4: Belmont estate

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The scene they find in the village is straight out of a horror movie, blood seemingly everywhere, the citizens hiding somewhere in a building, most likely the inn and an army of clergymen against the two who went ahead, who seems pretty fine with the odd "Can you believe this?" Sypha asks leaning forwards "Should we, I don't know, help them?" she asks, though in all honesty, she preferred to watch "I think they're perfectly fine" Lisa says "At least they're not holding back with the people in hiding" she mumbles after watching for a while "Ruby's holding back" Trevor says "But she never had any training when it came to her vampire side". "Don't get tired on me Ruby" Alucard says "If you don't recall, I didn't get much sleep last night" Ruby comments jumping away. Once the clergymen are taken care off the villagers get out of their hiding place "Thank you" an elderly woman asks walking to the two "They were stealing our food to store in the church for when the hordes were coming" "Which is..." Trevor trails off when it slowly becomes dark "Everyone to the church now!" he yells "So we each take a side of the church?" Lisa asks "Would they go in through the back?" Sypha asks "Seeing at the back is facing the forest, yes" Trevor says "Luckily there's five of us, you two take the back" "Mother, you can't-" "How do you think she survived so far" Ruby asks "However let's not forget the flying things, so Lisa, take the back, Sypha and I will each take a side, Trevor protects the front door and Alucard will guard on the roof to keep the skies cleared" she says "You should be a leader Ruby, not me" "No one's gonna listen to me" she says before walking off "She has some serious issues" Sypha mumbles, but she walks off too.

Protecting the church is easy with the five of them "We should be permanent travelling companion" Trevor says "We can't" Lisa says "Adrian and I will move back into the castle once we fix things" "With or without Dracula?" Ruby asks earning a nod from Lisa "I just hope we can make him see reason" Lisa says "But the safety of everyone comes first". After spending the night at the inn they continue their journey and of course Ruby and Alucard are asleep in the back of the cart "Geez we might as well drags two coffins with us for them" Trevor says, Sypha moves back to help Lisa with something, but that means Trevor has to focus on the road and he only looks when Sypha sits back down grinning "You like to torture me don't you?" he asks "No, I like to tease Alucard" Sypha corrects him "Very funny" Alucard says "Come on" Lisa says "Mother we have more important things to focus on then you finding me a possible bride" "What?!" Trevor yells "You're kidding right?" "No I'm quite serious" Lisa says.

The rest of the ride is quiet, but Alucard is observing his mother while Ruby, who woke up a short while ago, is trying to drown out the chatter between the other three "There it is" Trevor eventually says "There's really nothing left of it is there?" Ruby asks once she jumps off the cart "No" Trevor says "I still remember finding you in the forest and rushing you home" he says "Dad was surprised" he adds. Looking at the ruins does make Ruby sad, but she has a house, one she'd be willing to share with her brother "You really okay with letting a vampire and two dhampir's in the hold?" Alucard asks making Trevor sigh "No, but we don't have a choice now do we?" "We have an option" Lisa says "But what are the-" "Do not finish that sentence" Ruby cuts her off before looking for the entrance "Should be around here somewhere" she mumbles, she finds the door, but Alucard puts a hand on her shoulder "You should let me, you have little control over your vampire abilities, I will teach you once we're safe" he says "Fine fine!" she says.

Once the hold is open they head inside "Okay, you want to wait to the last second to show up?" Alucard asks looking at his mother, who nods "You two can tell him I'm alive, that I never got burned" Lisa says "Which he won't believe seeing as it's coming from his own son and from me, the one who's been defying him from the start, thought I did say I had something to tell him, but I suppose that's why I'm still alive" Ruby says "What's the last second?" Alucard asks "Element of surprise I guess" Lisa says, the two know she's lying, but don't mention it.  "Ruby are you alright?" Trevor asks, finding her with a book in hand "Yeah, just worried" she mumbles when she sits next to him "You're fearless, this shouldn't scare you" Trevor says sitting down next to her "It's not that. People other then you like having me around, yes I saved Lisa, but I'm not used to having someone around the entire time" she says "All my other friends died thanks to the hordes" "And these friends can take care of themselves" he says putting an arm around her "Thanks Trev", he reaches for the blanked and covers them both "Everyone's tired" "You're not even bothered I'm half vampire?" she asks "Nah. Sure it was a shock and I would've killed you, but you're family, you're my little sister" Trevor says.

The next day Trevor, Lisa and Sypha are looking for anything that can help while Alucard is training Ruby "I think I got it" Lisa mumbles "A locking spell" she says "I just have to find one"  "That's like searching for a needle in a haystack" Sypha says "I think we're at a disadvantage" Trevor says "Carmilla would've caused chaos right?" he asks "More then needed" Alucard comments "Meaning we'll have to face his entire army of soldiers" Lisa says "Not neccesarly" Ruby comments while jumping backwards to dodge Alucard "We wait till he moves, until his army is thinned and then we trap his castle" Trevor says "Great plan. Also Ruby, come on, I found something you'd wanna see". Trevor drags a chest along and takes his dagger, opening it "The morningstar whip" Ruby says "And this" Trevor says "A sword?" Alucard asks "Not any sword, look it can retrackt for ttavelling, it's very heavy and originally only the men were allowed to carry it, but it's yours now" "You can't carry it can you?" Ruby asks with a grin "No I can't" Trevor admits with a smile, their peace doesn't last long and the hold shakes "We need more time to finish" Sypha says "Alright lemme think", Ruby's already on her way to the door though "Alucard fix the mirror and find the castle, Lisa, Sypha, finish the spell. Leave the monsters to the Belmonts here".

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