Chapter 16

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I held back the tears that stung in my eyes. I wanted to just shut down and pretend this conversation didn't just happen.
Malachi pushed past me and left the room, leaving behind the last bit of my heart on the floor. I could barely speak to make him come back and hold me. It hurt so bad and there was nothing  I could do to stop the pain.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Mitchell yelled for me to come downstairs to eat. That was the last thing I wanted to do.
"Come on bro before this food gets cold!"
I sighed in pure sadness as I threw on a hoodie and made my way downstairs. As I made it to the last step I noticed Malachi's jacket on the hook still.
I rushed into the kitchen and saw him sitting at the table.
"I thought you were leaving." I said in a pissed off tone.
"Your brother invited me for dinner, I wasn't about to turn down food." Malachi sent a snarky comment back.
Mitchell could sense the frustration in the air and took a seat himself. "Please enjoy it, it's a family recipe."
I took a seat and stared at my bowl of soup. Yes it smelled heavenly but I had no desire to eat.
"So, how long have you two known each other?" Mitchell asked.

Malachi and I just stared at each other before he spoke. "Just since the beginning of this school term. I'm new to the area, my parents went on a world cruise this year so I'm staying with some family. I met Luca in class and we hit it off since then."

I gritted my teeth to prevent saying nasty things.
"Interesting. I would've gone with my parents to be honest. This place isn't that big sadly we only got one bowling alley and a movie theater. The mall itself is fun but not as popular as one may think."

Malachi smiled. "I've seen my fair share of fun places, for once Id like to settle down and relax in a small city."

I finished my soup just so I could leave the kitchen and this annoying conversation. "I'm gonna go work on homework."

"Well alright then, we got more chatting to do."

"Knock yourself out." I rolled my eyes in response. Malachi had noticed and ran his tongue over his teeth in annoyance.

I set my bowl in the sink, rinsing the bowl before drying my hands. I walked past them and went back upstairs to my room. Once I shut the door, I felt a sigh of relief escape me. "That asshole."
An hour passed and I leaned back in my seat. "Ugh, I hate science." My eyes focused on my jacket which was tossed on the ground by the window. A clear bottle was sticking out from one of the pockets. I leaned forward in my seat and grabbed the jacket. "What are you?" I asked myself as I pulled out a small bottle of vodka.
"I guess it won't hurt." I opened the bottle and put the top of it against my nose to smell it. "Wow that's strong." I put it against my lips and took a sip almost immediately coughing. "W..o..w..ok.."
I shook my head and chugged the rest of it. The burning sensation running down my throat. It numbed the pain I felt in my heart while it warmed my stomach and face. I had a crappy tolerance and couldn't hold my liquor.

I must've stumbled out of my chair cause I was flat on the floor mumbling to myself. My head was fuzzy and ringing.


I could almost hear someone saying my name but couldn't quite pinpoint it.


I looked up from the floor and saw someone staring down at me.

"You okay?"

I giggled and moved my hands to the person's foot. "You..*hiccup* have nice *hiccup* feet."

Within a second my whole body was lifted up off the floor and placed on something soft and warm. "Mister?"

"Yes Luca?"

"Where am I?"

My vision was blurry but I could make out that it was a man that was looking at me.

"In your bedroom. I put you on the bed. What did you take or drink?"

I pointed my finger at the bottle on my desk and giggled. "Fun drink."

"You're drunk. Why did you drink?"

"I am sad doesn' me."

Malachi smirked and sat down on the bed beside me. "You have a boyfriend?"

"I left me.."

"I see. Why don't I make it better."

I shook my head and chuckled. "Noo. Noooo. He won't like that."

"Then you can refuse this." Malachi leaned in a kissed my lips. My body reacting to his touches in a good way. I kissed back and then my hands all over him. "Slow baby."

"To..uch me..please." I moaned into each kiss.

"I can't Luca. You aren't my type."


"You are gross and unwanted. I cant believe I ever liked you."

"Malachi what?"

I bolted away from my sleep with sweat dripping down my face. My bedsheets soaked and covered in puke.


I sat up and immediately puked on the floor. "Fuck.."

Tears started rolling down my face as I cried. "Please stop.."

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