16: Friends become enemies

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Since Adrian and Ruby are in a few rooms from Hector's room they hear the intruders fairly quickly, the human being fast asleep already "She was your student, why would she hide something like that?" a younger hunter asks "Don't talk so loud" the leader of the party says "This room is pitch black" probably the youngest whispers opening the door quietly "The fireplace is almost out", Ruby's dozing off when the fireplace is lit again and she smile slightly feeling Adrian get back into bed "The cold must've woken him" the leader says, but they have no idea what they walked into.

They deem Lisa normal too, having no idea who that is, and they stop passing by Vlad's study, where they hear talking "I can't agree on that my lord" Carmilla says "Then what do you agree on?" Vlad asks, that voice they do recognize so the door is kicked open "We're in the middle of an argument, do you guys mind?" Carmilla asks "There were kids here, where are they?" the leader asks "Home, with their parents" Vlad comments dryly "If this is Ruby's house what are you two doing here? Why is she letting vampire's stay?" the old man asks "Did you know that Ruby's not fully human?" Vlad asks "You nearly killed everyone" the youngest says "What are you guys doing here?" Ruby asks tiredly "And why was one of you about to stab my boyfriend?" "They were about to do what?" Vlad asks standing up "Kill Adrian with this" Ruby says holding up a dagger "I told that idiot not to do anything stupid" "Come back in the morning" Vlad says.

They do just that and Lisa brings them to the dining room "I'm fine Ruby" Adrian says "He is" Lisa says earning a sigh "Good morning Hector" Vlad says, Carmilla's, again, awkwardly standing near the kitchen counter "Ruby why are you living with two vampires?" the hunter asks "Are you an idiot?" Ruby asks standing up "Three vampires, a human and a dhampir" she says pointing to everyone "And you should know I'm not fully human either, you trained me, I am however a Belmont, so I'm keeping them alive for my experiment" she adds "Experiment?" the leader asks "Yes, to see if one human and two dhampir's can live peacefully with three vampires" she explains dryly "And they're not causing trouble so I don't feel like wasting my energy on something like that". The hunting party explores the castle carefully "Can I at least kill them?" "Keep my old mentor alive, I wanna see how far he'll take these things", Adrian plucks the first one away when they pass a room they inspected before and Ruby's waiting at the top of the stairs "Thought there were five of you" she says not looking up from her book "He probably went to investigate" "Don't shoot her you idiot!" "She's floating mid air!", Ruby glances at them and she sighs "Were you gonna go up or down?" she asks "Down" the leader says "Hector doesn't like being disturbed while he's working" "Working?" the leader asks "He can't work with this cold", he heads downstairs to the basement instructing the others to continue without him "How did you get Dracula to agree with your experiment?" the rookie asks "Simple really, I'm dating his son. Now where are you guys headed next?" "That Lisa mentioned something about a lab" he says, obviously fully trusting Ruby "Don't tell her that you idiot" the leader says "Is this the same idiot who tried killing my boyfriend in his sleep?" "Yes, I have no idea why though?" "He had fangs, he could've killed you!", Ruby sighs at that "I wish Trevor was here" she mumbles walking off after closing her book. Lisa's not even surprised when they don't want to enter the room after seeing the equipment "Can I help you guys?" she asks "Huh, where are the other three?" "Other three?", sure enough the party of five is reduced to two "That rookie seemed to like Ruby a lot" Lisa says turning back to her notes "Well our leader refused to listen to the warning that Hector didn't want to be disturbed by his work, the youngest... I have no idea" "Such a shame, I was looking forward to making dinner for you guys" Lisa comments.

The two remaining head back to the main hall to discuss what to do "This guy yours?" Ruby  asks dragging the guy who has been following her around all day along "Are you stupid!" "B-but she- " "She what? And Ruby, why do you have blood on your chin?" "Oh, Adrian let me feed, which wouldn't have been needed in the first place had this guy not used his gun on my boyfriend while his back was turned" Ruby explains "Get him out of my sight" she adds tossing him on the ground.

The remaining three hunters decide to visit Trevor and Sypha about Ruby's drastic changes, however inside, drinking tea are Adrian and Ruby, while Stella and Leon are sitting between the two dhampir's, listening to stories about everything "Oh and then Adrian decided to try and follow Lisa, but he fell on the ice" Ruby says making the two laugh "Did he fall through it?" Leon asks "No he didn't, though we were slightly concerned he would since the ice was cracked". The mood in the room is pleasant, but the three hunters notice something else as well, the same thing they noticed when they were at Dracula's castle "Don't be shy, come in" Trevor says while Sypha ops to take the kids to the garden with Adrian since it's obviously hunter business and Adrian has no intentions of being near the guy who tried to stab and shoot him in the same day. "Why do I sense vampires?" the hunter asks "I have no idea what you're talking about" Trevor comments dryly putting his tea down as he moves to sit next to his sister "Did you know your sister is a dhampiress?" "Yes I've known for a while" Trevor says "But she's my family, so I can't shoot her if that's what you're asking" he adds sounding somewhat annoyed "Did you know she's doing an experiment to see if a human and two dhampir's can live peacefully with three vampires?" "Three?" Trevor asks "Yes a blonde vampire mistress" "Hold on a second. Ruby, is this guy asking you to shoot your mother?" "Yes" Ruby says "Although Sypha may have been right, don't tell her I said that though" she adds. When the guy heads off to explore they are left with the unfamiliar two hunters "Ruby... why-" "Because I can't bring myself to care enough about my mother to let her" Ruby cuts Trevor off "So go ahead, I'm gonna go outside".

When the hunter returns from his tour of the garden Sypha is already inside and Ruby's standing outside talking with Adrian and it reeks of blood inside the house "Is this the guy who's planning to kill you dad?" Leon asks, this makes the man stop in the door opening, frozen in fear or anger, they don't know "Yes honey" Sypha says, both are completely clean and so is the house, but the former mentor knows better "Mommy look what I-" "Don't get in there" the man says, but Ruby steps in and pulls the girl out of his grip and into a hug "Aunt Ruby, what's going on?" Stella asks "Why don't we ask my former mentor?" Ruby asks, her eyes going from blue to red and Trevor sighs "Get out of my house!" he says "But Trev-" "I said get out!" Trevor repeats himself and this time the man stares in horror, not because he's told to get out, but because both Sypha and Trevor now have piercing red eyes "And don't come back" Sypha adds, standing behind Leon and hugging him and Ruby watches in amusement as the fearless guy who trained her runs off scared for him live.

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