Chapter 29

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I fixed my hair in the car's rear view mirror before exiting the vehicle. I was a tad nervous to be exploring the job opportunities before me but it was important for me to stay alive. Without money I had no way of driving to any destination or finding a place to stay for the night. Sleeping in my car is uncomfortable and honestly I'm not wanting to waste another night in it. I opened the glass door to the retail shop, the pungent smell of old books hitting my nose. "Welcome to Angie's, how can I help you today?"

"Hi, My name is Luca. I saw your help wanted sign outside."

"Oh hun, you look a bit too young to be working. How old are ya?"

Her voice had a southern drawl to it along with a lisp. "I'm 16. I know I'm young, but I am in a bit of a struggle at the moment and could really use a job."

"I suppose I could use a cleaner and organizer for the time being. You do okay with sweeping and dusting off shelves?"

"Of course."

She smiled really big and took ahold of my hand. "Come with me."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Call me Lacey hun. My mom is Angie, you will see her here and there wandering the store on her off days. She is to watch over you on the days I'm not here; so be careful with what you do. You'll get pay about $13 an hour for the first 3 months and then you'll get a $1 raise. I know it's not much but 20 hours a week isn't too bad to start off."

"It's nice to meet you Lacey. Anything is worth it, and I won't let you guys down."

"Let me show you where you will be at today, that is if you'd like to start today?"

"Yeah, I'm not busy." I followed after her to the backroom where there were boxes of all kinds of items. "This is the restock room. You will go through what items need replaced on the floor and what needs to be ordered. If you come across expired items, right down the codes on the back and throw the items in a tote."

"Okay, sounds easy enough."

A few hours go by as I was taught how to do inventory and order new products. Occasionally Lacey would spew out some jokes which got me to smile here and there. By the time five o'clock hit I was ready to hit a mattress and pass out. I had cleaned every room and organized so many heavy items. My poor arms were starting to get sore, but I powered through it. 

"Alright hun, time to clock out for the day and get some rest. Here is your schedule for the next two weeks okay. Make sure to call us here if anything changes where you can't come in for your shift."

"Thank you, Lacey."

"Have a good night kiddo."

I waved goodbye before stepping out the door and walking to my car. I made sure to watch my surroundings every time I walked to and from my car. I slumped back in the seat and sighed. I was going to have shit sleep again unless I found a bed to sleep in. 

I drove around to pass time until I decided to pull over in a taco bell parking lot. My stomach was growling so loud and begging for me to put something in it that wasn't canned food. I checked my wallet, and I only had a $20 to my name. "Great.."

I was lost to thought until a knock at my window brought my back to reality. "Jesus!.." I turned and saw Micah staring into my window at me. I rolled the window down. "Yes?"

"You alright Luca?" He leaned into my car, and I could smell his cologne. "Yeah, just trying to relax before getting out to grab food."

"I see. Uh I haven't seen you in school for a bit. Everything okay?"

"Yeah and no. I probably won't be going back to school."

"Wait what?"

"I don't have the time to go to school. Plus, I don't have a home anymore."

"Did you leave home?"

"I was told to leave and never come back, or the police would be called. So, I'm living in my car for now."

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry Luca, I wish I could help you."

"It's fine, I'll be okay."

"Why don't you come stay with me for a few days at least."

"Look, I appreciate the help but I'm better off alone."

Micah sighed and stepped to the other side of my car. He got inside and pulled me into an embrace. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you."

"Ok. Uh..I hate asking but could you help me with food?"

Micah smiled and went inside to order us some food. The next hour we spent laughing and eating our meals. Micah made me feel safe and comfortable even when things ended weird between us. He got me a bit caught up in school studies before I followed him to his apartment. I parked next to him and gathered up some stuff to take inside. "You live alone?"

"Oh yeah, my parents helped me with this apartment when I turned sixteen. It's pretty rad, they help out with bills and groceries."

"That's cool."

He opened the front door and led us inside. The set up was beautiful and perfect, with plants scattered about to make it feel like an indoor garden. "I love it."

"You can have the couch for as long as you need, and don't worry about food or paying anything. Also feel free to use the shower or kitchen whenever you like. I can make you a key incase you get here before me if you like?"

"I appreciate all the help..I just don't want to overstep my stay."

"You won't, heck if you would like to live here, I have a spare bedroom that just has storage stuff in it for now. I can help you get a bed and dresser easy."

I hoped the tears wouldn't fall down my face, but I was a wreck. Micah rushed over and hugged me tightly. I couldn't describe in words how he made me feel and yet I knew this wouldn't last. 

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