Chapter 7

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Nate walked up the stairs and through the hallway before stopping in front of his father's study.
He took in a deep breath already dreading what he'll meet on the other side of the door.

He knocked lightly and suddenly wished he could high tail out of the house without ever having to return but that was impossible and would probably never happen for him.

He heard the low 'come in' of his father before he gently opened the door and stepped into the study.

He could feel the whole place tense up, more chiller than the rest of the house, all the gaze of everyone in the room rested on him.
He swallowed as the only one he could feel burning into his skin was Spade's, of course his father's eyes were on him too, but the only one he could feel deep in his bones and made him alert, was Spade's gaze.

He didn't want to look at him, not because he wasn't itching to see those grey dull and emotionless eyes, but because he was scared and nervous, he could feel his heart rate skyrocket, his palms getting sweaty, only one look at Spade and he would become a total mess in front of his father and sister.

He walked towards his father's desk avoiding Spade's gaze, he could feel the man's eyes on him and it made him more nervous than he'd ever been in his life.

"You're late" his father muttered with venom and he just sighed out, his eyes drifting to his sister who was sitting on the couch beside Spade.

"I'm sorry dad" he muttered before his eyes landed on Spade, and just like he predicted, he had his eyes on him.
Not in a glare or hard look, just a very intense one.

Like he was studying him, like a science project he was trying to figure out.
Those grey orbs bore into his soul, bones and deep inside his skin.

He could feel his throat bob as he swallowed hard, he couldn't look away, for some odd reason he couldn't look away from the burning gaze of Spade on him.

Spade was sitting with his legs spread wide and his hands intertwined in front of him.
He could see the small drop of sweat forming on Nate's face, and the movement of his Adam's apple as he swallowed not so discreetly.

He couldn't tell if it was fear or nervousness, but he knew the young man before him was threatened by his presence and he wasn't so subtle about it.

Spade could feel his own body itch with something familiar the moment Nate walked in.
Something he couldn't describe and it had been long he had that kind of feeling.

Something akin to excitement and amusement.
There was something about Nate that instantly stole his attention the moment he walked into the study.

"Let's get down to it shall we"? Greg's voice broke their little staring contest as Spade's eyes moved back to Greg
"Nathan, where is the contract I gave you two days ago"? He asked looking at his son.

Nate swallowed and looked away from Spade, he couldn't form his words, he knew what he wanted to say but his mouth suddenly had a mind of its own, refusing to open and say something.

His father was looking at him, with his lips quirping up already in irritation.
He knew his father hated tardiness and disrespect, and him just standing there not saying anything was sure a sign of disrespect to his father.
He swallowed hard again and willed himself to speak, at least say something.

"They're with me Dad, he dropped it off yesterday" his sister's voice saved him just in time, making his father give him one last disapproving look before resting his gaze on his sister.

He let out a sigh of relief, that was really close.
But why did he suddenly lose his voice.
His voice was doing just fine minutes ago and now it was like he was suddenly dumb.

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