37: Press conference

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"Is it true that you kicked Captain America out of the Avengers?" an interviewer asks and Tony nods as he answers "I did." "But why? You have people here who we barely know anything about." the same interviewer asks, this makes Tony annoyed, of course they would side with Steve "Did you bring it?" Natasha asks Ruby quietly, who nods slightly "Like, what about Ruby Belmont, doesn't she seem more a threat then Captain-" "I would like to remind everyone that without the shield he is no Captain America." Ruby cuts in as she walks forwards "As for how I may seem more like a threat, sure call it that, but I have witnessed a good man turn evil because people forced him to be, then I watched that same man realize his mistakes and fix it." she tells them, putting the shield in front of her "I will take full responsibility for creating Ultron, but know that your so called 'Captain America' did not go against it, he didn't stop Bruce, Tony or me. We did it to protect the people, we didn't mean to harm anyone with it." "And what about the fact you have Loki with you?!" an angry interviewer asks/yells "Oh didn't we tell you? Loki was brainwashed by an enemy we have yet to identify." Ruby deadpans at the guy and Tony steps back a bit. "I am sorry to interupt." Adrian says, so everyone turn towards the door "Found this guy trying to sneak it." he informs them, holding Steve by his coat "As expected, but good timing, we're about to announce a new person to wield the shield." Tony says, so everyone looks at him confused, they didn't plan that "And that person is none other then Ruby, who has spend most of her life protecting people, but more on that later folks, first a lunch break.".

"Are you insane?" Natasha asks as they're watching Ruby have a mini mental breakdown "No, she is the best next person to use it, she's insanely hard to kill, has protected both Barton and Pietro while she didn't have to, Pietro had it covered." "He may have had it covered, but he sure as hell didn't think it through." Ruby mumbles while standing up "Say I accept the shield, I'd need to change my name and costume." "No you won't, that's up to you, hell you can even paint the damn thing to fit your gothic theme." Tony tells her "Eh, that would be too much." she admits "You got five minutes to think of a name." Natasha points out as she points to the clock.

"I like the name Fangs." Ruby mumbles "And she has accepted to take up the shield, though she will not be changing her name or costume." Tony announces, of course they get interrupted and Ruby sees the glass shatter before any of them can respond to it "You will not take my place!" Steve tells her as he pins her to the ground, though she barely flinces "Yeah, watch your back." she says calmly "You broke a window, endangering everyone here, you're proving our point." Clint says, Steve is suddenly well aware that there's a sword pointing as his back, make that two "Let my wife/daughter in law go!" "Oh hey you two." Natasha greets them "Do you know what happened to the last person who hurt my family?" Vlad asks, so Steve slowly gets up "Not quite, they were vague." "Vlad threw him of a cliff." Ruby comments dryly as she moves Steve to the side so she can get up "And I really appreciate that, but I can handle myself." "Right, anyway, Lisa's expecting you all on time for dinner." Vlad tells them before he disappears, when Adrian's gone too Ruby aims her sword at Steve's throat "Get out of here with your little witch. I will not repeat myself." she tells him.

That evening the press conference is all the news talks about and Lisa is proud that Ruby didn't end up killing someone "You could've killed him couldn't you?" Pietro asks, earning a nod "Very easily, but blood is a pain to get out of clothes." Ruby tells him. Lisa's humming a song while handing out dessert, so Adrian asks "What made you so happy?" "Just proud of you two, you're doing so well for yourselves." Lisa says, earning a smile "Which I owe to you." he admits, but Lisa shakes her head "It's only because Ruby saved me back then.". "Well I triple secured the crypt this time, so I doubt anyone will try that again." Trevor says as he walks in "Also, you know the guy probably won't give up until he has his shield back." "I know, so I need you to take this shield and make an exact replica using the same materials my crossbow is made of." Ruby tells him "I can't." Trevor admits "Then bring the materials here so Tony can make a replica." Ruby deadpans "Will do little sis, but I didn't come here bearing only good news, come by the family graveyard tomorrow evening, wear black." Trevor tells her and a silence falls over the room "Excuse me." Ruby whispers before she stands up and leaves the room "Let her." Lisa cuts in when at least three people want to follow "I'm heading back home, Sypha needs me." "Of course." Adrian mumbles.

The next evening Ruby arrives at the graveyard, holding Rose her hand as the young dhampire tries not to cry "Cry if you want to." Gabriel mumbles "But Stella-" "Wouldn't want you to bottle up your emotions." Ruby tells her "We put her next to her husband." Trevor says, earning a few nods "Why isn't she buried in the crypt though?" Sypha asks quietly "They didn't want to." is the reply "If Ruby, or I, were to ever die we will fill those remaining spots.". They mourn Stella's death, but sadly enough life goes on "Why did Rosemarie refer to Stella as a cousin?" Natasha asks, that makes Adrian chuckle "They were cousins, Stella had a twin brother named Leon, but we don't know where he's buried." "Right the whole dhampire thing." Tony says "So all your immediate family is now..." "Dead, yes, the human ones anyway." Ruby says, it was coming though, she's just glad she still saw her little niece again before she died "What will you do now though, concerning the Belmonts still alive now?" Clint asks, causing a shrug from Trevor "Nothing, probably cut contact, they have no need for us anymore.".

The news doesn't switch instantly, but it does feature a little bit on Stella's death, but that's fine, since they're not mentioned "Fangs, go home." Tony deadpans "I would, but the demons are acting up." Ruby tells him as she puts on her coat "I'll go with you." Hector says as he walks down the stairs "Someone just killed one.", well at least it doesn't stay boring for too long.

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