Chapter 14

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Hours must've passed before I heard loud knocks on the car window. My brother was standing outside with of his friends laughing and pointing in my direction.  I groaned and pulled myself up in the sear and flipped off Mitchell. "Oh come on little bro, get out here." I sighed heavily and opened the door and stepped outside. They all smelled like weed, which is a typical for him. Mitchell always got high and ended up doing a bunch of idoitic things. "Leave me alone." I pushed passed him.
"Don't be so pushy little brother. What's got you pissed off?"

I turned around with such hate in my eyes before storming off into the house. I threw my backpack against the closet door and rushed upstairs. I managed to remove my clothes in a fit of rage and slamming the bedroom door. I sighed heavily and entered my bathroom, staring into the mirror. "Great more hickies. I'm such an idiot!" Tears swelled in my eyes as I gripped the countertop. "A shower will help. It has too..." I turned the knob to hot as the shower water ran. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, the hot water hitting my skin with pure delight. I sat down and let it run down my body, getting rid of the nasty germs called Malachi. It wasn't long before even the sight of my nakedness caused me to cry. "Why me...of all people?"
An hour passed and I emerged from the shower. Steam covering every inch of the room. The mirror unable to capture the redness of my skin. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet and wrapped it around my waist. As I entered my room, Mitchell was sitting on my bed.
"What the fuck!?"
"Hey, Im sorry bro."
"Get the fuck out of my room! I don't want to see you!"

"Listen little bro, I'm only here to apologize. And maybe see if you'd like to order pizza?"
"The last thing I want right now is food. Just leave me alone." I huffed out a response.
Mitchell sighed and stood up, his eyes darting to the clearly dark hickies placed on my neck. "What in the world?! What's with the marks?"
I turned red in the face but not from embarassment, it was from anger. I rushed forward and pushed him out the door as fast as I could.
Once he left, I slid down the door, my body slumped on the floor in defeat. I sat for a few minutes finding my composure before putting on boxers and laying down. I had set my phone on my pillow which was close to being dead. Thankfully nobody had messaged me or called me but a part of me wished Malachi did. It hurt knowing I was just a play thing for him.

I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.
*ding ding*
I slightly opened my eyes and grabbed my phone. I opened one eye fully to see who messaged and to my surprise it was the devil himself.
-"Hey Luca, just wanted to make sure you were okay and if you wanted to talk?"-
I groaned and turned the phone off before sitting up in bed. "I guess I better get up and get shit done today."
I threw on a sweatshirt and shorts before heading downstairs. Mitchell was in the kitchen making all kinds of noises to which didn't shock me one bit. "Mitch?"
"In here bro."
I walked into the kitchen and noticed he was doing dishes and rearranging a few things. "You know I was coming down to do those."
"It's fine bro, I figured you didn't want to be bothered after earlier."
I took a seat by the island counter and messed with the decorations on it. "Listen I'm sorry for the way I spoke earlier."
"No need, I was a hormonal teenage boy at one point so I know what's its like."
"That's not..nevermind."
Mitchell dried the last of the dishes and set the towel down before turning to me. "Something tells me you had a rough relationship with someone."
" can say that."
"Talk to me, what's going on and maybe I can help."
I sighed and fidgetted in my seat. "The person I like, doesn't like me back and obviously has a partner that doesn't know that me and this said person are messing around."
Mitchell smiled a bit hearing my response. "Interesting. Well I can say that I've been in that position before and it's not a great time. You feel that you aren't taken seriously and it breaks you the more you stay."

"Yeah, and of course this person doesn't know I know about their partner."

"It's probably best you say something to clear the air and feel better bro." Mitchell placed his hand on my shoulder.
"That's easier said than done sadly."

"Chicks are confusing yes but it's normal for you to experience this kind of thing with alot of women. Hell I know I have."

"It's..not a girl..." I softly hummed.

"What?" He sat down beside me.

"You can't say anything to mom and dad. I'm trusting you to keep this a secret."

"What secret?"

"I'm gay..."

Mitchell looked uneasy before he said anything.

"Little bro, what can I say? I'm bisexual."

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