34: Attacks

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Tony Stark throwing a party is a common thing, but this time he compared schedules with everyone so all the Avengers could be there, well Ruby needed to help Adrian that day, which she didn't feel the need to mention "You could be at a party" he says while lounging on a couch in his clinic, he didn't have much to do at the moment, but the company was really appreciated "I could be, but we've been so busy I hardly have time for my family" she points out with a smile "Plus, we still have that problem" she says earning a nod "Well I'm sure we can figure it out, come, mother is making dinner and she said I had to help" "Why is she cooking when we're the only ones who eat?" Ruby asks getting up "Habit I suppose, also, Rose said she was bringing company, so that might be a reason". They arrive at the mansion, which is odd, since Lisa and Vlad remained in their castle most of the time, but they hear laughter from inside "And then he jumped!" Rose says jumping from the couch between two of her friends "Did you dress warm enough?" Ruby suddenly asks making the group jump since they hadn't expected someone to be there "Mom, dad" Rose says making the two smile "These are my friends, Gabriel, who you already know, same with Peter, but these are MJ and Ned" she says introducing her friends "And how did you get here?" Adrian asks "Well... grandfather said I could use the mirror" the young dhampir answers "Adrian, help out in the kitchen" Lisa says "What are you guys doing and why do you only have a candle burning?" "Oh we're telling each other ghost stories" MJ says "Those two have a unique taste in them though, they all seem to include some kind of demon" she adds "Well those are the best in my opinion" Gabriel says "But... Ruby, we need to talk about something" "Sure".

Gabriel heads to the dining room and he crosses his arm "You couldn't come to tell us there was a new vampire?" he asks "We were attacked and had Rose not seen the smoke it would've ended much worse!" "Why would... was it my father?" Ruby asks with a sigh, it made no sense he would attack the Belmonts though "And history repeats itself" Trevor grumbles from the corner, where he's leaning against the wall "Heard most of the houses burned down, we might have to give them the mansion you live in" he adds "But that's our house" Ruby says "Yes and we could've stopped him, but we didn't" Trevor says "Is there someone that can?" "Well my uncle is training me to hunt demons, but well, our weapon went missing" Gabriel says "You lost the Morningstar?!" Ruby yells and Trevor sighs, this wasn't good "We will discuss it with Vlad" he eventually says.

Dinner is eventful, though Lisa, Trevor, Sypha and Vlad each had their own excuse as to why they wouldn't join them, Lisa would be in her lab, Vlad in his study and the other two had to look into something. Ruby excused herself halfway, heading towards the study "I need to visit the Belmont village" she says. Once there she wanders around, inspecting the place carefully until she comes face to face with her father "Give me that" she says eying the weapon, though it's carefully encased in something "So you could use it to kill me?" he asks "No, so I can return it to the owners" she answers with a smile "It doesn't belong to me, Trevor or you, well none of us can even use it". The two circle each other, not really making a move to attack yet "I should point out that Vlad won't be killed by that thing" Ruby says "Trevor tried some... fivehundred something years ago, he failed" "Why are you calling him Vlad?" Dracul asks "Cause that's his name" Ruby deadpans and she shoots a few arrows before charging "You cannot defeat me".

Dracul regrets saying that when he gets in fact defeated by Ruby, although she doesn't kill him, she just takes the weapon back "Anything else?" she asks "Why aren't you-" "Because my days of demon and vampire hunting are over, unless there's an emergency and quite frankly, you are pathetic" she says.

With the weapon secured she heads back to the manor where she hands it to Gabriel before going to Lisa "You look terrible" Lisa says "Hadn't noticed" Ruby replies, sarcasm clear in her voice "Just give me the short version so I can find food" she adds. "There's no short version" Lisa admits after a moment "Go find food" she adds after that.

Tony loses the staff, again, so they have to get it back, again "Can I please go back to dealing with clergies and demons?" Ruby asks when she hears it "Well.... no, but you do get to fight robots, which means no holding back." Tony answers as they're outside the building "Right, well we're not getting anywhere like this." Ruby deadpans. This time the twins are better prepared and the retired vampire hunter suddenly finds herself back in Dracula's castle, on the ground against Adrian and she slowly gets up taking in the scene "Adrian?" she asks crouching down "Where's Vlad!?" Lisa asks running in "I don't know." Ruby answers quietly, so she moves to the hallway "Trevor?" she asks, barely making a sound as she walks and she finally sees she's wearing the old version of her outfit, turning the corner and her eyes widen.

She gets snapped back to reality by Tony, who's looking at her worriedly "Come on." he whispers "It was a trap." Ruby mumbles quietly, earning a nod. Instead of talking about what she saw Rose sits next to Natasha, resting her head on the assassins shoulder as she goes through pictures on her phone "You okay?" Natasha quietly asks after a while, earning slight shake of the head "I fucking hate that witch." Ruby mumbles "You and me both Ruby, you and me both." Natasha tells her. When they arrive at Clint's house Ruby gets pulled to her feet by Tony "Come on, we have time to make a plan here." he explain "Alright, but I need to contact my family, make sure they're save." she says "You'll be able to, let's go.", since Ruby doesn't feel like sharing a room she transforms into a wolf and lays down outside, giving her time to think, Adrian and Rose were save and helping with rebuilding the Belmont village, Trevor and Sypha were looking into this Dracul problem and her mother was well, her mother, doing whatever she wanted, the only one who had been too busy to talk were Vlad and Lisa, but it's fine "Enjoying the peace and quiet?" Natasha asks, making her friend look at her "I'll take that as a yes. I don't blame you, kids can be loud.", that earns her a sound that could be a chuckle, they could focus on their problems tomorrow "Rose wasn't that loud, must be because she's a dhampir, though she rarely shuts up about you now, it's kind of adorable." Ruby tells the assassin after changing back "Tell me about your past? Maybe I can figure out what you saw that had you go through all your pictures." Natasha suggests, so after a moment of thinking about it Ruby starts talking.

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