27: Waking up

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Ruby looks around as she gets out of her coffin, knocking on Adrian's as she walks to the mirror "You're up?" Trevor asks earning a nod "Adrian's getting up as well, why is there so much dust?" "Well... it's 2016" Trevor says "What?" "And we managed to move everything from the Belmont grounds to the United States" he adds "I am not going to bother asking how" she mumbles sitting down "Here, some clothes for you guys" Sypha says showing two piles "Remember Ruby, you move where the job is" Trevor says "I sensed a presence" Ruby mumbles taking the clothes "The grounds are pretty big" Adrian says "We have some time" he adds looking at Ruby who nods "Spill" she says.

When they're in the house they raise an eyebrow "Sypha wasn't kidding when she said she kept the main house clean" Adrian says "Or that she upgraded" Ruby adds, when the doorbell rings Ruby walks over and opens it "Are you Ruby Belmont?" "Yes and who are you?" Ruby asks narrowing her eyes "My name is Tony Stark, this is my good friend Bruce Banner" the one in the front says "I'd like to talk to you about your land" "Right, come in" Ruby says stepping aside, when Tony finishes explaining the two dhampir's just stare at him "So you want to buy this land, demolish everything on it and build your high tech building" Ruby says earning a nod "Yeah not happening, would you sell your childhood home?" "N-no" Tony says "Then this conversation is over, we would however like to know if there's a school our daughter can go to" "But Adrian, your father-" "Can train her during the vacations, she has to learn it anyway, might as well do that with kids her age", Tony and Bruce are watching the two "I might have one but you'd have to drive her" Tony says. "Mom, dad" Rose says walking down "Why was I- Oh that explains it" she says seeing the two guests "Interesting" Bruce mumbles making Adrian look at him "You don't see that eye color anywhere" he explains "She looks like a perfect mix of you both" Tony says "But we should get going" Bruce says earning a nod. When the two are gone Rose sighs "I'm thirsty" she says "You should take a look around, I'll check everything here" Adrian says looking at Ruby, who nods and grabs his coat before walking off, catching up with Tony and Bruce easily "Do you know how hard it is to navigate here?" Bruce asks earning a shrug "Especially since it's a no driving zone" Tony adds "I grew up here, so it's not confusing for me, wait" Ruby says stopping them "I hear something, it's coming from over there" she whispers, when the others can hear the growling too they look somewhat confused "Go" Ruby says pushing them away when a Demon pounces on them and she takes her dagger before she's pinned to the ground by it "Why are you here?" she asks narrowing her eyes as they turn red "I was tasked with protecting these grounds at night", the demon steps away so the Belmont sits up "It's not even nighttime, but it is dark, so you're forgiven, this time". Tony and Bruce are quiet, wondering how she managed to calm that thing down, or even what it was "So, how'd you know where to find me?" she asks eventually "We ran into a Belmont, said we'd have to discus it with you" "Smart kid" Ruby mumbles "However, we did get a warning you could be a bit old fashioned" Bruce says making the girl raise an eyebrow. It takes a while to reach the car and Ruby starts inspecting it "Get in" Tony says "We'll give you a tour of the-", a large explosion cuts them off and Tony groans "Bruce stay here with her" he says taking off "Wait what's wrong?! Bruce yells and he turns to Ruby, but she's gone as well. "You have vampire blood" a male says when Ruby arrives, before Tony "I-I don't" the girl says "Your ancestor was a vampire don't try to fool me kid" "Hey!" Ruby yells jumping down between them "Leave the kid alone" she adds "Why should I? All I was is a little bit of vampire blood" "So you're going around, cornering kids who are humans?" Ruby raises when she earns a growl "So I am willing to ask you nicely, once, leave the kid alone and don't continue this stupid search for vampire blood" "Never. I will be immortal" the guy says, so Ruby disappears from her spot only to end up behind him with a dagger and she stabs him "You'll be too late, the other kids are most likely demon *cough* food by now". Tony lands and looks at Ruby, who's sending the kid back home "You're fast" he says "Huh? That wasn't fast" Ruby says "I know where the other kids are" "Where?" Tony asks "The mountain with the creepy castle, as the guy put it" she says "So... Can I come?" she asks "Absolutely not!" Tony says "Why not?" she asks "According to that guy he took a Belmont there, a young one" "I get that it's family-" "You don't get it, know what, nevermind, I'm going home" Ruby says and she walks off, her eyes glowing red, so she covers them with her hair and she feels her fangs grow, she had to go back home quickly. "Welcome back" Adrian says when she walks in and he pulls her in a hug "Drink" he whispers "I'm guessing your tour didn't go so well" he says "Not really" she eventually says "We need to visit your parents" "Why?" he asks somewhat confused "Someone is after vampire blood, well was, he's dead, but he kidnapped kids and put them in the castle" she says resting her head on his shoulder "Where's Rose?" "Rose is checking the grounds, wanted to see how bad it is" he says "And you should go, I need to find food for dinner" "Well there's a store nearby".

Ruby chuckles softly seeing the Avengers unable to open the door and she walks over, knocking loudly several times with the back of her dagger "Are you insane?!" Tony asks, but the door opens "Ruby you're alright!" Lisa yells hugging her tightly making the dhampir lose balance "Of course I am, now those guys are looking for kids" "Right this way then" Lisa says after getting up. It doesn't take long before Ruby finds the Belmont and she crouches down "Hey kid, you okay?" "I want my parents" "I know, why don't you start with your name?" "Ruby", Lisa smiles "I think they named her after you" "Probably, hey, how about we go and bring you back home? Would you like that?" "Ruby we need to ask the kid a few-" "Tony she's already gone" Natasha says "Would you all like some coffee or tea?" Lisa asks with a smile "Although... I have no idea how the coffee machine works, Sypha gave it to me a few days ago" "We can fix that" Natasha says so she follows Lisa to the kitchen, admiring the paintings "Hey, who's that?" "That's Ruby's mother Carmilla, I have no idea where she is right now, but I hope to find her before Ruby realizes she's missing" "She looks familiar" Natasha says "I'll look into it".

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