Chapter 17

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(Trigger Warning* Self Harm*)
I sat on the bed with tears painting my eyes, my eyes puffy and my mouth tasting like a garbage can. I wiped away the dry tears and walked to the bathroom, holding onto anything I could to stay balanced. Once I made it to the bathroom, I turned on the shower and got in. I sat down and let the water hit my body as I kept my eyes closed. It felt good but it didn't fix my issue. I let water run into my mouth as I swished it around before spitting it out. "I smell horrible.." I grabbed my body wash and lathered myself in it. I was in a bad mind state and every part of my body wanted to escape the real world. I noticed the razor on the hook in the shower and took it. I broke the handle part and stared deeply at the blade. I slowly placed it along my wrist and I let the blade glide against my skin. I immediately stopped once the pain got too bad and watched as blood dripped from my arm. I let out loud sobs which caught my brother's attention. I heard the door open and the curtain pulled back. Mitchell had a look of fear in his eyes and took ahold of my arm before dragging me out of the shower. "Luca! What are you doing?!"

I couldn't speak as I was wanting to puke again.
"Luca we need to get you to the hospital now. Let's get your clothes on!"
Mitchell fought me like crazy to get a shirt and panta on until I caved in from exhaustion. Mitchell even wrapped my arm in paper towels before rushing us out the door. He buckled me into the car seat. I wanted to close my eyes but Mitchell yelled every five seconds for me to stay away. Once we made it to the hospital, he opened my door and drug me inside. The nurses took one look and nodded as they sat us down to do paperwork. A doctor had came in and escorted us to the back of the ER. I was told to sit on the bed and unwrap my arm. The doctor had sighed and grabbed a needle and stuff for stitches. "Looks like a simple stitch, we will have you good to go soon. What caused this if I may ask?"
I darted my eyes away from the doctor and sighed. "I was shaving and I slipped in the shower."

Mitchell could see past my lie but didn't want to cause more problems. "Is he gonna be okay doc?"

"Yes, he will have to wear a brace to protect the cut and he can't bathe or shower for at least a week and a half. Make sure to not over use the arm as well."

"Yes doc, thank you."

The doctor started poking me with the needle and sewing up my arm. It honestly didn't hurt as bad as I thought. Once he was done, he wrapped it in cloth before taping it. He smiled at me with such pitiful eyes. "Let me grab your discharge papers. Sir are you the father?"

Mitchell spit coffee from his mouth, choking on the doctor's words. "Umm no. I'm his older brother. Babysitting for a few days."

"Okay, we will need you to sign since he is a minor."

Mitchell nodded and followed the doctor out of the room.

I gathered up my stuff and waited for them to come back. My arm numb from the pain killers the doctor gave me. I wanted more than anything to be at home and forget this happened but I was stupid. I waited patiently for them to return as the sounds of the ER were drilling a hole in my head. 

"What is taking so long?"

I got up from the bed and opened the sliding door, Mitchell was standing at the nurses table. He was chuckling at something the lady said while standing a little too close for comfort. "Gross."

I leaned against the door fidgeting until a random guy walked up to me.

"You doing okay sir?"

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine. Just waiting on my brother."

"Ah okay. Do you need anything?"

I turned finally and noticed him. His curly black hair that was covering up his forehead. He had dimples when he was smiling at me.
He was wearing scrubs with a name tag that said Micah.

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