18: Recovery

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Adrian has to cover his eyes when he wakes up "Take it easy" Sypha warns him, bandages cover his torse and most of his right arm "Why didn't you guys warn us?" she asks walking over "We thought we could handle it" he admits rubbing his head "You'd be dead if we hadn't shown up" Trevor comments from the bed next to him, where he's trying to get Ruby to drink something, Leon runs over, grabs a clean cloth and runs back into the other room "I see you made use of my mini hospital floor" Lisa says earning a shrug "The only place with enough space" Sypha says "Well everyone's alive, that's what counts" she adds, Stella sighs and lets herself fall on an empty bed face first "How do you guys do it?" she asks "You two have been awake for days" she adds looking at her parents "Easy, we're not human" Sypha says "Lucky you" Leon says sitting down once he enters the room "Well they're gonna be fine, now can I sleep?" "Fine my ass, Vlad's still not awake and Carmilla can't find his damn coffin" Stella counters "I don't think he has one" Ruby says finally talking, but Trevor uses that to put a spoon full of soup on her mouth "What the hell is that stuff?!" she asks "Tastes like swamp" "How would you-" "Stella, do not finish that" Sypha warns them "So" Leon says "Aunt Ruby has plenty of emberassing stories about you dad, but we never hear stories about her" "Hm... how traumatizing do you want it to be?" Sypha asks "Nothing too bad" Stella says "Okay fine" Ruby says "I fell into a swamp once, all the Belmonts were out camping near one to hunt creatures, Trevor and I went off on our own chasing, what was it?" "A fox" Trevor says "We were chasing a fox, we never caught up with it, because Ruby slipped and fell into the swamp, I fell in too, but that was in an attempt to rescue her" "You were laughing too hard for that" Ruby counters "Anyway, dad found us and got us out, but I had to explain why we fell in in the first place", Adrian chuckles "You covered in swamp goo, I can't imagine" "It certainly isn't one of my best moments" she says with a shrug "Shit happens, what else is there to say about this world". Lisa sits down on a chair "So why didn't they kill you?" "Only dad knew at that point, sure my training progressed faster, but eventually they were used to it" "That and while mom was pissed off at dad she couldn't just leave a baby alone in the woods".

Ruby is the first to be allowed to leave her bed several days later and she stretches "If anyone ask, Dracula's dead, we know" Stella says "But uh... how are we gonna convince the people he's evil?" "Good question" Hector cuts in "You should return home Trevor, Lisa and I will take it from here" "Alright then, don't let them do anything stupid" Sypha says "I know that" Lisa says.

Ruby looks at Adrian, who's reading a book in "Why am I so tired?" Ruby asks "It was a hell of a week, literally" Lisa says "But we're all alive and well, so that's another situation we survived" "I finally found Vlad's coffin" Carmilla says "It's old, dusty, breaking apart and broken" "We'll fix it" Hector says "Why did you jump in front of me?" Carmilla asks seeing Ruby "Why are you asking me that?" "I abandoned you, tried to kill you, nearly did kill you and Adrian and on top of that, you nearly killed me, so why?" "Since when do I need a reason to save family? Besides, those daggers were put in salt and drenched in holy water, you'd be dead on the spot", Lisa sighs sitting on the table "And why aren't you dead?" she asks "I'm a dhampir, not to mention a Belmont, I trained with anti vampire weapons and shit, I am however not immune to holy water, it hurts a lot".

They get Vlad a new coffin and put him in, Lisa and Carmilla, having both been injured pretty badly decide to use that methot to heal, leaving Adrian, Hector and Ruby to return to the mansion alone. "I'll make dinner" Adrian says "I'll go grab a few bottles of wine" Ruby points out heading to the basement, leaving Hector to check each room, but cursing soon makes him head to the basement at record speed and he sees Ruby glaring daggers at her old mentor as she pulls the short sword out of her shoulder "I suppose I should be thankful you didn't drink any wine" she hisses as the wound closes "Get rid of him" she adds heading back upstairs "Dracula's dead, congratulations" Hector says "Dump him off the bridge".

It's weird for the three to wake up without the usual arguments between Vlad, Carmilla and occasianely Lisa "It feels so empty" Hector says "I know" Adrian says "Wait! Where are the vampires?" "What do you think?" Ruby asks putting the plates with breakfast on the table "If they were alive then they would be here ri-", he doesn't get to finish when Ruby throws a dagger, hitting his head "He deserved that, let's eat" she says.

With the castle so well hidden and the village oblivious to the fact they're not human they actually manage to live normally for the most part and several years go by before Lisa wakes up "Lisa" Hector says "Please help" he adds, the kitchen is a huge mess and Adrian's trying to make a cake "Ruby made one last year, but I'm pretty sure this is the reason why" "Go back a sec, why would you need a cake?" Lisa asks, confusion clear in her voice "Well-" "Adrian I swear to god get out of my kitchen and make yourself useful somewhere else!" Ruby says walking in "But-" "No buts! Out!" Ruby cuts him off. Lisa carefully walks over to the hunter after she plops down with the bowl Adrian had been holding earlier "Want me to bake a cake?" "Lisa? When did you wake up?" Ruby asks "Last night, I think anyway, I can see my son can cook perfectly, but baking is a disaster" Lisa says earning a tired smile "It's been... four years" Hector says "Trust me, even my baking attempt was better then this" "His attempt was the best one" Ruby comments dryly "But at least I didn't make a mess this big, but Adrian said, you shouldn't bake a cake for your own birthday, so I didn't", Lisa's still confused about why they need a cake "Why-" "Ruby get up here!" Adrian yells from upstairs making her groan in annoyance "I swear to god, he can't even-" "WHY DO YOU NEED A CAKE?!" Lisa yells making the two other flinch at the loud voice "Chocolate please Hector" Ruby says before dragging Lisa upstairs.

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