Chapter 33

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Spade stepped out of his car, shutting the door he slowly trudged inside, he'd just returned from the club after a long hard day, but that was not the highlight of his day, infact it barely rested in his mind.

Instead he was thinking about one thing, rather one person, the whole day.
Virtually everything he did, ended up with him thinking about him.

He walked inside his house and turned on the lights before flinging his jacket on the couch, he walked around his couch straight to the kitchen, he pulled out a glass from his cupboard and filled it with water from the tap, bringing it to his lips, he drank it all at once, feeling the water quench his thirst.

Abandoning the cup on the island he walked out of the kitchen while trying to pull off his tie, he headed straight for his bedroom, opening the door and walking inside, he didn't bother turning on the lights as he finally tugged off his tie and flung it on his bed, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt as his mind drifted to what happened earlier that day.

He could still see the way Nate's face pressed against the wall and how uneven his breath was, it still felt very real to him, the feel of Nate's back to his chest, the way his wrists fit perfectly in his grip.
The smell of his aftershave and the smell of his shampoo.
All these messed with his sanity the whole day, everything down to the jolting feeling he got when his lips slightly grazed his earlobe.

He peeled off his shirt and threw it on the bed, before he starts taking off his belt too, memories of the amount of times he twitched today all because of one person and not just his fingers but his whole body, even parts he didn't think would move or get excited over just a small gesture like licking of the lips.

He'd seen girls and guys do that million times but why did this one feel and look different, like there was a special way Nate did it, that actually meant anything to him.

He pulled off his pants and boxer briefs, dropping it alongside his shirt and tie before walking towards the bathroom.
The room was pitch black, he didn't mind though, because it was his room and he could easily find his way around without stumbling or missing a step, or losing his way.

His hands reached for the door knob of his bathroom and he twisted it and pushed the door opened, unlike his bedroom, the lights were on and it shone through the door illuminating the bedroom, he walked inside and closed the door behind him as he opened the see through glass of his shower and stepped inside.

His bathroom was quite big, with a bathtub on the far left end of it and a shower just in the middle, still on the left side, a mirror directly facing the shower on the right side.

He turned on the shower, setting it at lukewarm temperature, he rested both his hands on the wall with his head down, and his back directly under the shower.
The water rushed out and fell directly on his back, touching the tattoo on his back.

It was a huge art of a man kneeling in a praying position, with so many knives pointed at him from all corners.
The tattoos occupied most part of his back, giving little to no space left on his back.
With the one on his forearm, it was drawn in a way that it looked like it was connected to the one on his back, it ran all the way to his back, connecting to it

He had another just on his chest but it was a lot smaller, a raven.
With it's wings spread free

He could feel the water slowly reaching every part of his body, including his face that was down, blinding his vision the water found it's way into his eyes, droplets of it.
Trailing down his whole face, he shut his eyes slowly.

The moment everything became dark, the image of Nate's face pooped up, not just his face but his eyes looking as they did earlier today, his tongue licking his lips like he did today.

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