8: Godbrand

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"What happened?" Sypha asks slowly getting up and she goes red as a tomato realizing where she's laying "Is this a joke you two!?" she asks looking at Ruby and Adrian, who both are eating a sandwich "What?" Ruby asks looking at the magician blankly "I see" Sypha says with a sigh, realizing what they're doing "Where's the demon?" "Dead" Adrian says "We killed it, Ruby has a good aim" he adds "I can't get up" Sypha deadpans "We know" Ruby comments with a grin.

It takes a while before Trevor comes too, but when he does Sypha asks "Are you gonna let me go or not?" "What?" Trevor asks, still slightly out of it "I know you have a crush on her brother, but seriously? You were kidnapped by a demon and this is how you act?" Ruby asks smoothly. Never have the two seen Trevor react so quickly "I'm sorry" he says "Are you alright?" "Yes, thanks to those two" Sypha says "They killed the demon, but I didn't know they could talk, it said something funny" "Did it now?" Adrian asks tossing the other two some food "Yes, it called you young master and said we were a threat to you two" "Not all demons are aware my mother is in fact alive and well, as much alive as vampires are anyway" Adrian explains "And it thought Ruby was my bride". They continue their journey after a while and this time Adrian and Sypha are sitting at the front "Look Ruby, I know you'll outlive me by a mile, but just because you're a dhampir and immortal doesn't mean that we won't be able to see each other" "Trevor, if you ever have a kid with anyone you cannot tell them that Dracula's actually a big softy" Ruby says "You can't abandon everything our family worked so hard to protect, so eventually you'll have to forget about me. This family has been hunting demons for decades, don't stop now, besides, I'll have Lisa, Vlad and Adrian to keep me company". They stay silent after that, but Sypha breaks the silence "We may have a problem, the villages think Dracula's dead, they won't allow vampires in their city, Belmont or not, you two will be spending a lot of nights outside" "That's fine" Adrian says "I can get to know Ruby better without Trevor interrupting us" he adds "You lay a fang on her-" "I can take care of myself Treffy" Ruby cuts him off.

Sypha's right, however the next village has a vampire problem in the form of Godbrand "He's been doing what now?" Ruby asks looking at Sypha and Trevor when they return with the report "He's unpredictable now that he thinks we killed Dracula" Adrian says "There's no telling what he'll do to us should he find us" "Sorry guys" Trevor says, but he does hand his whip to Ruby "You'll need it more then I do tonight it seems". So the two dhampir's, left on their own devices, leave to find a place away from the town to make a fire and eat dinner "What a surprise to see you two here" Godbrand says, but he doesn't get much of a reaction "Why is it such a surprise Godbrand?" Adrian asks "Well you killed Dracula and all, shouldn't you be at the castle?" Godbrand asks "With this sweetheart" "Keep your hand off of me" Ruby hisses narrowing her eyes, her hand going to the whip at her side "You don't have to so hostile" Godbrand says, but backing away nonetheless "No, you're the reason we're not allowed to stay in any of the villages" Adrian says "You won't even continue this journey off yours, mark my words dhampir's", with that Godbrand is gone, disappeared into the darkness.

Nearly at sunrise their peace is disturbed by Godbrand again, however he heads for Adrian, who's sitting closest to him "Adrian!" Ruby yells "Shit" Adrian says, his powers aren't working and his wounds aren't healing "I laced my claws in poison" Godbrand says "So you'll die too" Adrian says "Ruby, run" he adds "I'm not leaving you here to die" Ruby says and Godbrand backs away from Adrian when he's nearly hit with the morningstar "I can keep him busy long enough that the poison will kill him", but she can't do much when she's cut as well "You know Adrian. Really wish Vlad was here right now" she says as she keeps dodging, the killing blow isn't dealt by one of the dhampir's, but by Lisa "Vlad we have to get them back to the castle" she says "Trevor" Ruby says as she even struggles to stay standing "If there a cure for them?" he asks seeing Lisa "They need blood, human blood" Lisa says "But it has to be fresh" Vlad says walking over and he kneels next to his son "I can-" "They have to rest as well" Lisa says "Isaac and Hector can help" "Look I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I am probably not even going to see Ruby get married. I want to help her" "There's a way to stay with her" Lisa says "Ruby!" Trevor says when she collapses "They will be saver at the castle" Vlad says "Alright fine, at least tell me where you're going to move it" "We'll leave next month" Lisa says "Come back before then and find out yourself".

Adrian wakes up first, his head feels weird and he's tired, but he does remember what happened "Where's Ruby?" he asks seeing his mother's worried look "Resting, she put up quite a fight despite the fact she was poisoned as well" Lisa says "You can see her if you want" she adds earning a nod.

Adrian's not happy with what he sees though, Ruby's healed, but has a fever "Not how I wanted to show you your new room though" Lisa mumbles "If this is my new room... Mother are you serious?" he asks "Quite" Lisa says with a smile "Tell me if her condition changes", Adrian sits down on the bed and sighs "How long was I out?" he asks when Hector enters the room carrying a stack of book "Five days, Godbrand really wanted to get rid of you" the human says "You had a fever too, Ruby will be fine".

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