7: Traveling

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"Do you have to bring the crossbow?" Adrian asks helping Ruby into the cart "Yes, it's my weapon you know" she says "What's the difference with Trevor bringing the morning star? He can't even use my crossbow" "No I can't, it's too heavy" Trevor says seeing the skeptical look "So they made it especially for you?" Sypha asks earning a nod "I didn't want to get too close to things in fear of it triggering my thirst of any other abilities, so they gave me a bow instead. Now it's mainly used for hunting animals I guess" Ruby explains sitting down "Take care and don't forget to come back!" Lisa yells making the four sigh.

It's quiet for a while until Sypha ask what exactly the plan is, seeing as they didn't make one before leaving "We find the speakers, tell them what happened and move on, if we don't run into trouble along the way" Trevor says and he glances at his sister "What?" Ruby asks "Do you have to sit so close to him?" is the odd question "I can't sit next to you with Sypha sitting there" she counters "Let's switch then" Sypha says so the two switch places. They stop near a town and find it oddly quiet "Sypha, Aluc- Adrian, can you two explore?" Trevor asks "Sure" Sypha says "What?" Adrian asks seeing the buildings destroyed "Stay away vampire!" a man yells from a rooftop "Why are you on the roof?" Sypha asks "We're not safe on the ground" the man says "And you're not save either on the roof" Adrian says, an arrow takes out a flying creature, which bursts into flames "Guys!" Trevor yells making the two run back to the cart "They wanted us to split up" Sypha says clearing some of the creatures in one fell sweep, but they see that their friends are having a hard time keeping up "Come on this is crazy" Ruby says when her crossbow is swiped out of her hand "Trevor, hide" she growls, he does what she says "Shit" he says when Ruby jumps towards the creatures "Holy shit" Sypha says when Adrian quickly puts her with Trevor, Ruby, now a black wolf is taking down creatures one by one "Take it easy" Adrian says once they're all down and Ruby turns back only to nearly collapse "That was awesome!" Sypha says "I don't know what happened" Ruby says "But we're not welcome here it seems" Trevor says "They don't want vampires here, but I can ask around" Sypha says "So you go and find a place to camp out" she adds "I'll go with you" Trevor says "You guys can stay at the inn if you like, we'll manage" Adrian says before taking the cart to a quiet place. They stop at the edge of the forest they have to go through the next day "Do we have any food?" Ruby asks going through the supplies "I think my mother put some in" Adrian says helping out "Here we go" he says handing the girl a basket "Is she trying to be funny?" Ruby asks "Sandwiches and blood bags, really funny", Adrian chuckles as he sits down, but Ruby puts the basket back as she looks down "You really don't want to outlive him" Adrian says "Of course not" Ruby says "Why do you think I-" "Ruby do not finish that sentence, Trevor will understand if you explain it, there's no point in rushing towards danger if you know that you can't die so easily" Adrian says "You have to talk to him about it and I mean a proper conversation" he says putting an arm around her "I can only make sure he doesn't die before he's old and grey".

When Sypha and Trevor find them the next morning Trevor resists the urge to wake Adrian up and yell at him "This was to be expected" Sypha says "Why?" Trevor asks "Because he's the only who understands her. She doesn't want to outlive you and he doesn't want to see us both die" Sypha says "I didn't think that was an issue" Trevor mumbles "Let's go, we'll have to leave now if we want to make it through the forest before nightfall" Sypha says and she puts a blanket over the two vampires. Turns out that the forest isn't as save as it seems and Ruby wakes up to the sound of growling "Adrian wake up" she whispers "Why did we stop in the middle of the forest?" Adrian asks "I don't know, I don't know where Sypha and Trevor are either". They look around and the growling subsides "Young master, we took the threat away from you" a demon says making Ruby raise her crossbow "Easy Ruby" Adrian says "What do you mean threat?" he asks looking at the demon "The two humans who were driving the cart" the demon says "Is this young dhampir your bride?" "I'm just a-" "Yes she is" Adrian says cutting Ruby off "Now where are the humans?" he asks "Come this way young master" the demon says "Your bride?!" Ruby hisses quietly "Just go with it unless you wanna be on the same end of this demon as your brother" Adrian whispers. They reach a clearing and see the other two tied up and knocked out "Demons use ropes?" Ruby asks "Unless there's someone helping them, no" Adrian says "I saved them for you so you can eat them" the demon says moving to the side "I'm sorry, but we're already full" Adrian says "If you could let them go now" "Let them go young master?" the demon asks "But they're humans, humans killed you mother!" "My mother is very much alive thank you very much, now release them". The demon growls, but he doesn't get to land a claw on Trevor and Sypha because when he tries he has a sword through his head an and arrow through his heart "Should we save them?" Ruby asks "We could-" Adrian stops himself and gets an idea so he whispers something in Ruby's ear "Sure, I'll get our food basket" she mumbles running off, she loved messing with her brother.

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