Chapter 19

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Once we reached home I stepped outside the car door and immediately met Miles who was a complete mess. His shirt and pants stained with dirt and tears running down his face. "Omg Luca!" He hugged me tightly. "Woah! What's wrong?"

Miles was ugly crying into my jacket and I could see the smirk on Mitchell's face as he walked inside. "Come on talk to me man."

"Rachael broke up with me..she said it was because I'm too clingy.."

"I'm sorry but who is Rachael? I didn't even know you were dating anyone?"

Miles looked at me confused but then it hit him. " I guess we weren't dating..she was a girl I hooked up with at the party. I thought she actually liked me."

"Sorry Miles. Wanna come in and eat nachos and play your favorite game?"

Miles perked up and ran inside leaving me behind. I chuckled to myself.
I walked inside, setting my jacket on the hook. "Miles?"
"Bro! Come here!"
I panicked for a second and rushed into the living room. He was standing in front of the tv and pointing at the game that was on. "No fucking way!"

"You and lacrosse. You want to help me make nachos?"
"Yeah yeah I'll be there."

I made my way into the kitchen and gathered up everything I needed from the freezer and cabinets. I happened to glance at the wall clock and my eyes widened. "It's 4 A.M." 

No wonder I was still tired but then again I was more concerned with my Miles was out and about in the middle of the night. I stopped cooking and walked back into the living room. Miles was passed out on the couch with drool hanging from his mouth. I sighed and covered him up with a blanket. Thankfully I made enough food that if Mitchell was hungry he could have some. I sat down and ate silently. I took a few bites and thought to myself that maybe I should try to be friends with this Micah.  He seemed pretty chill at the hospital.
I pulled at my cell and forgot it was pretty much dead at this point. I plugged it into the wall charger in the kitchen. I had leaned against the countertop biting my fingernails nervously. When my phone hit 1% I turned it on and set the paper beside it.  After waitinf for eternity for the phone to turned back on, it finally came to. I went to messages and typed in the number that was given. I thought of what to say but the only words I completed was "Hey, Its me from the hospital." Like he is gonna know who it is. Ugh.

I waited once more with so many thoughts ringing in my head until my phone beeped.

4:30 A.M.
"Who is this?" I seem like a stalker.

4:30 A.M.
"It's uh..Luca. You handed me your number while I was in room 11."

4:31 A.M.
"Oh hey! Sorry, I forgot for a second. How are you doing?"

4:32 A.M.
"I'm good. Ate some food and now I'm just relaxing. Figured I'd text and get to know you if that's okay?"

4:33 A.M.
" Sure, I'm free tonight if you'd like to hang. Should I meet at your place or mine?"

4:34 A.M.
"Mine if that's okay. I'll send you the address."

4:35 A.M.
"Sweet. See you later."

I smiled at his text unaware that Mitchell was behind me. "So who are you texting?"

I screamed a little as I punched the air. "WHAT THE FUCK MITCH!"

He started laughing while I was trying to regain my heartbeat back. "Sorry little bro."

"Don't do that. What are you even still doing up? You're not tired?"

"Nah, I was about to get sleep but I smelt food and figured I'd come down and see what you were up too."

"Oh I uh was making food for Miles and I but he is out cold on the couch. You can have some if you want. "

"Nice, well you go to bed yourself. You're lucky its Friday. And you don't have school cause of conferences."

"Yeah. So later I was gonna hang with a friend if that's cool with you."

"A friend or hook up?"

"A friend Mitch. Geez I'm not gonna screw every person I call a friend."

"Okay well have fun."

I walked past him and headed upstairs. I laid back on my bed, my eyes starting to finally get heavy. Before I knew it my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.

"Luca you will never replace me. You can try but no man will ever come between us."

I jolted awake with sweat dripping down my face.

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