5: Saving Dracula

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"We'll never make it to the top" Trevor says "Hold on" Ruby says grabbing her brother and jumping up, she jumps back seeing the entrance break "This is useful" Trevor says once he's let go "I don't have the whole flying thing mastered though" Ruby comments when it breaks down "We'll improvise" he says.

The two have it somewhat handled, with the exception that the stairs are partly broken "Sypha where did you put the castle?" they hear Alucard ask "On top of the Belmont hold" Sypha says making Ruby facepalm "You mean up here?" she asks "We should probably go" Sypha says realizing her mistake.

"Mother, are you sure you wanna wait?" Alucard asks "Well I can't really walk in right now" Lisa says "Fair enough" Ruby says "Ruby you go first with Alucard, Sypha and I will follow, once Lisa's ready you go and get her" "Or we all go in so Adrian and I can go after Dracula" Ruby explains "He's in his study" Lisa says "Last the mirror showed" "Alucard, are you sure you're gonna be fine?" "No" Alucard says looking at the two but they head over anyway. Inside the castle is a complete chaos, most likely due to the fact they were moved without Dracula moving them, however everyone stops "We got their attention" Ruby says "Ruby, Alucard, go to the study, Sypha and I will handle things here" Trevor says looking at the two who run ahead, straight through the large group of vampires. Isaac who was heading downstairs sees them and runs back towards the study "My lord, your son is on his way here with that girl you let go a few days ago" he says "And you are not going anywhere" Ruby says stopping in front of the door "Still wanna know what I wanted to tell you when you threatened to world?" she asks "Are you going to tell me?" Dracula asks "Depends" she says taking her sword "Would you believe us?" Alucard asks "That depends on what you have to tell me" Dracula says "Your wife isn't dead" Ruby says "Impossible, I saw her-" "You saw an empty wood pile on fire" Ruby counters, but she has to brace herself when Dracula charges at her "You dare lie to me about my wife?!" "Father, she is alive" Alucard says, but he doesn't let go of Ruby "You're lying" Dracula says "Go help my brother and Sypha" Ruby says, before Alucard goes to help he turns back to see Ruby's tossed against the other wall. "Trevor, hurry up with these guys, he didn't believe us, of course" Alucard says "So he's gone after Ruby" Sypha says "I'll go get her" she adds before running off.

Ruby stands up and blocks a punch with her sword "You're pretty good for someone who didn't have any training" Dracula says "Sadly enough that's not enough" he adds "Speak for yourself" Ruby hisses while trying to dodge and attack. They hear the fighting die down and footsteps running up "Of course you guys are here too" Dracula says, tossing Ruby towards them "I'm good" she says "Where's Sypha?" "Getting mother" Alucard says quietly "The sooner the better" he adds "No arguing with that" Trevor says "You really think that his hard head will see what's right in front of him?" Ruby asks wiping some blood from her chin "Are you sure you're alright?" Trevor asks "I was fighting Dracula and losing. What do you think?" she asks before dashing forwards again, followed by the other two "Are you sure we shouldn't have send Ruby?" Alucard asks noticing the reaction time slower then before "You two are our best chance" Sypha says running over and she says "She's coming, but she's dealing with some creatures outside" "Did you tell her to hurry?" Ruby asks "Of course" Sypha says, Ruby jumps behind Trevor and she winces when Alucard is hit on his back, turns out that vampires are a lot tougher then even she knew "The Morningstar whip, well played Belmont" Dracula says "But I am no ordinary vampire to be killed by your human magics, I am Vlad Dracula Tepes and have had enough!", a ball of lava comes their way and Sypha tries to reverse it, but she's losing her grip so Trevor goes to stand against her back, while Alucard tries to push it back with his sword Ruby jumps over it and disappears from view, so when Dracula tries to push it back again she dashes past and lands a cut "Ruby out of the way!" Alucard says, but she's blasted to the side and without asking for permission she follows after the other two. "Great" Lisa says "Sorry that took so long" she adds "You just missed him" Sypha says "Come on" Trevor says.

Ruby can hardly keep up with the other two, but she does eventually in a hallway and she punches Dracula away from Alucard when the latter stumbled and she manages to hold her own for a while, but she can't keep going forever and she gets punched against Alucard hard enough to send both through a door, however Dracula suddenly stops "It's your home" he says, barely loud enough for the two to hear "Adrian!" Lisa yells pushing past Dracula to reach her son "We weren't lying" Ruby says as she slowly sits up "Lisa" Dracula says "You should be ashamed of yourself!" Lisa yells turning around "Ruby come on" Trevor says running in and helping her up "We should leave them alone for now" Alucard says "We should get that looked at" he adds looking at Sypha's arm "They said they killed you" Dracula says "Are you real?" "Of course I'm real, now take a good look at what you've done!" Lisa yells mentioning to the two dhampir's who in all honestly, would be dead ten times already had they been humans, Sypha and Trevor move away, they knew Lisa somewhat, but to actually see someone stand up to Dracula like this is weird "I'm going to let mule over it while I'm going to see to everyone's injuries" Lisa says pulling the two away from the room.

Eventually they get pushed into different bathroom making Sypha and Ruby look at each other "Did we just get dumped here?" Sypha asks, surprised "Seems that way" Ruby says shrugging off her torn coat before taking off her boots "But we might as well enjoy a hot bath" she says "You're right, let's hope your brother doesn't make too much problems with getting into a bathtub" Sypha says with a smile.

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