22: Carmilla's rage

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"And that's the situation" she says looking at Vlad while she's leaning against the wall in the study "And you can't talk her out of it?" Vlad asks "Adrian couldn't talk you out of it, but it's more then that Vlad, it's also the fact they burned the Belmont estate to the ground, it's everything they ever did to me" Ruby says "And we wouldn't be in this situation if I had killed her" "But you couldn't". Lisa peeks inside and says "Carmilla's gone" "I'm tired" Ruby says "And it's not the 'I want to go to bed tired' either" she adds "Ruby, if anyone had a chance of stopping Carmilla it's you" Vlad says "I can't, I know she changed, she acted like a mother" "You don't have to do anything" Lisa says earning two confused looks "Well first of all she's gathering her troops now, she's planning this strategically, which will take a while, you're still injured and there are three people very capable of handling things like that" she says "Where's Adrian?" Vlad asks "I left him alone with-" "I'm here father" Adrian says and he puts Rose down "Trevor and Sypha will come as well".

After discussing things with Adrian and Rose, who butted in "It'll only be two years" Vlad says "Just don't think that running from your problems work" "I'm not running from my problems, I'm just... not getting involved" Ruby says and she hugs Rose "Keep her safe for me" "Of course" Adrian says "But is it smart to let Hector and Isaac live with Stella and Leon?" "It is" Lisa says "Time to go".

A year and a half pass when someone wakes Ruby "Told you it would work" someone says when the coffin opens "Why are we here Stella?" Gabriel asks "Getting help, unless you'd rather nearly lose your arm again" "Is this under the vault?" "Yes it is". "You two talk too much" Ruby says looking at them "Carmilla works faster then Dracula did" Gabriel says "Leon's trying to do what he can, but he won't last forever" Stella says and Ruby sighs as she puts on her coat "What about Rose and Adrian?" "Save" is all Stella says and she earns a nod. When the three leave the house Ruby sighs "And here I didn't want to get involved in this shit" she mumbles and Stella says "We didn't have a choice, we can't reach the mountain village anymore, I think she's blocking us from reaching the others" "One of you is killing her, just saying". Their first stop is a small village "Hey guys" Ruby says "Yes?" Gabriel asks "Duck" Ruby says and she kills two flying creatures "We should keep moving" Stella points out "We've been on the road since forever though" Gabriel says "I think we deserve a good rest after a week of travelling" "Get in the cart" Ruby says "I know where to go". Getting to the mountain takes a week and Ruby stretches, they only stopped to eat food or to bathe in the river "I can see the problem" Ruby says "You sure you're not rusty?" Gabriel asks "Positive" Ruby says and Stella readies her crossbow "Well we won't get very far by standing here" Gabriel says "Comes from the person who almost lost an arm" Stella says, Ruby simple walks on.

Adrian and Vlad are fighting the hordes near their house, while Sypha and Trevor are near the castle, Lisa and Rose are save in the study, Lisa had insisted she could help fight, but she also knew Rose needed to be kept save "I never thought I'd be happy to see you" Vlad says seeing Leon "I'm going to ignore the comment in favor of finding Lisa" the Belmont comments "The door's warded, you won't be able to get in" Adrian says, they hear growling and Leon turns around, but he's standing unsteady on his feet "That bitch fights unfair" he says "Where is Ruby? I won't ask again" Carmilla asks, but a giant black wolf pushes her to the ground "That's where I guess" Vlad mumbles watching as the girl moves on to the hordes "I warned you" Ruby says walking over to her mother "But after all the years of neglecting me you decide to act like a mother should only to do this when you learn what happened to me partly because you abandoned me" she says. Adrian keeps an eye on the two, despite Ruby's seemingly non fighting attitude he knows better "Stella, Gabriel, get Leon inside", Ruby jumps away from Carmilla and she doesn't hesitate to wrap the whip around her, that's dropped when Rose dashes over and hugs her mother "Mommy" Rose mumbles "I'm scared" "Are you hurt anywhere?" Ruby asks "No, Hector rushed in, Isaac helped grandma with the creatures", before Adrian gets a warning out Ruby is already gone from her spot, appearing next to him "Rose, I need you to stay with Stella and Leon, alright?". Gabriel walks over when Rose holds on tightly "Come on, here you wear my hat" he says "Hector, go with them to the belmont estate" Vlad says "M-mommy?" Rose asks when she's handed to the hunter "We'll be fine" Trevor says.

The five stay in the vault and while Rose is content sleeping for most of the days the others aren't "Mom showed me how to use the mirror" Stella says and she walks over to it "I guess this is how we'll keep an eye on them" Leon says "Leon what's going on?" someone asks and Gabriel raises an eyebrow seeing Lianne "The usual shit?" Leon asks before he hisses in pain "Did I mention she fights unfair?" he asks "Leon stay awake" Stella says after catching her brother and the other two run over "I'm fine" Leon says "Where's the first aid kit?" Gabriel asks "In one of these shelves"  Lianne says.

Ruby gets blown backwards, the snow breaking her fall and she sits up "She left" Lisa says "Any idea how much troops she lost?" Sypha asks "A lot" Trevor says with a sigh "But she'll be back" he adds pulling his sister "And she'll be a lot stronger" Adrian says "We should head to the castle, we can move it right?" Hector asks "I suppose so, but she doesn't even remember where it is, Carmilla I mean" Sypha says "She knows where the house is, but not the castle" "True, thank Ruby for that" Vlad points out "Let's get going, I don't feel like staying here" Ruby mumbles walking off "For once I think we can all agree" Lisa says and she lookw at the house "We'll be able to come back right?" "Yes, don't worry" Vlad reassures her as he puts his arm around her.

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