Chapter 18

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He had never woken up this late before for work, he was extremely late and he knew it.
And he had an early morning meeting to get to

He rushed out of his apartment and headed for the elevator, passing through the empty hallway, with his keys and his hair barely combed, the elevator was about closing but he was fast enough to slid in.

"Sorry" he muttered to the blonde man in the elevator, who just gave him a small smile
Shoving his hands into his pocket.

Nate was panting hard, as he tried to catch his breath, he wasn't one to keep fit, actually it's been a while he ran this fast.

The blonde man looked at him, studying his features from head to toe, quite young, unruly brownish curls, not bulky at all, in fact he could be classified as lean and small.

This guy didn't look dangerous at all, he was quite young to even pose a threat to anyone, just 22.
He was still panting hard as the blonde man watched him, he was two, maybe three inches taller and could see a lot from up.

Why did Spade think this guy was a threat, to the point of even assigning him to watch him.
He's just a kid, he doubt he could even hurt a fly like this.

"Going somewhere"? He asked and Nate just turned to look at him, oblivious of the way the blonde had been staring at him since he stepped into the elevator

"Ah, yes, I'm kinda late actually" he rushed out smiling nervously and the blonde man just nodded

"I'm guessing you had a fun night"? He stated and Nate just scrunched his brows together his smile slowly fading

"Sorry"? He asked and the blonde just smiled

"You're late because you slept in right? Well most people usually sleep in when they had company the previous night, especially from a night club" he muttered easily and casually

"No, no, no" Nate rushed out chuckling nervously before scratching the back of his head "it's nothing like that, I just kind of had a lot to do last night, you know, work, so I kind of slept very late, and I usually wake up very early, I don't know what happened this time" he rushed out muttering the last part lowly

"Oh" the blonde mused looking at him

"Yeah, I'm not really a fan of tardiness, something I learnt as a kid" he muttered looking away from the blonde man

"Right, you must have a had a fun childhood then"? The blonde pressed still looking at him with keen interest and he just smiled nervously

"Something like that" he chuckled lightly, this is actually the first time he'd be having a conversation with anyone in this building, he didn't even know the blonde, well he doesn't even know any of the people living on the building, the conversation didn't feel awkward but he wasn't exactly looking forward to holding a conversation with a total stranger in an elevator

The elevator dinged indicating they had reached the last floor on the ground, he raised his head up as the elevator opened up, he looked at the blonde and smiled

"Have a nice day" he spoke up and the blonde just nodded with his hands still in his pants pocket

"Oh I sure will, you too" he muttered watching as Nate got off the elevator without waiting a second he dashed out towards the parking lot of the building.

Not realizing the blonde guy didn't get off the elevator, even though they were on the last floor, he just put on his shades and hit the button for the penthouse.

Compared to the problems facing Spade right now, this lanky, harmless kid was the least of them.
He does seem a little bit off, but nothing more than a closed off person, that's all there is to him being a bit off and weird.

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