26: Author's note

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Helloooo people! I usually don't do an author's note, but I feel like I should get the opinion of my readers concerning the next plot. There are two options!

Option 1:

Trevor, Sypha, Ruby and Adrian/Alucard travel all around Wallacia to gather vampire children and bring them to the castle, along with Vlad and Lisa's help, who help track them down using whatever knowledge they have in the castle. These vampire children will be trained and taken care of by Lisa and Vlad, with Adrian and Ruby's help when they're home.

Option 2:

They all enter a 500 years sleep(give or take a few years) and wake up in the modern world, all of them being in different locations, Ruby, Rose and Adrian underneath the Belmont hold. Trevor and Sypha awake for the entire time at the mountain mansion with Hector, who at one point will be turned into a vampire as well and Vlad and Lisa at the castle. They must learn to navigate through the modern world and learn how to accept the change while also defending themselves from villains who would do anything to get a bit of vampiric blood, they will aid either the Avengers(making this a marvel crossover) or the Justice League(making it a DC crossover)

That are the two options!!!

Although if option 1 is popular I will simply do option 2 after that, so I will do that anyway, have fun voting!!!!

Examples of the plots:


Ruby is Adrian listen to Vlad's explanation and they both look at each other "So let me get this straight Father, you want us to find these children and bring them here?" Adrian asks, somewhat confused "Yes that's what I'm asking, I trust you two" Vlad says "You can bring them here, we will keep track of your progress and if you find any children we will take them in here" "Here. In the mansion?" Ruby asks "No you don't know what they will do, they will be saver in the castle" she says after Lisa gave a nod "Well there is more space there and there's a space you can train them" "Alright we'll go... let's go see if Trevor and Sypha are up for this job" Adrian says "But don't expect us back anytime soon, this will take a while, especially since finding these children will be harder then you both think it is" "Of course we don't think this is easy Adrian, but what are we supposed to do? Leave them out there to die at the hands of the church?" Lisa asks "Guess we'll have to ask around for recent 'witch hunts' planned in villages and what not" Ruby mumbles "You're getting us a wagon and horses though" she says pointing at the two vampires before walking off to get her stuff.


"Excuse me, who are you to just barge into my house and demand I sell it to you?!" Ruby asks putting her hands on the table, staring the man in front of her down as she narrows her blue eyes, his strange presence woke her and now he's demanding she sell the Belmont estate and ground to him, not a very good first impression "No one's been living here in age, but the Belmont I met said to discuss it with Ruby Belmont, you" "I'm not selling it, I rebuild it a very long time ago, so selling it is out of the question, besides, would you sell the house you grew up in?" "W-well no" the man says "Then this discussion is over" Adrian cuts in "I'm sure we can handle renovating this ourselves" he adds looking at Ruby who nods "However, we would like to know where we can send our daughter to school", this earns Adrian a somewhat confused look "She has to learn all of it eventually, might as well with kids her age" "But your father-" "My father can help her during vacations" "I might have a school for her" the man says making the two look at him "You might have to drive her to and from school though" he says, since the two had been awake for a while earlier when the man had entered the grounds Trevor had brought them up to date before they left the chamber "We don't have a driver license, but I'm sure we can manage something" Adrian says, this was going to be a weird week.

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