36: a huge mess

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"Look Fangs," Steve says when he sees her outside "you gotta eat something." "Unless you have fresh blood laying around I'll pass." Ruby mumbles and she looks at the sky, she wanted to see her family "I better go." "What is it with you and blood?" Steve asks, but she changes into a wolf and runs off. Natasha, who had been nearby, shakes her head in disappointment "You can't just ask that." she deadpans at him "Like you know!" Steve counters, earning a grin.

They do see Ruby again, this time she's fighting against robots who don't have a chance "Wow." Tony mumbles, it almost looked like their resident dhampir is dancing "We need to stop Ultron from destroying this city." Steve tells her "And what's with the robot?" Ruby asks sheathing her sword, so Tony explains "That was supposed to be Ultron's new body, now it's Jarvis' body." "Pleasure to meet you Ruby." he says earning a nod "Likewise, we should probably get these people to safety, I'll give you time." "You might want to step aside though." Steve points out, but Ruby uses her sword to deflect the laser "As I said, I'll give you time, now go!". She doesn't understand why there's a plan when it never ever works "Fuck, I'm getting overwhelmed here!" she calls, making Tony reply "It's a bit more complicated then it seemed Fangs, can you hold out?" "Probably, but my method might be a tad... overkill." she informs him so she dashes off, making the robots follow her until she's hanging in the air and she has two lava balls "Is that lava?!" Steve asks, not getting anything back but static "How are you doing that?" Bruce asks "We can ask her after this crisis is dealt with." Natasha cuts in as Ruby incinirates the robots.

"Guys, there's someone here claiming to be Dracul and he's a vampire." Steve says in the comms "On my way, keep an eye on him." Ruby replies, if he was there her brother wouldn't be far behind "Anything else?" "No, he's just staring at Ultron's location with something akin to disgust in his eyes." Steve observes, not a few seconds later Ruby stops next to him "Trevor, why is he here?" "No idea sis, I mentioned someone wanted to destroy a city and he was gone." Trevor answers as he walks over "So... can we kill him?" she asks tilting her head "If he is as strong as Vlad I don't think it'll be easy, but we can try." "Did you bring the Morningstar?" "I did, here you go.", Steve watches as Ruby first pulls on the gloves she always carries before taking the weapon from her brother "And you?" she asks "Silver bullets, let's go deal with the robots while we're at it.".

They defeat Ultron and somehow kill Dracul, but Ruby stops when she sees Clint shielding a child "Pietro stop!" she tells him before she transforms and she has to steady herself "Not silver, I'll be fine." she tells Clint when he looks at her "Nat, some help?" Clint asks, so the assassin runs over "We'll handle it further, you guys get out." Steve tells them.

As expected, sort of, Steve scolds Tony for the mess, but Ruby points out "Bruce and I helped him, you weren't opposed to the idea either, so please stop yelling useless things. I did just kill my father, again, so please think before you open your mouth." "She has a point." Vision tells them when Steve wants to opens his mouth "I'm going to take a nap, Nat, wake me when the idiots start fighting." "I think they're close enough for you to stay awake." "Everyone who agreed with Cap, get out!" Tony says "But-" "Also, you insist Wanda join the Avengers when she messed with everyone's mind," Ruby deadpans and she adds "her brother at least wanted to do something heroic at the cost of his own life." "Can't we look passed the mind thing?" Steve asks, making everyone cross their arms "Hulk went on a rampage, Thor flew of to who knows where and I saw my entire family get killed okay? All of them! No we're not looking passed that!" Ruby yells at him "I said out!" Tony warns Cap and Steve has the audacity to look a bit sad, but he leaves, Wanda following him, but Pietro doesn't move "I've already locked them out of the tower." Vision says, earning a nod "Look we can all blame someone, but you should hold a press conference about Cap leaving." Bruce says "Yeah, Fang, can you get-" "His shield, on it!" Ruby says and she dashes off, coming back a minute later with said shield "Good, at least he can't use that against us." Tony tells and she grins "I can put it in the Belmond hold, literally only Sypha, Trevor, Adrian and I can open it, it's protected by ancient powerful magic." "We may need a new base though." Vision tells them "Right, but where?" Clint questions "My house is off limits." "I can ask Vlad if we can use the castle, he barely uses it and Hector's demons protect it." "Alright ask, in the meantime, everyone, grab your stuff, we're going anyway.".

"Welcome to Dracula's castle, formally this time." Ruby says while throwing the doors open "All off limit areas are locked, don't ask for the key, armory is somewhere around the first floor, unless they redecorated and bedrooms are-" "I can handle the tour Ruby." Hector cuts in "Right, I'll go see Lisa for these injuries, be back soon, probably with food.".

After settling in Tony asks how Ruby had gotten permission "I explained what happened with Steve and that the tower might be compromised as a base because of it, I also told him we needed somewhere secluded for our safety," she sums up "he did hesitate a bit, but agreed as long as you don't wander where you're not wanted." "Seems simple." Natasha mumbles "In the events someone here decides to agree with Steve later, then what?" Clint asks, that earns him a smirk "Very simple, we toss them out, close the door, wait until the demons show up and once they leave the bubble protecting it they'll forget it's here." is the reply to that, making everyone glance at each other, a bit worried, but at least they'll be protected "We can leave safely right?" Natasha asks, but Ruby simply mentions to the mirror shards in a box "That leads anywhere, there's also one on the helicarrier, my house and the old avengers tower, but those are smaller." "So what do we do with Steve?" Natasha asks, so Tony says "We have a press conference tomorrow evening, everyone here has to come, in costume." "Won't Steve show up?" Bruce asks "If he shows up it's without shield, now, we have some allies who will join us, try your best to behave." Tony points out "I'll drink something soon then, the animals should still be alive." Ruby mumbles. It wasn't the most modern location, but it's protected and safe, for now Tony suggests they rest up "Hector, if there's any trouble, wake me first." Ruby says, earning a small nod.

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