2: Gretis

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"How far until we reach Gretis?" Lisa asks slowly trudging behind her traveling companion "You should be able to see it in the distance, but we shouldn't enter now" Ruby says stopping at the edge of the forest, her eyes catch movement to their left, but it's gone as soon as it came "It's almost night though, perfect time to sneak in" Lisa comments "Exactly why we can't enter now" Ruby deadpans. Lisa hopes that their far away enough from the city for when the killing starts "So why are you doing this instead of just letting me tell him you're alive?" Ruby asks resting her head against the tree trunk "Because I was hoping he wouldn't do it" Lisa says "Besides, I need to know if Adrian is alive" "And he's here?" Ruby asks earning a nod "Well in that case, seeing as we haven't made a fire yet, let's go", the two enter the city and find a seemingly abandoned house "Oh I'm sorry" she says seeing a group of people inside "You came at a good time" the oldest says "The hordes are about to attack" he adds "Yes we know" Lisa says "The speakers that were in Targoviste said you were dead" one of the younger people says "Ruby here saved me" Lisa says "You could say I'm helping her with something and she's helping me find the castle" "You could stop this war" the Elder says when the two sit down "I'm sorry, I can't, I need to make this journey, I have to see what he's capable off and to see if he can revert back when he sees me" "He's mad with grief Lisa" Ruby says with a sigh "There might not a husband for you to return to, besides we have to make sure your son knows you're alive before he kills Dracula". The Speakers move to stop Ruby when she gets up and heads towards the door "I can't protect the entire town, but I can protect you" she says and she leaves the building before anyone can protect "She's like that" Lisa says "But she's conflicted" she adds "Afraid her brother will kill her should he find her and she find him". The night draws out long and Ruby returns in the morning limping and holding her side "I may or may not have tried to protect the entire town" she says leaning against the wall, but she collapses "Ruby!" Lisa yells running over.

When the Elder arrives with Trevor the last son of Belmont is surprised to see that familiar face "What happened?" he asks "She try the protect the entire town last night" the Elder says "Her friend is healing her, but she collapsed shortly after she returned "I know her" Trevor says rushing over to his last living family member when she moves and starts waking up "Ruby" he says. Of course being a dhampir isn't exactly a good thing when you're a Belmont, but he doesn't know so he's surprised when she moves away from him "Trevor" she says reaching for one of her daggers, but she sees them on a barrel, organized and cleaned "I-", Ruby's surprised when she's hugged "I'm sorry" she says pushing him away and within a few seconds she's gone and so are her weapons and cloak "I'm sorry" Lisa says "She's scared" "Scared of what?" Trevor asks, but he doesn't get an answer "She might be searching for our missing speaker" the Elder says "Are you going to help her?".

However when Trevor arrives he's not only met with a statue of the speaker, but Ruby as well, as if she had been fighting, but she's not one to lose a fight "Probably distracted" he mumbles, but even then not many things could beat her "Oh no" he says turning around when he hears footsteps. Ruby's not very happy to see her brother and she she turns around "I thought everyone was dead" he says "Look Trevor, there won't come anything good from me being near you, I should go, good luck with your sleeping soldier", she runs off and Trevor sighs "Ruby...".

Lisa is surprised when Ruby hugs her tightly "You're in need a parent figure" Lisa mumbles "We should leave before nightfall. I'm sorry, but I can't stay here" "It's alright, now eat something" Lisa says, but she knows that Ruby doesn't need food "Or... you find a clergy, we won't say a word to Trevor or Sypha" the Elder says making the two turn to her "The fangs" he whispers "I will go and do that, but afterwards we leave. Now how about the Bishop?" Ruby asks with a grin "Hmm, the guy who had me burned, go for it" Lisa says. In the church Ruby sees the Bishop, his back facing her "You unleashed a war upon us" she says walking over slowly "Ah the girl who wasn't afraid of a vampire" the Bishop says turning to her "Yes, but I haven't come here to chat. You see I'm terribly thirsty and well I can't find anything I like to drink in this town, got any suggestions?" she asks as her eyes glow red "How about the blood of the Belmont?" the Bishop asks "Ah ah. I am a Belmont, I don't kill innocent" Ruby says and she keeps walking forwards.

"She went to the church?" Trevor asks earning a nod from Lisa "Yes, she needed to have a talk with the Bishop" the Elder says "Something about Targoviste" Lisa adds, however Trevor's reaction is expected, he runs towards the church with Sypha following closely behind. The church is eerily quiet and the Bishop can't be seen standing where he was, but something's awfully off "How did we not know there was a vampire in this town?" Sypha asks seeing a hooded figure next to the disposed body of the Bishop "I'm a dhampir" Ruby mumbles, but the two hear her because it echo's "You mean half human, half vampire?" Sypha asks earning a nod "Doesn't matter" Trevor says taking his whip and sword, but Sypha doesn't move "I don't think you should attack" she says "She's a vampire" Trevor says "If you don't want to, go ahead and stay back". Ruby dodges the whip by swiftly moving to the side "You were in Targoviste, you told Dracula you would stop him" Sypha says "The speakers told us about that" "What's the point?" Trevor asks, Ruby appears behind Sypha and she grabs the Speaker by her neck "Trevor don't!" Sypha yells, but the whip grabs Ruby's free arm and he tosses her to the side, making her hit the wall "I guess I'll be dead before I even get out of here" she thinks "If you wanna kill me get on with it" she snaps "I was simply enjoying my well deserved meal, now burn his body please" "I want to see who I'm killing" Trevor says, but when he pulls the cloak away his heart stops for a few seconds "Ruby?" he asks.

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