25: Isaac's wrath

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Vlad and Lisa can't locate Isaac, which is worrying as hell, but they can see the creatures, Ruby has been feeling down the entire time, only giving Adrian and Rose a few smiles "I'm worried" Vlad says "She'll get over it eventually" Trevor says "She had this as a kid as well, my sisters didn't like her at all, so they often teased her about everything they could think off" "They sound horrible" Adrian says before walking off to find Ruby "The teasing stopped after she had snapped at them and ran off, they were telling her she'd never be a Belmont, we found her sitting against a tree next to a dead werewolf, it's still scary, imagine an eight year old killing a werewolf with only knifes and daggers. Anyway, dad carried her home and she slept for six days straight, she was injured and lost a lot of blood" "I found Isaac" Lisa says running into the library "And without strategic approach he's having the hordes attack everything and everyone" "Well now we know where he is-" Vlad is cut of by Trevor who says "I know what's bothering her!" "Well spit it out" Sypha says gathering books "Remember how she didn't feel she was a Belmont as a kid? It's the same here" Trevor says making the other confused, except for Vlad, who says "So she doesn't feel like she's a Belmont because she's a dhampir, but she also doesn't feel like she fits in this family because she's a Belmont" "Yep" Trevor says "Of course, add that to the fact her mother nearly destroyed everyone it's no surprise she's like this" he adds making Sypha look at him "That actually makes sense" she says "What's that supposed to mean?!" Trevor yells running after her "Are you sure Stella, Leon and Gabriel can handle it?" Ruby asks "Yes, they trained for this, and two of them are a Belmont, just like you" Adrian says "I guess", when the two pass the library Adrian shakes his head at his parents "What would cheer you up?" Lisa asks "Ice cream, chocolate ice cream" Ruby says "But we ran out and we don't have any other-", Rose walks over and she holds up her strawberry ice cream "If you promise not to eat everything" "That's yours" Ruby says and she crouches "You should eat that yourself" she adds with a smile "I know what would cheer me up" she suddenly says "Oh boy" "What is it?" Vlad asks "Can you get me to Isaac?" "Yes, but the others will be there by now" he says "I know" she says "But you don't have your weapons" Adrian points out, but the he sees the daggers hidden in various places on Ruby's outfit, her Belmont outfit "If it makes you happy to kill the bastard, go ahead" Lisa says "Why would that make you feel better though?" "Honestly. I can't sit by while shit happens that's not supposed to" Ruby says.

The others aren't surprised and Stella swears she sees her brother give Gabriel a small bag of coins, but they both deny it "He definitally did" Ruby says when Stella asks "We were also deciding who's going to open the doors" Leon says "Stella's too scared to do it" "I don't see you opening those doors" Ruby comments dryly, but she swiftly kicks them open and the three are once again reminded of the fact Ruby's not human when the metal doors hit the walls loudly "You coming or not?" she asks and she sighs seeing Stella mention behind her "There's a creature behind me isn't there?", when Leon nods Ruby doesn't even bother turning around, instead her sword is levitated to block the creature and she only turns around to kill it "I've never seen her this serious" Stella says "Wait... She's never like this?" Gabriel asks "She usually doesn't even bother with her abilities unless it's to turn into a wolf" Leon says, this makes Gabriel somewhat scared of the woman, especially when the next few monsters that try are very swiftly taken care of, either shot or cut in half "You three find Isaac, I'll deal with the monsters" she says "You sure you don't need help?" Leon asks "Pretty sure" Ruby says "Go on, save the world". Vlad lets out a chuckle "Something funny father?" Adrian asks "Have you ever seen Ruby fight seriously" "Yes again the clergymen, I think, it's hard to tell with her", when Adrian sees why he asked that he sighs "However thinking about it now, no she's never this serious, Trevor should see her".

Ruby has it almost too easy and she heads inside after dealing with the ones outside "Let's see" she mumbles and she senses more creatures then she thought there'd be and she decides to look for the other three, which isn't that hard considering that two of them are Belmonts "You three are annoying" Isaac says, so Ruby stands in the door opening, watching amused "You're just slow" Gabriel says from his spot up high "I think Ruby got to him near Targoviste" Leon says "I did" she comments dryly and a ball of lava appears above her hand, a small version of the one that Vlad had thrown their way years ago "If you throw that you'll bring this place down" Isaac says "Your point being?" she asks "I came here originally with the intent to kill you, so if those two would release those arrows and Leon can throw his knife, you'll get a new one by the way". The place does come down, but by then the other three are nearly outside and Ruby grabs Isaac's knife before walking off too "You know" Stella says making Ruby look at her "You're pretty scary" "I know" Ruby says "Let's go home" Leon says looking at Stella "I'll be fine, you guys go" Ruby says and she doesn't have to wait long before Vlad opens a portal "If he's still alive, I took the knife" she says walking over, it's just another day in the Tepes/Belmont household.

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