Chapter 5

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I groaned and pulled my hoodie down as Malachi rushed over. I tried to shut the driver's side door but his hand immediately blocked it from closing. "You going to the party?"

"Uh yeah, you?"

Malachi shifted his weight onto his left leg. "Yep. Wanna go together or you still hate me?"

"I don't hate you. I just don't particularly like you."

"Ah I see, How can I fix that?"

I sighed to myself thinking that this guy really knows how to get under your skin. But he hasn't really given me a reason to hate him beside the hickey. 

"Maybe but for now I really need to get going. I'm suppose to meet up with a friend."

He smiled and back away from my door. "May I come with?"

I thought about it and I guess it wouldn't hurt for him to join. "Sure, get in."

"Thanks you won't regret it."
Yeah I'm sure I won't as long as you don't touch me.

The drive there was pretty short considering it was just down the road. I took the car because Miles house is across town and it would look suspicious if I "walked" to his house.

There was barely any parking spaces left as I weelzed myself through the maze of cars in my path. Luckily I found one but I hated parallel parking. "You alright?" Malachi turned to face me. I was clenching my hands on the steering wheel. "No..I can't..I can't pa.." I couldn't speak but Malachi knew what I meant. "Get out and I'll park it for ya."

I nodded and gave a smile to thank him. As I got out, a bunch of teenagers were rushing inside to get the night started. You could hear the bass of the songs booming in your ears. The loud voices of boys cheering each other on in a game of beer pong and chucking down unhealthy amounts of alcohol.
"Alright good to go. Here's your keys."
"Thanks. I got to find Miles but I'll see you around."
Malachi smiled and walked off. Thank God he didn't stick around any longer. Miles was already doing shots as I approached him inside. "Yoooooo! Try this shit man! It's so good!" He handed me a multi colored shot glass with a clear liquid inside it. "What is it?"
"I dunno!"
"That's comforting!"
The music was so loud that it was hard to hear each other. I closed my eyes and threw the shot back like a champ. The burning sensation dancing in my throat. "Euhgg. That's disgusting!"
It wasn't long before another shot glass was handed in my direction, only this time it was a creamy white color. It smelled alot better than the last one.
"It's RumChata!"
I drank the shot and surprisingly it Wasn't all that bad.
I think the worst part of it all was I didn't know my alcohol limit and overdid it. The next thing I know, I was dancing with Miles and we both were sloppy drunk and hanging onto each other while shouting song lyrics. Thankfully we were the main attraction as couples were practically screwing on the furniture and others were high and wasted. It felt amazing to not feel like a loser for once. That was until I had a strong urge to throw up. My Stomach felt miserable and I tried my hardest to walk towards the bathroom. Only I fell forward until someone caught me. "Luca you alright?"

I looked up and smiled. "Hewwo Malachi."
He chuckled and helped me on my feet. "You smell like a bar floor. How much did you drink?"

I couldn't help but giggled and cling onto him like a koala. "Tooo muwch."

Malachi picked me up and helped me up the stairs where the nearest bathroom was. He locked the door and set me down on the bathroom floor. "Let's get you sobered up."

"Noooooo I dowt waot to bee." Malachi faced me and noticed that I looked pale. The urge I told you about, it was beyond holding back. I immediately threw up all over myself and the floor, even Malachi as he tried to help.Tears rolling down my face as I felt utterly embarrassed. "I sowwy!"
Malachi sighed and took off my shirt and tossed it aside as he ran a wet washcloth across my chest and stomach. He made sure to wipe off my pants which thankfully didn't receive the puke as much. After he was done I tried to stand but the overwhelming feeling of dizziness spread across my head. "Dont move, let me help you up."

"Ughhhh my...hewd.."

"Yeah but you'll be alright."
He led us to a bedroom that seemed to be a guest room considering Michelle house was like a mansion. Malachi had laid me down on the bed and locked the door so nobody could bother us. "You are alot of trouble Luca."

I groaned in response. I rolled over and sat up, setting my eyes on a shirtless Malachi. His chiseled chest with the perfect set of abs. God he looked like a god...
I must've blushed like mad because Malachi caught glimpse and moved closer. " ywu stay ower there."
"Why's that?"

"Cause...ywu are toooo much."
Malachi chuckled and moved even closer until I was pinned between his legs and arms. He left no space for me to even take a deep breath. "Luca, you don't realize how bad I'd like to do things but i wont take advantage of you like that."

I gulped. My body was hot and I felt my lower half screaming for attention. No no no way I was going to do this. I'm not ready for sex. I have no idea what to even do! Yeah I've watched porn before and almost got caught. It always looked so painful.
"Luca, you seem to think I'm going to hurt you?"
"I'm..scared." I managed to mutter out.
"Don't be. I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with."

"No...that's not it..I've never had sex before." Finally a full sentence that didn't sound like garbage.

"I guess I'll have to teach you baby boy."
Oh My God! Why did he have to say such cute things to me!

I leaned up and met his lips with mine. I could taste a sweet hint of strawberries as he kissed me deeper. Soon enough his pushed his tongue into my mouth which at first startled me but made me want him even more. Here we were, laying on a bed, both of us are shirtless and making out. Malachi spend no time as he moved his hands to my ass, squeezing them gently. A small moan escaped my mouth to which caught Malachi by surprise. "Moan for me again."
I could feel the heat rising in my neck and face, but this time from his words. He kissed along my neck, giving small but needy kisses along my jawline down to my collarbone. He stopped once he reached my already hard nipples. "Lets see how sensitive you really are."

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