Clingy Chifuyu

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A/n: Hello anon, I love this idea. I hope I did it justice, and I hope you enjoy it. I hope it's okay that I made the reader Mitsuya's younger sister, it just felt like it fit for the way it was going. Feel free to request more or just chat. I hope you have a good day and remember to hydrate or diedrate. Requests are still open.

based on the above request from my tumblr

Word count:881

Paring: Chifuyu Matsuno x Mitsuya!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of canon death, not great clingy writing from an arospec person

To say Chifuyu was stunned was an understatement. He just found out that in the future not only is he married to his current girlfriend but they are killed at the hands of Kisaki. Multiple feelings were running through his head, happiness and joy that he and Y/n worked out even twelve years from now, but also sadness that his loyalty to the true vision of Toman gets her killed. What was he supposed to do? He could break up with her and save her from being stuck with him or he could help Takemichi stop Kisaki. Yeah that sounded like a good plan, just stop Kisaki instead of coming up with a shit lie to end a perfect relationship.

Chifuyu was pulled from his thoughts when Takemichi spoke again. "You can't tell anyone. Who knows what it would do to the future." He stated like it wasn't obvious. "I honestly shouldn't have told you, it all just slipped out."

Calming his freaked friend, Chifuyu spoke. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone, they'd call me crazy if I went around spouting about the future. Let's go get some food, and figure out a plan, Ok?" He asked, still shaken from the information but trying to push down his anxieties about it all.

After discussing plans with Takemichi, they decided that at the Captain's meeting, Takemichi would try to bribe Mikey into not letting Hakkai leave Toman, Chifuyu bid his friend good night and head home. Once home he sent a quick text to his girlfriend, nothing crazy just an 'I love you, and hope you have a good night'. Now on the other end of the text conversation, Y/n was confused, sure a good night text was normal, but why that phrasing their conversations were normally just quick and shortened texts because let's be honest texting on these phones sucked. Brushing off the confusion, y/n responded with her own simple 'good night' and fell asleep, after all Chifuyu was probably just being clingy, he did lose a close friend a month ago so it's fine.

The next day before the Captain's meeting, Chifuyu opted to invite Y/n out for a lunch date. Y/n wanting to spend time with her boyfriend happily agreed, meeting him at their normal lunch cafe.

"Hey Fuyu, not that I don't love the spontaneity, but what's with the random lunch date? Isn't there a captain's meeting today?" She asked as they entered the cafe. Y/n was in the loop with everything Toman, not only was she dating the vice captain of the first division, but she's also the second division captain's younger sister.

"Uhhh, yeah there is. I just wanted to spend some time with you beforehand." Chifuyu responded, grabbing her hand. He led her over to the counter quickly ordering their usuals and paying before she could protest. Once their order was placed they walked over to a booth in a back corner to sit and chat.

As Y/n took her spot on one side of the booth, she was confused as Chifuyu slid in right next to her, normally when it was just the two of them they sat across from each other, so this was odd. "Chifuyu, why are you sitting there?" She asked, trying to understand his weird behavior.

He just shrugged and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "So how has school been going?" He asked, trying to shift the topic from his random clingy behavior.

They spent the next hour chatting about random things and enjoying their lunch. But Y/n couldn't help but notice that no matter what was happening Chifuyu always had a hand somewhere on her, whether it was his arm across her shoulders while they talked or his hand brushing her leg as they ate. She didn't want to seem put off by the affection so she once again brushed it off as still being clingy after Baji passed. It was harder not to question it when they were leaving. Normally at the end of a date they would share a quick kiss and hug, before going their separate ways if they hadn't planned to do more, but it seemed like Chifuyu didn't want to let her go.

"You need to go, you have that meeting to go to." Y/n said, gently pushing Chifuyu off her. He hesitated for only a second longer before releasing her, pulling away with what Y/n would describe as a sad smile making her concerned. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" She asked cupping his cheeks.

Chifuyu just kept smiling and brushing her hands with his. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just love you so much." He said getting ready to leave.

Y/n just looked at him confused for a second, before chuckling. "Love you too, now go before Taka calls me asking why I'm keeping you from the meeting." Chifuyu let out a laugh at that, placing a final kiss to her cheek and running off. She was left standing in front of the cafe staring after her boyfriend's retreating figure. Sure he was acting a little strange, but you know what, she would take a clingy Chifuyu over a distant Chifuyu any day of the week, so she'll let it slide for now.

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