32: Official mission

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The mission seems interesting enough, until Ruby sees the village "What did my father-in law do this time?" "All the victims are males" Fury says "Okay what did my mother do this time?" "If it is your mother, going on a killing spree for fun, you'll be split up in pairs, Belmont, go with Stark". "Okay, not my mother... Out of control demon?" she asks seeing the injuries "Why would you suggest an out of control demon?" Tony asks earning a sigh "It's not a werewolf" she explains "It's common knowledge demons roam the area, so that's the only thing left" "Mom! Hunters attacked Aunt Sypha!" Rose says running over "Let's go" Tony says, the house is swarming with hunters, although the only one who looks like he wants to be there is the Belmont and Ruby's eyes glow red as she walks through the group towards the door and she grabs the guy, holding him above the endless fall underneath "Sypha are you alright?" she asks "Somehow, thanks to the fact Rose decided to visit after school" Sypha says "Ruby what are you doing?" Tony asks "I let him go last time, this time he went too far" she says keeping her gaze at the Belmont in front of her "You should've killed me when you had the chance" he says "Nat... we got an out of control situation here" Tony says "Do I have to remind you that vampires-" "Do you even know who I am?" Ruby asks cutting him off "You're a dhampir" "Ruby Belmont, one of the last remaining Belmonts for a long time, the family name didn't survive to have it ruined by the likes of you, so you have a choice, retire as a hunter or I'll drop you" "I will never retire for as long as demons live" "Ruby put him down" Vlad says walking over, only a few determinded, not forced hunters remain "He would've gone to you and Lisa next" she says looking up at him "I see, so this is the exiled Belmont" Vlad says "While you deal with this, are there any out of control demons?" Rose asks "Quite a few" Vlad says "Rose, help Sypha to the castle, Ruby, don't kill someone in front of your teammates" "Fine" Ruby says tossing the guy on the ground "Let's go Tony, Nat, Barton" "Eh Ruby, you might want to calm down" Natasha says "How am I supposed to calm down when that idiot-" "Exactly, he's sn idiot" Tony says "And why are you giving us silver weapons?" "Trust me, you'll need them, Barton, my arrows" "What about you?" he asks "Remember how I answered no when you asked me if I'm a dhampir?" "Yeah..." "I lied, surprise surprise, Peter's history book is accurate, Vlad his full name is Vlad Dracula Tepes and we fought demons, vampires, which included Vlad and my mother, and the clergies from the church" she says, they arrive after about an hour walking, but there aren't any demons "We wait till nightfall and hope the others get here too" she says making a campfire under a rock. While waiting she explains as much as possible to the three "So that's why you wouldn't sell the land" Tony says "Would you if you had generations of knowledge under your house?" Ruby asks "Not really, still don't get why you fought against the church though" Barton says "Have you ever seen a Belmont in a church?" she asks, but Natasha shakes her head "Back then science was new, weird and feared, whoever used it was thought to be a witch, so when I got news that they were burning a witch at the stake I went to investigate. I found Lisa, wrongfully accused of witchcraft, she was a doctor for crying out loud, anyway, I saved her, took her to my cabin and went back to the city to see Dracula threatening everyone, so I told him that if he went through with it I'd kill him" "But you didn't" Tony says "Why's that?" "I trained Lisa for a little under a year and the day it all went to hell I went back to the city, to fight off the demons, afterwards Lisa and I headed to Gresit to find Adrian, her son, I got injured fighting demons, found out my half brother was a drunkard and killed the bishop responsible for the mess", she pauses when she hears something in the distances "We met Trevor, Sypha and Adrian on the road, since they had a wagon and we didn't and we travelled together after that" "And she would've been dead way too many times had she been human" Hector cuts in "And truthfully, if Vlad hadn't come to his senses he would've been dead" "Hector what are you doing here?" "The demons aren't mine" he says sitting next to her "But Isaac's knife is still locked up" "Why do you talk as if Vlad and Dracula are different people?" Tony asks "Because most of the time he's Vlad, caring father, grandfather and husband, other times he's Dracula, willing to kill whoever deserves it without a secomd thought, Lisa's the only one who can snap him out of that" Ruby explains "You think there's another forgemaster?" "Could be, but my guess would be an inexperienced one" Hector says earning a sigh "Can you guys promise not to tell the others about what I told you?" Ruby asks "Sure, as long as you quit snooping around" "I won't have to if you don't keep the blood samples you take" she deadpans. When it gets dark Ruby sits up from her laying position "I still don't get why we need silver weapons" Tony says "Because they're demons" Hector points out "All drenched in holy water, don't try to hit me or Hector with those arrow" Ruby says, she dodges the first demon and her sword blocks the claw of the second one behind her "Hector" she says tossing her whip over before she shifts into a wolf "Don't hit the wolf, got it" Tony says, they get rid of the demons, but it's awfully quiet after that "This isn't good" Hector says "Define not good" Natasha says "Well Vlad has demons patrolling the area, it shouldn't be quiet" Ruby explains "I haven't seen any of my own demons yet either" Hector says "Hector is a forgemaster" Ruby explains "He makes the demons from dead bodied" "There's no other way to put it" Hector adds tossing the whip back "That's good to know, anything else we need to be aware off?" "Hm..." Ruby thinks for a while, but she shrugs "We'll get there when it's needed probably, or never", they hear movements so Hector runs off, soundlessly and faster than the others can blink while Ruby jumps in a nearby tree "You guys must be stupid to camp here" someone says "Actually we're investigating the murders" Natasha deadpans "There aren't any murders" "What the..." Ruby mumbles under her breath "Kid, drop that knife" Tony says "People have been killed" Clint explains showing a picture "What did that?" "A demon" Hector says inspecting the knife "I was defending myself against bandits". "Really hate to interrupt" Ruby says jumping down "But we should go, Hector take the kid to Vlad", the ground shakes slightly and the others turn to look at whatever it is "I didn't mean to" the kid says "Hector go!" Ruby says, so Hector takes the kid and leaves "We might need backup" Tony says "Agreed on that" Ruby mumbles and she takes her sword "Has to be the biggest demon I've ever seen, that's saying something, trust me" she says "Any advise?" Natasha asks "Aim for the eyes?" Ruby asks but a roar makes them cover their ears "Steve be careful!" Clint says "What is that?" Bruce asks "A demon" Thor says "Before we do anything stupid I'd like to remind everyone we're on a snowy mountain" Steve says "Demons don't really listen and they usually don't care" Ruby points out before disappearing from her spot, but as mentioned the demon's huge "Where is that blasted weapon when I need it?" "What weapon?" Tony asks "The weapon I can't actually use" she says landing next to him, but before they can do anything else the demon roars again and Natasha groans in annoyance  when the rumbling starts "Shit" Tony says, but Vlad appears "My ears are ringing" Ruby says, but even disoriented she can make out the giant lava ball "That thing" she says, when the avalance is dealt with Vlad turns towards the demon "Ruby, does it have a weak spot?" he asks "I didn't exactly get to find out" "I see, stay back", the Avengers get a perfect demonstration of Vlad's real strength and they're all terrified "Guys" Ruby says "He's not that scary" "Not that scary?" Steve asks "Lisa made cookies, she wants you to come over more" Vlad says making Ruby grin "Race you guys to the castle" she says shifting into a wolf before running off.

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