Chapter 96

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They both dived into eating without saying much to each other, and true to Spade's words, the food was good, infact more than good.

By the time they had finished eating, Nate had already finished two glasses of the wine, while Spade was on his third, but unlike Nate, he was taking it slowly.

The table was filled with half empty plates of food, Nate felt kind of full, thank God he didn't eat much before coming here.
"Are you okay"? Spade asked gently as he looked at Nate, the younger man just nodded before picking up the glass Spade just filled up for him and taking another mouthful
Spade smiled
"If you're not planning on getting drunk, I'd suggest you slow down on the wine" he said teasingly, and Nate just dropped the glass, his cheeks going completely red again.
This made Spade to chuckle lightly, he liked seeing that red on Nate's face.

He wondered if he only had it when he was slightly embarrassed of a situation or if his cheeks also turned red when he was in the deep clutches of pleasure.

The image of Nate getting off and having a red beet cheeks made Spade to groan inwardly, as he felt his dick jump in excitement.
He needed to tame his little guy, not tonight.

"But you've already had three glasses already" Nate muttered his eyes stopping at Spade's filled glass for the fourth time

Spade smiled "that's because I can control myself when I'm drunk, and I hardly ever get drunk, maybe a little tipsy, can you"? He asked his voice going low, as Nate looked up at him, chewing on his bottom lips, this action made Spade's eyes to focus on his lips, watching as the part in between Nate's teeth was getting all the attention, and getting squeezed, he could feel his own teeth crave to have a taste of those sweet plump lips.
He brought his eyes back up to Nate's

"Maybe I can, or Maybe I can't"  he whispered, his voice holding a little mischief as if teasing and at the same time challenging Spade
"If you do get me drunk, you'll take me home" he whispered, his eyes holding something else other than mischief, they were soft and tender, they swirled with a little trust in them, like Nate felt safe with him.

"Do you trust me that much"? Spade asked, his voice mirroring Nate's eyes, as they grew gentle and soft, making the husk even more noticeable.
Nate swallowed as he looked up at Spade's expectant eyes, as if Spade was waiting for him to say something, something he wanted to hear

"So far you've stopped trying to kill me or threatening me, that has to count for something" he whispered.

It wasn't the answer Spade was expecting but it was close to home, and it melted his heart regardless, knowing that Nate no longer feared him, or hated him like before.
If he wasn't sure he liked Nate before, now he was almost 100% sure.

He slowly got up, missing the way Nate's brows furrowed, already missing the warmth and shield Spade's muscular body had provided him before.

Spade shoved his hands into his pocket as he walked towards the huge glass that overlooked the city, he could see the lights and other huge buildings, even the people walking down the streets, the cars.

He looked up and saw the black sky, no stars in sight, not even the moon had showed up tonight.
Normally he liked the sky like this, dark and cold, just like how the world was.

He turned around and he found Nate perched on his seat, his eyes followed Spade to where he stood.
He nudged his head to the side
"Come take a look" he muttered and he watched as Nate's eyes looked around as if he was waiting for some sort of permission, before he slowly got up and walked around the couch, stopping just beside Spade.

His eyes finally left Spade and landed on the view in front of him.
He gasped out lowly, as his eyes twirled with awe and fascination.
It was beautiful and breathtaking from up there.
He could see almost everything from a mile away, the tall building just opposite the one they were in, the lights were still on, and then he heard the honking of cars and the revving of engines, making him look down, he could see the cars from up there, even though they looked tiny, he could still see them, and he also saw figures walking on the side walk

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