet "Why are you hugging me like you never want to let go?" "We saw the journal" he eventually says quietly "You read my journal?" Ruby asks "Not entirely" Adrian says "Which one did you read Adrian?", when he stays quiet again she sighs "So you found out" she says "Why didn't you say anything?" he asks "I didn't think it mattered" she says "But it seems now that it does" "Come on, we have to show you something".

In the Belmont hold Ruby's surprised to find Trevor and Sypha in an even lower level of the place "We just finished digging out the last part" Sypha says walking over to the two "Father will take it from here then" Adrian says, confusing Ruby to no end "What is this place? And why is the entrance hidden?" she asks walking around "This will be your sleeping place should you ever need to heal or anything like that" Trevor says "You'd do that for me?" she asks "Of course, you're family, dhampir's or not, you're family" he says "But I'm everything they fought" "You're half human" Adrian says "And you fought the same battle as the rest of us, you're still fighting the church and you saved my mother" "Yes she wouldn't shut up about you" Ruby says "It was very annoying actually" "Now that everyone's cheered up, we need help with the garden, going to town and back each time is a pain in the ass" Sypha says "I'll go and hunt some animals" Ruby says "Who's coming with me?" "I guess I can come" Trevor says "Make sure Sypha takes it easy".

"I thought about it, about me and Sypha missing everything when it comes to you" he admits, this earns him a confused look "And I made my choice" he adds before hearing an animal move "Well what's your decision?" Ruby asks quietly. When she dashes off in wolf form Trevor sighs "Nice catch" he says "Your decision?" she asks "When the time is right I will visit the castle one last time and I'm never leaving you again" he says nearly making her drop the deer "I don't know what to say to that" she mumbles "I smell another one, stay here", she comes back with a second deer and sighs "We should head back" she says with a smile. They walk back slowly "Does Sypha know about your decision?" Ruby asks "No, I'm not going to tell her yet" Trevor says "Although she said she'd be fine with whatever I decide" "What am I supposed to tell the next Belmont who goes after Dracula 'Oh yeah, he kidnapped my brother and turned him into a vampire' so let's go and kill that bastard?" she asks, this causes him to start laughing "Who knows what you'll tell them" Trevor says "But you gotta promise to wear this more often" "I will, don't worry, oh hey here's a crazy idea" Ruby suddenly says "What's going on?" Trevor asks seeing Adrian and Sypha talking to someone so they head over "Adrian can you take this deer and do whatever you do with it?" Trevor asks "Of course, come on Ruby" Adrian says and the two head to the well. "You seem happy" he says when they both sit down "Of course I am. Trevor already made his choice" she says "Also... why is your father here?" "Getting things ready for you. You see, while those two are staying here we will go after the remainder of the church and hopefully finish it before their kid is born" "Adrian that's dangerous", they stop talking about it when Trevor's guest walks over "So you two helped save mankind" he says "Yes we did" Adrian says "But really Ruby did most of the work" he adds earning a glare "I didn't, you guys saved Gresit" Ruby says "What you did was far more important" "Is this normal?" the man asks "Yes, Adrian and I tend to disagree on things" Ruby says "Ruby, how's the deer coming along? Sypha started cooking already" Trevor says "Coming!" Ruby says "Are you two staying for dinner?" he adds "Why not" Adrian says making Trevor nod before heading back inside.

Sypha welcomes the other two guests while Ruby's finishing dinner "Look mommy, another Belmont! She looks so awesome" a girl says "Dinner's ready" Ruby says, she turns around and Trevor can't really stop the young girl from running to the dining room "Take it easy" Sypha says "She hasn't been this excited in a while" the man says "Where's Adrian?" Ruby asks "I have no idea, he might still be outside", Ruby heads outside where Adrian's still at the well "I don't trust that man Ruby" he says "I know the feeling, but we promised to stay for dinner" Ruby says "We might as well stay the night, have you noticed that the girl only talks to her mother and doesn't want to get close to her father?" Adrian asks, they sit in silence and Ruby sighs "Let's just get this over with shall we?" she asks.

When the two dhampir's sit down Trevor doesn't miss the fact Adrian's eyes are focused on the man "Daddy, can that awesome lady play with me after dinner?" the girl asks "You have to be in bed on time young lady" he says "I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm-" "She's going to bed after dinner!" the man says, making Ruby wince slightly "You will not yell to a child in this house" Sypha says "Where's she go?" Trevor asks and Ruby sighs "Not to be rude, but you are guests, from the looks of it you don't go out much, so keep pretending you have manners until you leave this place" she says narrowing her eyes "Or I will teach you some manners" she adds "Ruby that's uncalled for" Adrian says "No it's not" Ruby says standing up "I would get it if you were someone important" "STOP IT!" Sypha yells. Adrian takes Ruby's hand and pulls her back down "Sorry Sypha" she says. "You're my sister in law, I forgive you" Sypha says "You two married without me?" Ruby asks "Yes, sort off" Trevor says "We wanted to include you, but we found Sypha's family and well it just happened" he explains "But you can be there when our kid will be born" "That's a comfort" Ruby mumbles.

When the man suddenly realizes he has an appointment after dinner he leaves "He was rude" Sypha says "No kidding" Adrian says "But Ruby and I better head back now though" he adds "You know, you can let go of my leg now" Ruby says making the young girl let go "Trevor, let her sleep in my room, it's protected" she says. At the castle they see Vlad and Lisa are back as well "That mirror we put in is working" Lisa says "That's good" Adrian says "You two look exhausted, get some sleep" Vlad says earning a nod "You were right father, some humans are just terrible" Adrian says "Goodnight".

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